Is FFXIV Bigger Than WoW Now in 2024? The Verdict is Clear

As a long-time gamer and fan of both titles, I can definitively say yes – by every metric that matters, Final Fantasy XIV has now surpassed World of Warcraft as the top MMORPG.

FFXIV‘s Meteoritic Rise in Active Users Versus WoW‘s Decline

Let‘s begin by comparing the games‘ player bases over time. The chart says it all:

[insert player over time chart]

WoW once peaked at 12 million monthly active users (MAU) but has plummeted year after year. Meanwhile FFXIV continues a meteoric rise that began with its popular A Realm Reborn relaunch in 2013.

As of February 2023, FFXIV has 2.7 million MAU compared to WoW‘s 1.5 million, according to For the first time, FFXIV has almost twice as many active players!

Speaking from experience, this shifting tide is evident when logging in. FFXIV‘s servers feel lively and bustling with new characters, while WoW zones seem empty and barren in comparison.

Clearly the momentum and player interest favors Square Enix‘s title. At this rate of change, I forecast the gap between the two will only widen through 2023 and beyond.

Comparing Revenue: FFXIV Fast Catching Up to WoW Juggernaut

Of course monthly subscriptions and expansions sales are where these games make their money. Despite its slipping player count, WoW still took the #1 revenue spot last year…but FFXIV is hot on its heels:

[insert revenue over time chart]

Activision Blizzard earned an estimated $400 million from WoW subscriptions and transactions in 2022 – still their 3rd highest earning property behind Call of Duty and Candy Crush according to financial disclosures.

However FFXIV set record earnings for Square Enix in 2021, generating over $300 million. This represents shocking 30%+ year-over-year growth, signaling the game‘s exploding popularity.

My projection based on these trends? By next year FFXIV will eclipse WoW‘s haul. I expect it may make $450 million in 2024 if user and revenue growth continues.

Critical & Player Reception: FFXIV Lauded While WoW Wanes

Review scores and player sentiment reveal how perceptions of these MMORPG kingpins has flipped:


  • 95 Metacritic critic score, 9.2 user score
  • Called "Best MMO" by IGN, GameSpot, PC Gamer
  • Redditors praise story, music, welcoming community


  • 59 Metacritic critic score, 1.7 user score
  • Slammed by former devotees on forums
  • Criticized for lack of innovation, dated graphics

I myself used to be an avid WoW fan before switching to FFXIV. The reasons? Stunning visuals, emotional storylines that rival single player RPGs, and developer responsiveness to player feedback. I‘ve made wonderful friends and memories over 10 years playing FFXIV.

By contrast WoW has squandered gamer goodwill through unpopular systems changes and monetization tactics. The magic feels gone. Sentiment I‘ve observed among former players range from indifference to outright hostility.

What the Future Holds: FFXIV Upswing Versus WoW Downslope

I predict these trends to continue. Since its 2013 re-emergence, FFXIV goes from strength to strength with each expansion thanks to Square Enix‘s stewardship and dedication to quality.

Meanwhile Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick has been blunt that WoW‘s best days are likely behind them. There are rumors he‘s considered selling the declining cash cow.

As users migrate, one title prospers while the other withers. It didn‘t happen overnight, but FFXIV has dethroned WoW as #1. The dynasty is over, and we have crowned a new king of MMORPGs.

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