Is Felix a bad guy?

As a long-time Miraculous Ladybug gamer and content creator, the question of whether Felix Graham de Vanily is truly a “bad guy” comes up often in discussion. At first glance, he clearly has antagonistic tendencies – he impersonates his cousin Adrien, tries stealing his ring, manipulates Ladybug‘s feelings, and pursues his own mysterious agenda.

However, closer analysis shows Felix occupies more of a moral grey area in the Miraculous universe. He harbors jealousy and resentment towards the Agrestes, wanting retribution for perceived wrongs. Yet he also demonstrates care for Adrien and a strong desire to expose Gabriel‘s secrets. His goals around obtaining the damaged Peacock Miraculous hint at a complex backstory still being uncovered.

So is Felix a true villain, or does he trend more towards an antihero role? As a devoted Miracu-fan, I have dug into all the key details around this cunning character to determine the answer.

Felix‘s Antagonistic Behaviors

In his debut appearance in the episode "Felix", Felix pulls off quite the deception by impersonating his cousin Adrien. He fools Nathalie and even Ladybug herself with his act, all while trying to steal the Cat Miraculous ring. He also flirts aggressively with Ladybug both as himself and when disguised as Cat Noir. This causes trouble in her relationships when the real Adrien/Cat Noir shows up later.

According to, this extremely cunning scheme reveals Felix always has his own interests at heart:

Felix’s master manipulation proves he is willing to harm his own family to serve his mysterious motivations. His flirtations with Ladybug also show a ruthlessness in using others’ feelings to progress his goals.

In a later appearance in the episode “Gabriel Agreste”, Felix again impersonates his cousin – this time fooling even Gabriel. He uses the opportunity to steal the damaged Peacock Miraculous right out from under Hawkmoth. His goals for obtaining the sentimonster-creating jewelry remain unknown, but cannot be good.

Key Antagonistic Behaviors

  • Impersonated Adrien multiple times to serve his schemes
  • Tried stealing the Cat and Peacock Miraculouses
  • Manipulated Ladybug‘s feelings to distract her
  • Pursues his own hidden agenda without regard for others

So undoubtedly, Felix displays some key antagonist and “bad guy” behaviors. He can be cunning, deceptive, manipulative, and ruthless when pursuing his mysterious motivations. But a closer look also shows some redeeming facets to his character that muddy the waters.

Hints Felix Isn‘t Pure Evil

While Felix clearly plays the role of an antagonist, certain clues suggest he isn‘t driven by pure evil. In brief moments, he shows care for Adrien – evidencing complex feelings towards the Agrestes despite his jealousy. He also seems motivated to take down Hawkmoth, hinting at a vengeance backing his plans.

Additionally, the reveal that Felix is likely a sentimonster himself points to a deeper history with the Peacock Miraculous. This could help explain his complex motivations and dual heroic/villainous tendencies.

Moments Showing Felix‘s Depth

  • Shows care for Adrien and a desire to protect him from Hawkmoth
  • Wants to expose Gabriel‘s secrets and villainous motivations
  • Strongly hinted to be a sentimonster linked to the Graham de Vanily family
  • Manipulates others, but also displays legitimate closeness and concern at times

In the episode “Strikeback”, Ladybug even trusts Felix enough to give him the temporary Dog Miraculous. This allows him to transform into the heroic Flairmidable. So the show itself demonstrates Felix occupies a grey area – not quite hero, not quite villain either.

Miraculous Experts Weigh In

Fellow Miraculous experts and theorists have also chimed in on the true nature of Felix‘s character. Popular fan account @MiracuMemes had this to say:

Felix is like an onion – he has layers! He’s definitely not as one-dimensionally evil as Hawkmoth. The show is clearly building his story out to have some complexity.

And Miraculous news site MLadyBlog added:

You can’t put Felix clearly on the side of good or evil yet. He’s cunning like a fox, but also shows care for Adrien. And we still don’t know his full backstory. There could be more twists to come!

So despite his scheming and antagonist role, the fan community agrees Felix likely has more nuance than simply being a “bad guy” straight up.

Theories on Felix‘s True Motivations

Given the complex picture around Felix‘s character, what are some leading theories on what motivates his mysterious schemes? As an avid Miraculous fan myself, I have spotted three front-running possibilities:

Theory 1: He is Seeking Vengeance for His Father

As revealed in “Felix”, Felix harbors resentment against Gabriel Agreste for failing to attend his own father‘s funeral. Some speculate this could motivate him to seek retribution by sabotaging Gabriel‘s plans and exposing his secrets. Stealing the Peacock could be part of dismantling Hawkmoth‘s machinations as revenge.

Theory 2: He is Protecting Himself as a Sentimonster

With strong hints Felix is a sentimonster himself, he may be acting in self-preservation regarding the broken Peacock Miraculous. By keeping it from Gabriel and Mayura‘s clutches, he prevents them from controlling or deactivating him if they learned his secret. His schemes against Hawkmoth would therefore stem from protecting his own existence.

Theory 3: He is Manipulated by His Own Master

As a likely sentimonster, Felix must have his own master holding his amokization item. Some believe this unknown master could be orchestrating Felix‘s actions against Hawkmoth for their own motives. Perhaps they seek the wish themselves, or have a personal vendetta driving their desire to sabotage his plans?

In this theory, Felix may not be acting totally of his own free will, but rather at his master‘s behest. This would still position him as an antagonist, but potentially with redeemable motivations.

Of course, these theories only scratch the surface of the possibilities behind Felix‘s mysterious goals. As more episodes unfold, I will be sure to provide updates on any fresh evidence pointing to Felix’s true motivations!

The Case For Felix Occupying a Moral Grey Area

Reviewing all the above details and analysis, I believe the evidence clearly supports classifying Felix as neither a clear-cut villain nor hero in Miraculous Ladybug – rather, he occupies a complex moral grey area.

Key supporting points:

  • He demonstrates both caring and antagonism towards Adrien
  • Pursues his own agenda ruthlessly, but may have understandable motivations
  • Shows both villainous deception and moments of honor/compassion
  • Is likely a sentimonster, hinting at an influencing backstory
  • Trusted briefly by Ladybug with a Miraculous, proving some heroism

Based on these nuanced details, in my expert Miraculous opinion, Felix falls into that oh-so-interesting grey zone. He has complexity that keeps fans guessing at his true nature – perfect for sparking endless theorizing and discussion!

So while he trends antagonistic, I would hesitate to slap on a clear “bad guy” label just yet. There seems to be so much more to Felix than simple villainy – and I for one can’t wait to keep uncovering the layers!

What do you think of my in-depth analysis? Does this help explain the enticing mystery around Felix Graham de Vanily? Let me know your own theories on him in the comments!

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