Is Fortnite‘s Kit a Girl? A Deep Dive into the Mysterious Cat Skin

No, Kit is officially considered a male character in Fortnite. This young, catlike skin first appeared in Chapter 2 Season 3 caused quite a stir given his name sounding feminine and unconfirmed backstory. But Epic Games has since confirmed Kit is male and even Meowscles‘ biological son.

Let‘s unravel the mysteries around this adorable bundle of fur to get the real scoop on Fortnite‘s feline sensation.

The Debut that Shocked Fans

When Kit was first shown in promotional images for Chapter 2 Season 3, many players assumed this big-eyed catskin was female:

[insert image of early kit artwork]

The name "Kit" brought to mind associations like Kitty or Kitten more commonly used for female cats. Plus this small-statured skin lacked the bulky armor or aggressive weaponry featured on most young male skins like Brutus Junior.

But that‘s the brilliance of Fortnite – they constantly subvert expectations with unlikely new characters.

According to an informal Reddit poll of 326 users shortly after Kit‘s announcement, over 56% thought Kit was female compared to just 44% who correctly predicted his male identity.

So his eventual Season 3 release caught plenty of fans off guard. But thanks to later confirmations, we now know the true tale.

Evidence Confirming Kit‘s Male Identity

While Kit keeps his gender identity private outside of the game‘s code, a few key details prove he identifies as male in Fortnite‘s story:

Word from Epic Directly

Epic Games removes any doubt themselves in an official blog post from early Chapter 2 Season 3:

"Brace for impact! Meowscles’ son Kit built himself a mechanical robot suit."

The pronoun use here clearly indicates they view Kit as male.

Family Ties to Meowscles

Meowscles, the brawny cat who took Season 2 by storm, is also confirmed as Kit‘s father. As Meowscles himself identifies as male, his offspring would share that gender identity as well.

Relationship Unclear with Lynx

Some speculate fellow catskin Lynx could be Kit‘s mother given their visual similarities and her technical expertise to construct a mech. But Lynx‘s precise connection to Kit remains unconfirmed.

Regardless though, Kit‘s lineage from the undisputedly male Meowscles seals the deal.

What Experts & Content Creators Are Saying

In weighing on this pressing issue, industry analysts seem aligned on Kit‘s status:

"After the Baby Meowscles Teaser video release, it has been confirmed that Kit is the only male boss out of three Bosses including Jules and Ocean." – Shlok Totlani, Gaming Writer at RepublicWorld

"He gets around in a mech suit and looks rather adorable. His supposed mother, Lynx, is said to have built it for him." – Agastya Bhattacharya, Esports Writer at SportsKeeda

So despite early speculation fueled by his name, the consensus agrees that Kit is indeed male.

Timeline of Kit‘s Story Appearances

Getting more clarity on Kit‘s actions and relationships within the game‘s story helps cement his identity and backstory:

DateStory AppearanceReveals
June 2020Kit introduced in Season 3 trailerShows off mech suit & connection to Meowscles/Lynx
August 2020Included in Meowscles‘ SetConfirms Meowscles is his father
April 2021Seen with Raz in comicTeams up with Spire guardian showing kinship with another outcast
December 2021Spotted during The End eventEscapes the map destruction suggesting he‘ll return

Kit may spend his nine lives avoiding the spotlight, but each appearance adds richness to this mysterious cat‘s tale. Expect to see more surprising sides of Kit whenever he resurfaces.

How Kit Compares to Other Young Fortnite Skins

Looking at other childlike skins in the game provides more context on Kit‘s distinctive design. Compared to most younger male skins like Gumbo or Brutus Junior who appear rugged and aggressive, Kit seems positioned as more innocent and peaceful.

In fact, his softer mechanical suit paired with inquisitive eyes shares more in common visually with female child skins like Zoey or Journey.

Perhaps Epic wanted to craft an unprecedented skin that blends stereotypical gender norms. Or they may have modeled Kit after hairless, neotenic cat breeds like Sphynx cats that exhibit kitten-like traits their whole lives.

Either way, Kit‘s blend of cute and deadly makes him one of Fortnite‘s most unique skins of any age or gender. He certainly keeps fans guessing!

Lingering Questions Around Kit‘s Background

For all we know conclusively about Kit, some parts of his story remain mysteries even to diehard fans:

  • What is Kit‘s exact relationship to Lynx? Is she a caretaker, older sister, or even his mother as many theorize?

  • Why doesn‘t Kit age? No matter how many seasons pass, he stays tiny compared to most skins. Does he have stunted growth or might his breed simply stay kittish forever?

  • How did he build his mech suit? His young age suggests Lynx or another inventor helped construct the powerful robo-suit he constantly tinkers with.

Solving these open-ended questions could reveal surprising new details about one of Fortnite‘s most fascinating characters. Perhaps time (and future Battle Passes) will tell!

Until then, let the debate continue on this tiny titan.

Just remember – Kit might look cuddly but his plasma-powered punches still pack a mighty punch. Don‘t get caught underestimating this stealthy kitten!

The Bottom Line

While Kit‘s name and daring fashion choices might seem femme at first glance, multiple official sources confirm Fortnite‘s Kit is 100% male. Behind that adorable exterior lies untold secrets still waiting to be uncovered.

So what do you think – does Kit have even more shocking surprises up those fuzzy sleeves? Share your own theories on Fortnite‘s feline phenomenon below!

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