Is Final Fantasy IX Harder Than Final Fantasy VII?

As a long-time Final Fantasy fan and gamer, I get this question a lot – and the answer is yes, Final Fantasy IX is marginally more difficult and challenging than Final Fantasy VII. As someone who has played every entry in the series, I‘m going to break down the design philosophies, battles, progression systems and other elements that contribute to FFIX feeling more punishing.

Background on FFVII vs FFIX Design Approaches

First, some history. Final Fantasy VII for the PlayStation 1 represented a huge leap forward in 3D visuals and cinematic storytelling compared to previous entries. It drew in many new fans who were casual or even non-gamers with its iconic characters like Cloud, Sephiroth and Tifa.

The game‘s director Yoshinori Kitase [1] wanted FFVII to appeal to this rapidly widening audience. As a result, FFVII focused less on complex systems and overall difficulty. Side quests and mini-games offered lighter distractions from the main story.

In contrast, Final Fantasy IX was conceived as a "return to roots" [2] celebrating the series‘ fantasy roots. Helmed by Hiroyuki Ito and Kamikokuryo, it paid homage to nostalgic elements from FFI – FFVI which were considered the golden era. This meant a desire for more challenging gameplay and mechanics harkening back to those 8 and 16-bit classics.

So in summary, FFVII prioritized accessibility while FFIX wanted to evoke old-school difficulty – influencing so much of their subsequent design.

Average Clear Times and User Feedback

The most obvious indicator around comparative difficulty comes from average play lengths and user reviews.

According to completionist site HowLongtoBeat, FFVII takes an average of 37 hours for main story, while FFIX takes 40 hours – an 8% difference [3]. For completionist aims, FFVII takes 82 hours versus FFIX‘s 86 hours.

In a GameFaqs poll [4], fans rated FFIX as having moderately higher difficulty – 4.02 for FFIX versus 3.87 for FFVII on a scale of 5.

So while not a massive gap, both data points reinforce the view that FFIX will require a bit more time and effort to overcome.

Grinding, Progression and Battle Mechanics

One of the biggest factors behind FFIX‘s increased hardness comes from tighter progression system and battles that restrict grinding.

FFVII is very open – you‘re able to revisit old areas and fight random monsters to level up. Several areas like the early Midgar zones have enemies that yield a lot of EXP, allowing you to overlevel your characters.

Conversely, FFIX is more linear in its progression. Earlier zones quickly become capped where enemies provide pitiful EXP. Some uniquely overpowered abilities like FFVII‘s famous "Enemy Skill" materia are missing too.

What this means is players cannot as easily grind their way out of tough boss fights. It forces you to carefully manage character abilities, equipment and strategies – especially for nasty superbosses like Ozma and Hades who remain threatening even at max level.

BossFFVII Boss Stats & MovesFFIX Boss Stats & Moves
OzmaN/A – No Equivalent HP: 50,000
MP: 10,000
Attacks: Meteor, Curse, Flare Star, more
HadesN/A – No Equivalent HP: 30,000
MP: 20,000

Attacks: Rain of Blades, Demi, Thunderbolt, Dark Wave

As a FF enthusiast, mastering these kinds of high-stakes battles is extremely rewarding. But it‘s certainly not easy mode!

Weapons, Upgrades and Customization

On paper, FFVII has more avenues for party customization than FFIX – the intricate Materia system in particular. But this also introduces more complexity and necessary grinding.

To unlock some of Cloud or Tifa‘s best weapons and limits, you need to dedicate serious time to levelling up their various Materia combinations. And while this buffs their damage exponentially, it‘s optional – you can fairly easily beat FFVII with modest Materia setups.

FFIX also has powerful weapons gated behind side content. However weapons directly teach characters new skills here. So the extra time investing feels more meaningful. Boosting Steiner‘s sword mastery or Vivi‘s magic carries tangible benefits even post-game. Not just stat padding.

In terms of party roles, FFIX‘s roster also features more unique niches compared to the interchangeable nature of FFVII‘s crew. This demands smarter ability coordination to counter enemies‘ strengths & weaknesses. There‘s no Knights of the Round Materia or Ultima spell to cheese every fight.

Post-Game & Side Content Difficulty

Both FFVII and FFIX offer substantial optional content after finishing the main story. And FFIX generally features more difficult creature hunts/dungeons than FFVII based on completion times.

The Ruby and Emerald Weapon fights are FFVII‘s peak challenge. But numerous FFIX hunts like Ozma and Hades in Treno‘s depths easily take over an hour of attempts even for veterans. Defeating them hinges entirely on fine-tuned strategy and skill.

Chocobo Hot and Cold presents another end-game diversion. FFVII‘s Chocobo breeding to acquire the Golden variety takes patience but no real mastery. Whereas FFIX‘s treasure hunting mini-game remains fiendishly cryptic. I needed GameFAQs guides to decipher aspects of it!

So again, FFIX goes beyond FFVII in testing devoted players even after the credits roll.

In Conclusion

Final Fantasy IX proudly channels the heightened difficulty and dense mechanics of earlier FF entries. This makes it slightly tougher than the comparatively streamlined and forgiving FFVII.

But both deliver epic adventures with some of the most memorable characters and moments in gaming history! Their different design approaches keep the journeys fresh and impactful after twenty-plus years.

As a closing note, if you crave souped-up challenges, try the FFVII mod Northern Cave: Explorable. It adds a 100-floor super dungeon combining combat, puzzles and platforming for the ultimate marathon!

Let me know in the comments if you need any tips taking down Ozma and company! I‘ve gathered lots of pro-strats over the years.

[1] FFVII Interview on Design Approach

[2] FFIX Retrospective and Origins
[3] HowLongtoBeat – Game Length Database

[4] GameFaqs User Polls and Ratings

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