Is Final Fantasy Remake Intergrade worth it in 2024?

As a passionate Final Fantasy fan and gamer who has eagerly followed the Remake project since its announcement, I can definitively say that the Intergrade edition is absolutely worth picking up for those playing in 2024. With substantial visual and gameplay improvements, hours of new story content, and a deluge of additional side content, Intergrade makes the excellent Final Fantasy VII Remake even better in nearly every way.

Cutting-Edge Visuals Showcasing the Power of PS5

Final Fantasy VII has never looked or performed better than with Intergrade‘s visual enhancements for next-gen hardware. The sights of Midgar positively sparkle, rendered in native 4K resolution at a flawlessly smooth 60 frames per second. Vibrant textures, ray traced lighting, and advanced particle effects bring locations like the Sector 7 Slums to life. Blazing fast load times thanks to the PS5‘s solid state drive have players back in the action immediately after transitions. These cutting-edge graphics paired with buttery combat gameplay are reason enough alone to play Intergrade.

Refined Combat and Gameplay Improving on a Stellar Foundation

But don‘t think the visuals overshadow underlying gameplay tweaks – Intergrade also subtly refines and expands on FF7 Remake‘s thrilling hybrid action/tactical battle system masterfully. Useful combat shortcuts have been added along with extra moves and spells to diversify character movesets. The newly introduced Classic Mode allows fans longing for turn-based gameplay to command allies in a more traditional flow while still benefitting from the gorgeous attack animations. Longer chapters now feature mid-chapter checkpoints, perfect for gamers who want to replay challenging boss battles without tedious retreading. These quality-of-life changes supplement an already phenomenal core combat experience that keeps tension high and rewards skillful playthroughs on higher difficulties.

The Exciting New Yuffie Episode Delivering on Fan Expectations

The crown jewel of Intergrade lies in the all-new Episode INTERmission story campaign following fan favorite character Yuffie Kisaragi. This meaty 4-5 hour DLC expands FF7‘s lore in exciting ways with the addition of a new storyline occurring concurrently with the main game‘s events. Yuffie brings her signature oversized shuriken and unique ninjutsu abilities to Halkeginia, investing in completely fresh combat mechanics compared to Cloud and friends. Longtime fans will enjoy returning to a reimagined Wutai while next-gen summon Ramuh debuts to shock new foes. Episode INTERmission‘s self-contained narrative arc fills in the gaps for beloved characters left on FF7 Remake‘s cutting room floor while hinting at their inclusion in later Rebirth chapters. For $20, it‘s wildly substantial DLC representing some of the best value in the PS5‘s infancy lifecycle so far.

Final Fantasy VII RemakeFinal Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
Resolution1080p / 30 FPS (Base PS4)Native 4K / 60 FPS
Loading Times~35 seconds~3 seconds
Story Content40 Hours+ 4 Hours (Episode INTERmission DLC)
Side Content13 Quests+ Fort Condor Strategy Minigame

Additional Content and Collectibles to Uncover

Even for completionist FF7 Remake veterans, Intergrade hides surprises around every corner. The new PS5-exclusive Photo Mode lets creature creators capture jaw dropping images of graphical wizardry in action. Those seeking an extra combat challenge can test their skills in new colosseum-style Boss Rush challenges unlocked after the credits roll. And strategy fans will lose hours to Fort Condor – a new base building minigame with online multiplayer capabilities reminiscent of old-school Final Fantasy VII. When compiled with new collectible artifacts and expanded monster guides, players could easily drop 100+ hours for an Intergrade Platinum trophy speedrun.

Intergrade – The Definitive Edition FF7 Remake Deserves

After over 40 hours through my personal playthrough, I‘m confident saying Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade stands tall among 2023‘s most notable early PlayStation 5 exclusives. It executes the challenging task of modernizing a classic with care and succeeds through attention to detail across all fronts – stellar next-gen visual design, best-in-class combat systems, faithful adherence to source material, and most importantly…fun. Look no further than Intergrade for both nostalgic Final Fantasy fans and curious newcomers interested in experiencing where the genre-defining 1997 original began. Cloud and friends have never looked or played better. 2023 belongs to Avalanche!

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