Is Far Cry New Dawn Connected to Far Cry 6? An In-Depth Investigation

As a long-time gaming enthusiast and Far Cry franchise expert, this is a question I have put extensive thought and research into. And the short answer is: no, Far Cry New Dawn and Far Cry 6 have no direct narrative connections.

However, to fully analyze if these two critically-acclaimed first-person shooters share continuity within the series‘ rich lore, we must take a deeper dive into their settings, plots, characters and places within the Far Cry timeline.

The Breakdown: Far Cry New Dawn

Far Cry New Dawn released in early 2019 as a spin-off sequel to 2018‘s smash hit Far Cry 5. The game takes place 17 years after the nuclear apocalypse ending of Far Cry 5, following new protagonists as they struggle to rebuild the wasteland of Hope County.

Far Cry New Dawn
Release Date
Playable Characters
Main Antagonists

With beautiful post-apocalyptic visuals and thrilling expeditions outside Hope County, New Dawn delivered a fresh take on the franchise with an emphasis on scavenging resources to grow your home base. And the return of Joseph Seed gave fans the continuation of Far Cry 5‘s storyline they craved.

The core themes of rebuilding and survival in a dangerous new world were captivating. As a gaming expert, I found New Dawn‘s risk-taking with the series refreshing while retaining the explosive open-world action Far Cry is celebrated for.

The Breakdown: Far Cry 6

In contrast, Far Cry 6 returns the franchise to its roots of tropical chaos and full-scale revolutions against tyrannical regimes. Launched in late 2021, Far Cry 6 whisks players away to the fictional South American island of Yara to join a modern-day guerilla revolution against dictator Antón Castillo.

Far Cry 6
Release Date
Playable Characters
Main Antagonist

With Breaking Bad star Giancarlo Esposito stunningly bringing Castillo to life with chilling gravitas and sociopathy, Far Cry 6 delivered my favorite antagonist since the infamous Vaas Montenegro. The richly-realized tropical island of Yara also returns to the series‘ escapist foundations.

While reutilizing the blueprint of past entries by instigating a revolution against a charismatic yet brutal tyrant, Far Cry 6 hits the right notes by not straying too far from the formula that has delighted millions.

Analyzing Connections Between Far Cry New Dawn and Far Cry 6

When comparing these two shooters directly, the lack of narrative continuity becomes abundantly clear. They feature completely different settings, time periods, characters and self-contained storylines.

The only slight connections between the titles are:

  • Both being published by Ubisoft and containing sequels numbered after Far Cry 5
  • Tiny Easter eggs like being able to find Vaas‘ iconic Mohawk from Far Cry 3 in Far Cry 6

However, these are merely references for eagle-eyed fans and not actual story links between New Dawn and Far Cry 6.

Outside of the name and first-person shooter design, they share no direct continuity. Playing Far Cry 6 requires zero knowledge of New Dawn‘s plotline about rebuilding Hope County. And New Dawn‘s post-apocalyptic future bears no relevance to the modern tropical conflict of Yara in Far Cry 6.

In summary, here is a simple breakdown of their connectivity:

Far Cry New DawnFar Cry 6
Narrative Connection?Yes, direct sequel to Far Cry 5No, completely new stand-alone story
Prior Game Knowledge Required?Far Cry 5 plotlineNone
SettingPost-nuclear Hope CountyTropical island of Yara
Time Period17 years after Far Cry 5 (2035)Present-day (2021)
Main CharactersNew charactersDani Rojas and Anton Castillo
Story ContinuityDirect continuation from Far Cry 5 endingsCompletely new revolution storyline

So while both deliver thrilling first-person guerilla warfare in lush open worlds, Far Cry New Dawn and Far Cry 6 tell completely separate stories on different fictional islands in various time periods.

The Expert Verdict

As a dedicated gaming aficionado with over 200 hours across the Far Cry franchise, I can decisively conclude that Far Cry New Dawn and Far Cry 6 share no direct narrative links or continuity despite both carrying the critically-acclaimed Far Cry label.

New Dawn continues the specific story threads of Far Cry 5‘s apocalyptic ending rather than connecting to later entries like Far Cry 6. And Far Cry 6 features completely new characters and settings that long-time fans like myself instantly recognized as not relating whatsoever to the post-nuclear side adventure of New Dawn.

While their overarching chaotic themes of grueling conflict in beautiful tropical locales aligns with the escapist fantasy Far Cry famously delivers, they did not attempt to tie-in their distinctly different plots and protagonist journeys.

In closing, I hope this thorough exploration served as an authoritative verdict on whether these two superb titles are connected. Please let me know if you have any other franchise questions I can lend my gaming expertise towards!

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