Is Geo stronger than Anemo?

As a Genshin analyst and avid fan, I don‘t believe it‘s accurate to claim Geo is definitively "stronger" than Anemo or vice versa. Based on extensive theorycrafting and damage calculations from the community, both elements enable powerful team archetypes in their own right.

Geo earns its place in the meta through tanky shields and high personal damage. Anemo provides irreplaceable crowd control, buffs and reaction enabling. Different areas of excellence, equal in power levels.

Anemo‘s Irreplaceable Support Capabilities

Anemo‘s primary strength lies in Swirl reactions that shred resistances and boost team damage. CC abilities also gather enemies together enabling further reactions. No other element can substitute Anemo in this support amplification role.

For example, let‘s examine Kazuha who is considered one of the most versatile supports according to usage rates. His Elemental Skill pulls enemies together while Swirling pyro and hydro to set up explosive vape combos. He provides a DMG bonus buff and crowd control in one package.

This amplification effect has tangible results – tests by KeqingMains calculate a 32% team DPS increase from adding Kazuha. There are no Geo alternatives that can enable such a combo.

Valuable Team Buffs

Anemo supports also provide valuable team buffs thanks to the Viridescent Venerer artifact set:

CharacterBuff Provided
Venti60% RES shred to Swirled element
JeanUp to 40% RES shred at C4
SucroseUp to 50% ELE DMG bonus for Swirled elements

This amplifies team damage far beyond what any Geo character can provide through crystallize shields or personal damage.

Geo‘s Towering Personal Damage and Durability

That said, Geo more than pulls its weight through sheer personal damage and almost impenetrable crystallize shields.

The mono-Geo Itto teams for example deliver crushing AoE damage via his 72k charged attacks during his burst mode. Powerful supports like Gorou and Zhongli boost Itto‘s Geo damage to sky-high levels through damage bonuses and resistance reduction:

CharacterGeo DMG Buffs Provided
GorouUp to 28% Geo DMG Bonus (C6)
Zhongli20% RES shred + Omen DMG buff
Albedo30% Geo RES reduction + off-field damage

When geared properly, Itto‘s personal damage even surpasses popular meta reactions like Melt and Vaporize according to KeqingMains. No Anemo DPS can compare in raw numbers.

The crystallize shields also provide unparalleled durability that facilitates a "unga bunga" unga style of face-tanking attacks while dishing out damage. This level of security is unique to Geo.

In Summary: Apples and Oranges

To conclude, Anemo and Geo both enable powerful team archetypes in their own right:

  • Anemo is irreplaceable for damage amplification

  • Geo dominates personal damage and durability

Viewing them through a "this one is stronger" lens ultimately compares apples to oranges. I believe theorycrafting shows they are equals in power level, just with different areas of excellence.

As a Genshin analyst, I don‘t recommend valuing one element over the other categorically. The optimal choice depends on your preferred playstyle and what role still needs filling on your teams. Both geo and anemo can claim top tier spots in the meta!

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