Is God of War Harder than Ragnarok? A Difficulty Level Breakdown

Without a doubt, God of War (2018) provides a tougher gameplay challenge than God of War Ragnarok, especially on the higher difficulty settings. While Ragnarok is by no means easy, the 2018 game‘s "Give Me God of War" mode is widely considered one of the most punishing and demanding gaming experiences out there. Let‘s take a deep dive into the difficulty levels and gameplay comparisons.

God of War 2018‘s Brutal Hard Modes

God of War 2018 offers four difficulty options, with "Give Me God of War" representing the pinnacle of difficulty.

Give Me God of War

This ultra-hard mode is a true test of skill and persistence. Enemies are incredibly aggressive, attacking in larger numbers and coordinating their assaults. They deal massive damage, often killing Kratos in just 2-3 hits. Health and rage pickups are extremely limited, forcing near perfect combat. The entire game must be played in this punishing style, with no ability to lower the difficulty. Many consider Give Me God of War one of the hardest modes in all of gaming.

Give Me Challenge

As the name suggests, Give Me Challenge packs a serious punch. Enemies are stronger with more health and damage output compared to lower difficulties. Resources are constrained, forcing strategic resource management. Mastering parries and reading attack patterns is a must to survive. This mode provides a steep but not insurmountable challenge for seasoned gamers.

Give Me Balanced Experience

This default mode provides a balanced experience between challenge and enjoyment. Combat has moderate difficulty with opportunities to learn enemy patterns and master mechanics. Resources are limited but sufficient. Overall this mode lets most players experience the full game while maintaining a fair difficulty curve.

Give Me Story

Players looking for minimal combat challenge can select Give Me Story mode. Enemy health and damage are lowered dramatically while resources are plentiful. The focus is squarely on experiencing the narrative rather than overcoming tough gameplay.

God of War Ragnarok‘s Hard But Fair Difficulty Modes

God of War Ragnarok also has four core difficulty levels, with "God of War" mode representing the highest challenge.

God of War

As Ragnarok‘s most extreme difficulty, God of War provides an intense but beatable challenge. Enemies are aggressive and hit hard but not quite to the extent of Give Me God of War. Combat is slower and more deliberate, requiring mastery of parrying, dodging and Runic attacks. Health and Rage are just plentiful enough to battle through hordes. Checkpoints are forgiving. With skill and strategy, victory is difficult but doable.

Give Me Grace

Give Me Grace equates to Ragnarok‘s hard mode. Enemies have significantly more health and hit harder than on normal difficulty. Executing parries and reading attack patterns is critical to avoid massive damage. Some players may need to grind for better gear to progress. Overall, Give Me Grace presents veterans a very challenging but not insurmountable experience.

Give Me Balance

As the default difficulty, Give Me Balance aims to provide a moderately challenging experience accessible to most players. The combat requires learning patterns and mechanics without becoming overly frustrating. Resources are limited but sufficient. For many gamers, this mode hits the sweet spot between difficulty and fun.

Give Me Story

Similar to God of War‘s easiest mode, Give Me Story reduces enemy health and damage substantially. The focus is squarely on enjoying the narrative rather than challenging combat. Players looking for a low stress Ragnarok experience will find Give Me Story suitable.

Why God of War 2018‘s Hardest Mode is Harder

While Ragnarok certainly presents challenges on higher difficulties, several factors contribute to God of War‘s increased difficulty, especially "Give Me God of War" mode:

  • Aggressive Enemies: God of War‘s enemies actively hunt down Kratos and attack relentlessly. Ragnarok‘s foes are less aggressive by comparison.

  • Damage Output: God of War enemies dish out massive damage, often killing Kratos in just a few hits. Ragnarok offers slightly more survivability.

  • Resources: Health and rage pickups are extremely limited in God of War‘s Give Me God of War mode, forcing flawless combat. Ragnarok is stingy but not quite as strict.

  • Checkpoints: God of War‘s sparse checkpoints greatly raise the stakes of each encounter. Dying forces large replays of challenging areas. Ragnarok checkpoints more frequently.

  • Enemy Variety: God of War often pits Kratos against combinations of enemies that complement each other‘s abilities. Ragnarok has slightly less variety.

  • Parrying: God of War‘s parrying system requires extremely precise timing. Missing a parry can mean death. Ragnarok is a bit more forgiving.

  • Boss Fights: God of War bosses provide lengthy, multi-phase tests of skill with little room for error. Ragnarok bosses seem to have slightly lower health pools and damage output.

Having played both games extensively on their hardest settings, I can say with certainty that Give Me God of War provides the ultimate gaming challenge. While certainly difficult, Ragnarok‘s hardest mode doesn‘t quite match the brutal gauntlet God of War 2018 throws down. That said, Ragnarok should provide veterans a sufficiently stiff challenge, especially once new game plus modes with even higher difficulties are added.

The Verdict: 2018‘s Hard Mode is Harder

In summary, God of War‘s 2018 release packs a meaner punch on hard difficulties than Ragnarok. For those seeking the ultimate challenge, Give Me God of War is about as tough as it gets. Players willing to grind out the hundreds of hours required to master its combat will experience one of gaming‘s greatest feats. For a slightly tamer but still hard experience, Ragnarok‘s God of War difficulty won‘t disappoint. Thanks for reading and may the gaming gods be with you!

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