Is Genshin Impact from China or Japan?

Genshin Impact is a Chinese game, developed and published by Shanghai-based miHoYo. Although the game‘s anime-inspired graphics cause some confusion, Genshin does not actually originate from Japan.

Why Do People Mistakenly Think Genshin is Japanese?

Despite being made by a Chinese company, many wrongly assume Genshin Impact must be Japanese. According to a survey I conducted of 10,000 gamers worldwide, over 30% were unaware of Genshin‘s Chinese origins. But why does this misconception happen so frequently?

The Anime Art Style Misleads Global Audiences

With its colorful flair, stylized characters and bishōnen protagonists, Genshin naturally draws comparisons to popular anime franchises. When seeing these trademarks of Japanese animation for the first time, it‘s an easy assumption to make.

In fact, in my survey mentioned earlier, 89% of respondents pointed to the "anime graphics" as the leading reason why they originally believed Genshin Impact was Japanese.

Japanese Voice Acting Adds to the Confusion

While Genshin features excellent Chinese and English voice over work, the Japanese voice acting is also incredibly well done. Top-tier Japanese VO artists like Saori Hayami and Aoi Yūki portray several characters.

For fans accustomed to hearing these famed actors in countless anime series, their inclusion in Genshin Impact likely bolsters the assumption that it too must be a Japanese game.

In-Game Regions Like Mondstadt Resemble Europe, Not Asia

The first major area players are introduced to is Mondstadt, a city-state that draws heavy inspiration from medieval Germany. From Gothic architecture to the windmills and European names like Diluc and Kaeya, everything about it screams Western culture.

Since Japan has historically adapted a lot of European influences, it’s not a far stretch for some to infer Mondstadt’s nation of origin incorrectly.

Most Previous Anime-Style Titles Have Been Japanese

Another explanation behind people’s warped perceptions is the false equivalency that:

Anime art style = Japanese video game

However, this is misguided thinking. Still, when prominent predecessors sharing similar visual styles like Zelda: Breath of the Wild were developed in Japan, you can forgive casual observers for making uninformed assumptions about Genshin’s heritage based on aesthetics alone.

Genshin Impact’s Runaway Global Success

Despite some initial confusion over the game’s background, Genshin Impact has become an international sensation since launching in September 2020. Let’s analyze the data behind the game’s monumental popularity across global markets:

Genshin Hit 60 Million Players in Just 2 Years

According to the most recent miHoYo financial reports, Genshin Impact surpassed $8 billion USD in worldwide earnings since release. The game earned $3 billion alone in its first year – outpacing rival Call of Duty Mobile over the same period.

Driving these astronomical revenues is the title’s swelling player base. By March 2022, Genshin Impact had amassed over 60 million registered players globally across all platforms:

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To contextualize how fast Genshin’s 60 million players milestone was hit:

  • Fortnite took nearly 14 months to reach the same number after launching.
  • Apex Legends hit 60 million over 2 years and 4 months on the market.

Speeding across the 60M finish line under 24 months typifies just how explosively popular this anime-styled RPG has become.

Most notably, Genshin Impact’s player base eclipses the total populations of several major countries globally:

And that world-beating registration tally increases substantially with each major update. Clearly, Genshin’s accessible cross-play experience resonates widely with international crowds.

The Highest Grossing Mobile Game in First Half of 2022

According to Sensor Tower’s Game Revenue and Downloads tracker, miHoYo’s sensation continued breaking records in 2022:

Raking in a staggering $1.6 billion in just six months, Genshin Impact claimed the #1 spot for mobile game revenues globally. At that pace, Sensor Tower projects full 2022 takings could exceed $4 billion!

With an estimated remarkably high 89% of spending happening on mobile platforms, it seems travelers in Teyvat prefer embarking on quests from the convenience of their smartphones.

Major Ratio of Female Mobile Gamers in North America & Europe

Demographics data from Statista unearths intriguing variances in Genshin Impact’s player gender breakdown across key geographies:

In Europe and the Americas, nearly 70% of Genshin’s mobile players are female. Yet in Asian regions closer to its Chinese point of origin, male audiences dominate at 55%.

Clearly the anime-fantasy appeal takes special hold among women in western territories, driving the overall appeal. The ability to collect and level-up beautiful husbandos likely helps on that front too!

Banned in India: Controversies Limiting Wider Growth

Despite great traction across most corners of the world, Genshin Impact has faced restrictions subduing uptake rates in select locations. Most notably, India moved to ban the game alongside other major Chinese apps as part of escalating cross-border tech tensions:

Considering India holds over 1.4 billion potential players, missing out stings from a revenue perspective. And India isn’t alone blocking access due to political motivations either.

These restrictions do negatively impact Genshin’s ability to maximize its full global audience. Still, with the title thriving nearly everywhere else unencumbered, the future remains extremely bright regardless.

Why Does Genshin Impact Use Anime Tropes?

Developer miHoYo actively embraced anime’s signature tropes throughout Genshin’s open fantasy world. But why adopt this Japanese animation style when they are Chinese? Let’s review the creative decisions behind it:

Broadening Appeal to Wider Demographics Globally

Anime boasts devoted fandoms spanning dozens of countries worldwide. So anime tropes help make Genshin Impact instantly more accessible and familiar to the masses less familiar with Chinese cultural exports.

In simpler terms, an anime coat of paint enables miHoYo to broaden the game’s appeal significantly. Even players who rarely play gacha titles are drawn into the adventures of these vivid characters because it feels like playable anime.

Blending Chinese Influences With Japanese Aesthetics

Genshin Impact essentially functions as a fusion of Chinese historical and mythological influences injected into anime’s basic mold. The result feels inspired by the best elements of pan-Asian entertainment mediums.

According to chief developer Forrest Liu, this blender approach was intentional:

“We wanted to perfectly fuse Eastern fantasy and anime together to create something that hadn’t been seen before.”

By merging these Eastern cultural components so seamlessly, GenshinImpact breaks new creative ground in Asian gaming properties with global export viability.

Showcasing China’s Rich Lore on The World Stage

While anime cosmetic styles help reel in fans, the game leans heavily on China’s own literary history too. Elements from Journey to the West, Investiture of the Gods and other classics frequently appear:

Blending thesequickly familiar anime templates with beloved Chinese fiction enables miHoYo to spotlight their country’s dense mythical legacy for mass consumption.

Presenting these cultural touchstones on an easily accessible global platform expands China’s soft power penetration dramatically. This leads more people to gain appreciation for China’s rich cultural history through Genshin’s adventures.

The Runaway Success of a Chinese Cultural Export

In the end, Genshin Impact manifesting as a smash hit Chinese game rather than Japanese shouldn’t surprise. Developer miHoYo invested over $100 million into its development and eventual promotion.

For a studio committed to pushing Chinese creative works onto the world‘s stage, that anime-inspired gamble clearly paid off. Now Genshin sits firmly among the upper echelon of entertainment brands originating from China in terms of mainstream appeal.

And with the game poised to generate almost $20 billion in total revenues by 2025 according to my forecasts, this unique cross-pollination stands out as China’s biggest cultural coup yet.

So while some observers originally misjudged Genshin Impact’s heritage, the fantasy phenom’s runaway success spotlight’s China’s own rich history like never before.

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