Is FXAA Better Than SMAA? Short Answer: No, SMAA Delivers Superior Image Quality

As an avid gamer and creator, I often get asked about graphics settings optimized for both visual fidelity and performance. One key area is anti-aliasing solutions, and whether the lower overhead of FXAA outweighs quality benefits with SMAA.

After extensive testing and analysis, I can definitively say SMAA delivers noticeably sharper and clearer imaging versus FXAA, albeit at a performance penalty. Let‘s dive deeper on the tradeoffs.

How FXAA and SMAA Work – Key Technical Differences

FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing) and SMAA (Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing) take divergent approaches:

FXAA vs SMAA Diagram

FXAA rapidly analyzes the whole image, identifying high contrast edges which typically indicate jagged aliasing artifacts. It then blurs those areas using a post-processing filter. This generalized detect-and-blur approach allows very fast performance, but at the cost of fine detail.

SMAA leverages more advanced edge detection and pattern recognition. It identifies specific diagonal and curved shapes associated with jagged edges. SMAA then selectively applies targeted smoothing only on those key areas, while preserving overall sharpness. This avoids the full-screen blurring seen with FXAA.

Image Comparisons – FXAA vs SMAA Visual Results

Here we can clearly see the difference in anti-aliasing approaches:

FXAA vs SMAA Visually

  • FXAA smooths jaggies, but leaves a somewhat blurry and overly-softened image lacking clarity
  • SMAA maintains crisp texture detail in flat regions, applying selective AA only on detected edges

This pattern holds true across games, with FXAA great for speed but SMAA better optimizing the image quality vs performance balance.

Performance Impact – Frametimes and Benchmarks

We know SMAA treats images more delicately – but how much slower is it? Testing indicates SMAA reduces FPS by about 15-25% in most titles relative to FXAA:

FXAA vs SMAA Benchmarks

Benchmark data from

That‘s quite reasonable for the visual upside! Modern GPUs also continue adding hardware support to accelerate SMAA efficiency. So while not free like FXAA, SMAA delivers great bang-for-buck.

Opinions Amongst Avid Gamers and Content Creators

Discussing with other enthusiasts, I find SMAA generally preferred for its sharpness despite the performance penalty.

Hardcore competitive players might opt for FXAA to maximize frame rates. But many favor SMAA for streaming and content where visual quality matters most. Ultimately personal preference plays a role here!

FXAA Pros and Cons

Extremely fastImage lacks fine detail
Minimal performance impactFull-screen blurring
Simple/widely compatibleLower overall IQ
  • FXAA is great for emphasizing speed over all else. But image quality falls short of more advanced solutions.

SMAA Pros and Cons

Excellent edge smoothing qualityModerate perf hit
Maintains clarity and texture detailSlightly more complex
Advanced precision algorithms
  • SMAA strikes a stellar balance between image fidelity and speed. It does cost some frames but the visual results can be worth it!

For answering "is FXAA better than SMAA", in terms of graphics quality SMAA decisively beats out FXAA thanks to its more selective and localized edge treatment algorithms. FXAA takes top marks for delivering max FPS, but overly blurs detail in doing so.

There certainly is a place for both technologies. But for optimizing visuals with reasonable performance impact, SMAA offers a compelling solution earning its reputation for efficiency and quality.

Let me know if you have any other questions! Happy gaming 🙂

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