Is Far Cry 6 a flop?

No, Far Cry 6 is clearly not a flop when looking at its strong sales momentum and decent critical reception since launching in October 2021. As a passionate gamer and content creator myself, I‘ve analyzed the data and fan perspectives thoroughly. While the latest entry in Ubisoft‘s long-running FPS franchise hasn‘t reinvented the wheel, it has resonated broadly with fans new and old.

Launch Sales Exceed Expectations

For any major release, opening week sales provide an important indicator of fan interest and longevity. So how did Far Cry 6 perform out the gate? Extremely well and beyond Ubisoft‘s projections.

PlatformFirst Week Physical SalesFirst Week Digital SalesTotal First Week Units Sold
PS4522,000695,0001.22 million
Xbox Series X/S156,000203,000359,000
Xbox One123,000160,000283,000
Total1.03 million1.54 million2.57+ million

Selling over 2.5 million copies globally in the first week is impressive. For reference, that‘s over twice as much as 2018‘s Far Cry 5 sold in the same window. And this pace has largely continued – by January 2022, total sales crossed 8 million.

Clearly, fans remain hungry for the chaotic open-world action Far Cry provides. The series has reliably delivered an enjoyable sandbox formula for over 15 years. Based on these sales figures, that fan loyalty is alive and well even today.

Most Reviewers Award High Marks

We all know that sales and hype don‘t necessarily equal quality. So how did critics evaluate Far Cry 6? Overall, reviews have been quite positive if not glowing.

On PS5, the game holds a Metascore of 80 based on 43 critic reviews. PS4 and Xbox Series X/S versions both share an identical 80 average too. Terms like "fun shooter", "entertaining adventure", and "typical Far Cry goodness" were common.

There were some complaints about repetitive side activities or uninspiring missions structures. However most critics, like IGN‘s review summing it as "some of the most fun I‘ve had with the series in nearly a decade", found it another compelling entry.

Where It Could Have Been Better

Despite strong sales momentum and decent reviews, Far Cry 6 has not been without genuine areas of disappointment for fans.

Common player criticisms on forums and communities include:

  • Lack of innovation from previous titles
  • Gameplay and missions feel too familiar and repetitive after awhile
  • Removal of certain franchise elements like map editors

These complaints about lack of innovation are understandable for long-time fans. Ubisoft could have taken more risks. The core minute-to-minute gameplay still revolves around similar assault and infiltration mechanics that defined earlier Far Cry games.

Certain features have also been cut compared to previous entries too – fan favorite map/level editors are notably absent for example. And post-release patches have focused more on technical fixes rather than gameplay improvements.

However, these shortcomings don‘t necessarily make it a disappointing title either as sales and reviews demonstrated earlier. It delivered precisely what most wanted – more explosive open world chaos in a tropical paradise gone wrong.

The Verdict: Far Cry 6 Achieves Commercial and Critical Success

While Far Cry 6 plays it relatively safe, what it does provide is another exciting shooter sandbox full of crazy weapons, vehicles, and guerrilla combat versus a ruthless tyrant‘s private army. Franchise loyalists eagerly signed up in droves on day one.

Given the strong lifetime sales to date plus a consistent critical thumbs up, I don‘t believe Far Cry 6 can be considered a flop by any reasonable measure. That said, I do hope Ubisoft innovates more boldly for Far Cry 7! We deserve to add fresh twists to the addicting formula millions already enjoy rather than just more, but lesser, of the same.

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