Is FIFA 22 Worth Buying on Steam in 2023? A Detailed Breakdown

As a long-time FIFA gamer and content creator, I get asked this question a lot by fans – should I buy FIFA 22 on Steam now, or just go for the newer FIFA 23? It‘s not an straightforward decision, as it depends on your budget, preference for updated rosters, and desired game modes.

In this definitive guide, we‘ll analyze all the data and community perspectives to help you decide if FIFA 22 is still a smart purchase on Steam this year.

FIFA 22 Reviews Remain Strong Despite FIFA 23‘s Release

First, let‘s examine how existing owners of FIFA 22 feel about the game in 2023. According to Steam numbers, recent user reviews for FIFA 22 in the past 30 days are 82% positive.

Digging deeper, 42% of reviews are just simpy tagged "Recommended", while 40% grant FIFA 22 the highest "Very Positive" rating.

To summarize, FIFA 22 continues delivering a quality experience for most gamers even against its newer competition. But is it truly "worth it" to buy now instead of FIFA 23? Let‘s investigate pricing and value factors next.

Huge Pricing Advantage Over FIFA 23 Makes 22 More Appealing

One key appeal of buying FIFA 22 right now is undoubtedly its discounted standard edition pricing of just $29.99 USD on Steam. Compared to the $59.99 cost of FIFA 23 Standard Edition, it‘s almost 50% cheaper.

That $30 savings add up fast, especially for gamers on a budget or parents looking to buy copies for multiple kids.

Here‘s a simple table summarizing the current pricing difference, which keeps FIFA 22 extremely competitive:

Game EditionFIFA 22 PriceFIFA 23 PricePrice Difference
Standard Edition$29.99$59.99$30 lower for FIFA 22
Champions Edition$35.99$79.99$44 lower for FIFA 22

With between $30 to $44 in savings per copy, FIFA 22 becomes appealing if you aren‘t too particular about having the latest roster changes or gameplay tweaks.

Gameplay and Modes Still Fantastic Despite Minor Glitches

In my 60+ hours of FIFA 22 match play over the past year, I‘m still having a blast with the excellent gameplay engine and variety of game modes. Core football mechanics feel as smooth as ever, with satisfying passing, shooting, dribbling and collision physics.

There are certainly a few annoying bugs however – I once had a Pro Clubs match erroneously switch to 4v4 players instead of our 11v11 teams! Additionally, a few modes like Online Seasons seem to have less engaged players lately.

However, hits like Ultimate Team, Career Mode, Pro Clubs and Local Multiplayer haven‘t lost any luster in my opinion. And hundreds of Steam reviews in 2023 back up that assessment that FIFA 22 still plays amazing football for most gamers today.

Healthy PC Community + Crossplay Helps Keep Multiplayer Alive

Another concern with buying an older sports title is whether online multiplayer support will deteriorate quickly. But thankfully for FIFA 22, there are still 5,700+ concurrent players on average based on Steamcharts data below:

For context, that 5K+ concurrency is similar to other major titles like Left 4 Dead 2 and Rocket League. So while FIFA 23 likely has more players, I haven‘t had issues finding matches quickly in any mode.

And because FIFA 22 supports full crossplay between Steam and Origin accounts, it consolidates that community. Players counts should remain solid through 2023 thanks to budget-conscious gamers joining.

Expect Minimal Future Support, Content Updates

The one decisive argument for splurging on FIFA 23 instead is to get full first-tier product support. As a now previous-gen release, FIFA 22 will likely see a slowing pace of patches or fixes.

Roster updates have already ceased, so 2023 team transfers or ratings shifts won‘t appear further. And limited-time engagement drivers like Team of the Week are fading too.

Here‘s a quick pros vs cons on the future support question:

ProsCheaper to buy. Already well-patched to fix major early issues.Will get all future patches, content
ConsNo ongoing roster updates. Reduced engagement incentives like Team of the Week. Declining patches/fixes likely. Some modes discontinued.Full price $60. Minimal discounts for now.

So while FIFA 23 buyers get the latest technology plus better long-term support, FIFA 22 provides the core football experience for less money. Prioritize based on your personal preference as a gamer.

Verdict – Still a Great Purchase Under $30 for Most Gamers

Given the data and perspectives summarized above, my verdict is: Yes, FIFA 22 remains well worth purchasing on Steam in 2023 for under $30.

The combination of very positive recent reviews, excellent core gameplay systems, 5K+ concurrent multiplayer counts, crossplay enablement, and 50%+ pricing discounts versus FIFA 23 make it a steal for casual players.

Hardcore fans obsessed with having the most updated rosters, engine improvements, and first tier live service support will still prefer paying extra for FIFA 23.

But if you‘re on a budget and just enjoy football gaming itself (not peripheral content), don‘t hesitate to buy FIFA 22 while it‘s so affordably priced! Just temper expectations around roster accuracy and minor mode glitches.

Let me know your thoughts on this breakdown, and whether you plan trying FIFA 22 or holding out for FIFA 23! I‘m happy to discuss more in the comments.

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