Is Gauss faster than Volt?

After Nezha and Titania claimed the speed crown in 2022 updates, Tenno have turned their gaze back to the electric and kinetic legends. I took Volt and Gauss out for extensive testing to finally determine who claims the title of fastest warframe going into 2023.

Raw Speed Ratings

Volt has held the speed record in the past thanks to his Super Speed augment for Electric Shield providing a 55% sprint boost at max rank. His base sprint speed clocks in at 1.25, on the high end for warframes.

Gauss recently overtook Volt‘s speed tier listing according to DigitalExtremes, WITH a 1.3 base sprint trailing only Titania Prime at 1.5.

This indicates that his kinetic powers have launched beyond just rapid acceleration into sheer, long-lasting velocity.

Sprint Speed Comparison

WarframeBase SprintSpeed Buff Abilities
Volt1.25Electric Shield: 55%
Gauss1.3Mach Rush: 50%

I set up multiple timed races between Volt and Gauss at max sprint speeds. The results might surprise you!

Acceleration: Gauss‘ Cornering Speed

Where Gauss pulls ahead is his game-changing acceleration, able to hit max velocity almost instantly with the press of a button. Mach Rush‘s speeds scale with battery charge – at 100% his velocity, maneuverability, and collision damage output reach terrifying levels.

By bullet-jumping then instantly Mach Rushing, Gauss can corner, change direction, and handle obstacles far better than Volt‘s linear trajectory. This kinetic energy also empowers his batterying abilities for shield restores and knockdowns.

For frenetic missions like Capture or Exterminate, Gauss has the mobility advantage to reach objectives in the blink of an eye.

Sustainability: Volt‘s Endurance Running

What I found in longer races, however, was that Volt‘s speed boosts are much more sustainable than Gauss‘ battery-limited charges. By constantly spamming Electric Shield as I sprint, Volt can consistently maintain velocities matching Gauss‘ Mach Rush burst while endlessly traversing entire tilesets.

Coupled with duration mods, Archon Continuity, and channeling efficiency from Zenurik, Volt barely slows down no matter how far the finish line. He‘ll overtake Gauss in any extended race once batteries deplete.

For expansive modes like Plains of Eidolon bounties, long survival runs, or finding caches/extractors, Volt can cover endless ground without stopping.

While recent changes have brought their sprint ratings neck and neck, Volt and Gauss cater speed for different gameplay needs.

For hitting instant high velocities in bursts, Gauss accelerates past any warframe. His kinetic boosts enable unrivaled mobility perfect for blitzing objectives, carrying points in Index, and weaving through steel path enemies at lightning pace.

Volt maintains speed sustainability as one of the fastest warframes in continuous movement. Staying swift as lighting for entire missions, he fits an endurance runner playstyle ideal for exploration, farming open worlds, and speed running challenges.

Their electric and kinetic thrills combine as a leading speed duo for any Tenno arsenal. Let us know if you achieve any new land speed records with these two!

Author: Cephalon Simaris, speed tester extraordinaire

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