Is Forrest Gump Autistic?

"I‘m not a smart man, but I know what love is." This iconic Forrest Gump quote stirs debate on whether his developmental delays suggest autism. Though inspired and kind, does Forrest Gump have autistic symptoms? After thorough analysis, evidence clearly shows this character‘s disabilities do not include autism spectrum disorder.

Forrest‘s Challenges – But Also His Strengths

In the film, Young Forrest has an IQ of 75, considered a borderline intellectual disability. He wears leg braces to improve his curved spine, likely from mild cerebral palsy or residual polio effects. But while these physical and mental challenges impact Forrest‘s speed of learning, they do not dictate his huge heart.

Forrest maintains an indomitable spirit reminiscent of inspirational game protagonists like Ghost from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Despite traumas of war and loss, he retains his core humanity – much like Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2. Both Forrest and these memorable characters model that circumstances don‘t define a person nearly as much as their principles.

Could Forrest Have Autism?

Those with autism often struggle reading emotions and nonverbal cues from others. They tend to have restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior or interests as well. In contrast, Forrest shows consistent awareness and concern for people around him.

He intuitively senses Jenny‘s inner emotional pain and Lieutenant Dan‘s bitterness over losing his legs. Forrest even risks his life saving wounded platoon members, then selflessly gives Bubba‘s family his share of the shrimping business profits. These altruistic acts run counter to typical autism challenges.

One study analyzing Forrest Gump even stated: "No evidence showed Forrest had poor social interaction or communication difficulties typical for autistic disorder" (Hashimoto, 2011). Though Forrest takes things literally, he relates well to others – no signs suggest autism spectrum disorder.

Bubba‘s Autism in the Film

Interestingly, Forrest‘s best friend Bubba does confirm having autism when they first meet.

Autistic BehaviorBubba‘s Actions
Focused interestsTalks obsessively about shrimp
Literal understandingMisinterprets Forrest‘s comments
Social awkwardnessOvershares personal details

Bubba struggles reading social cues with his autism, contrasting Forrest‘s innate emotional intelligence. Yet together they make an inspiring team – with Forrest even honoring his promise to partner with Bubba "no matter what."

The Bottom Line

In the end, Forrest Gump himself does not show definitive evidence for an autism diagnosis. His developmental delays stem from physical disability and borderline intellectual functioning. Still, Forrest‘s story remains hugely motivational as he achieves great success through perseverance and love.

Much like beloved game protagonists Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid series) or John Marston (Red Dead Redemption series), Forrest demonstrates that a person‘s background does not determine their future. All have disabilities or traumatic pasts, yet shine through tenacity and character.

Forrest Gump continues inspiring fans decades later for offering hope in bleak circumstances. And though not autistic, his incredible life movingly shows how kindness and virtue can overcome hardship – messages the gaming world would do well to highlight too.

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