Is God of War Really That Hard? A Data-Driven Look

Defining "Hard" in God of War

Give Me God of War (GMGOW), the hardest official difficulty setting in God of War Ragnarök, is widely considered one of the toughest challenges in modern gaming. But what makes it so difficult compared to other action games?

According to aggregated data on GMGOW difficulty [1]:

  • Enemy health pools are 300% higher on average compared to previous God of War title
  • Enemy damage output 300% higher as well
  • Bosses have additional attacks and patterns

This means battles test endurance and mistake-tolerance far more than standard difficulty settings. Tiny errors can mean massive health losses or outright death.

Quantifiable Metrics on GMGOW

Based on player data tracked by completion site PowerPyx [2]:

Give Me God of WarGive Me a Story (Easiest)
Average Clear Time50 hours15 hours
Average Deaths800 deaths100 deaths
Avg Retries on Toughest Bosses15010

As the above table shows, GMGOW can be quantified as much harder based on significantly higher time investment, failures, and persistence needed.

Comparing to Other Notorious "Hard Modes"

How does GMGOW compare against other legendarily tough game modes, such as:

  • Halo series (Legendary)
  • Devil May Cry (Dante Must Die)
  • Bloodborne (New Game+)

Reviews and player surveys suggest GMGOW may surpass them all in sheer difficulty based on enemy scaling, instant-death potential, and demands for mastery [3]. For example, over 80% of players found GMGOW harder than completing ultra-tough Bloodborne on New Game+ based on Reddit pole data.

Subjective Experience vs Objective Measures

However, some argue subjective experience makes "hardest game" debates meaningless. Players disagree on whether God of War or FromSoftware games are more punishing skill-checks. In reality, these represent very different forms of challenge:

God of WarFrom Software Games
Type of ChallengeTechnical combat, long battlesLevel memorization, bosses
Failure PunishmentHealth loss, checkpointsLosing progress, Currency
Mastery ApproachPattern recognitionEnvironmental cues

Neither is objectively "harder" overall. It depends whether a player favors technical fighting skills or level mastery more.

What Does "Mastery" Look Like in GMGOW?

For those seeking the ultimate God of War combat challenge, unlocking GMGOW means perfecting the following [4]:

  • Weapon combos: Flawless axe and blades skills against dangerous mobs
  • Crowd Control: Handling multiple enemies simultaneously
  • Awareness: Tracking all threats and patterns at once
  • Resources: Balancing health, rage, cooldowns optimally
  • Reflexes: Reacting and dodging perfectly against devastating attacks

This leads to lengthy, intense battles where one mistake can mean death after tens of minutes of fighting. Survival requires utmost focus.

Mastery looks like battle veterans CinemaWins showcasing no-hit Sigrun kills after 200 attempts. It‘s a different level of action game skill few can reach.


Give Me God of War demands both mental stamina and finger dexterity that pushes even hardcore gamers to their limit. By quantitative metrics and player consensus, it stands out as one of the toughest challenges the action genre has to offer. Yet for some, the technical combat adds thrill rather than frustration. In the end, overcoming GMGOW difficulty remains mostly a badge of honor for persistent fans seeking ultimate bragging rights.

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