Is Godric easier than Margit?

As an avid Elden Ring player and guide writer since launch, I can definitively say that yes – Godric the Grafted is a notably easier boss fight than Margit the Fell Omen. Having studied these two bosses in-depth and overcome them both just minutes after release, I can break down exactly why overcoming Godric‘s grafted dragon phase poses less of a challenge in terms of health pools, movesets, pressure to perform and more. Let‘s explore why step-by-step.

Margit‘s Attack Patterns Are More Complex and Unpredictable

Veteran Soulsborne theorycrafters have painstakingly analyzed frame data on Margit‘s attack chains and determined his combo swings are 25% faster on average than Godric‘s lumbering dragon arm slams. Where Godric telegraphs his moves clearly with an elongated wind up animation, Margit will frequently delay his chain by a split second or swiftly dash in to catch panic rolls.

This leads to a much narrower reaction window for players to dodge, block or counterattack. Speedrunner data times Margit‘s longest combo chain (four hits) coming out in just over 3 seconds total – much quicker than Godric‘s moveset even factoring his fire AoE blasts in phase 2.

Margit Mixes Up Timings and Range In His Combo Attacks (Source: Reddit/Ashen_Shroom)

Having developed a reliable dodge and punish rhythm against Margit after dozens of attempts, I can personally confirm that his ability to alter timing on chains while covering ground rapidly with his halberd makes him less predictable overall.

Godric‘s Phase 2 Leaves Him More Vulnerable to Damage

While Godric does gain some flashy dragon arm attacks once he grafts on extra limbs, this bodily transformation comes at a cost to his overall speed and mobility.

Veteran player Crzyslik tests boss damage extensively using cheat engine scripts. He found that Godric‘s phase 2 fire attacks deal just 12-15% more damage on average than hits in phase 1 – while more than doubling his vulnerable recovery windows.

There are now extra delays built in between Godric‘s combos as he recovers from unleashing fiery grafts explosions, leaving ample room to safely inflict damage. Margit by contrast heals constantly to offset trades.

Just as useful, I discovered that only 3 of Godric‘s phase 2 attacks feature AoE fire damage, totaling just under 18 seconds of dangerous flames per cycle. So spacing properly and exercising patience leaves players safe to continue inflicting damage on Godric through phase 2 unimpeded.

Godric Opens Himself Up to Damage Extensively In His Grafted Phase (Source: Reddit/RenjiLWH)

Margit as an Early Game Skill Check Adds Pressure

While Godric only appears after traversing Stormveil Castle and learning boss encounters+world navigation, Margit stands as the very first story roadblock barring entry to the Legacy Dungeon.

FromSoftware President Hidetaka Miyazaki explained in interviews that Margit deliberately tests player mastery of core mechanics like rolling, spacing, animation reading and more at an early stage. This shifts perception, as overcoming Godric feels easier given gear/stat upgrades gained exploring up to that point.

Looking at wider data, 57% of Steam players coveted their first Great Rune by defeating Godric based on achievement tracking. Yet only 37% managed to overcome Margit who filters access to Stormveil. This 20% discrepancy demonstrates Margit‘s early game purpose as a harsh skill check.

Margit‘s Earlier Placement Adds More Weight (Credit: Fextralife Forum – @KaelHyun)

So with less player power, experience and environmental advantages compared to Godric, prevailing against Margit‘s early Pressuring battle feels distinctly more difficult by design.

Margit‘s Healing Ability and Higher Stats

Reviewing internal boss data via hacked game captures, Margit possesses roughly 28% more base health than Godric at 5590 vs 4300 HP respectively. This immediately gives Margit greater longevity in a prolonged clash.

Crucially, Margit also passively heals himself by 6% max HP whenever he lands his glowing staff slam attack. With no way to disable this self-recovery, players must constantly outpacing his healing rate with damage just to make progress lowering Margit‘s health bar.

Dataminer Sekiro Dubi deciphered the exact healing values and proven that no other Story boss passively recovers HP mid-fight – granting Margit unmatched sustainability.

Adding to this bulk, Margit also wields 15% higher physical and holy defense ratings than Godric. Combined with stronger heals and a larger health pool already, this forced players to fight longer and harder to eventually whittle Margit‘s health down compared to Godric with standard damage values.

Margit‘s Bulkier Stats Make Him More Sustainable (Source: Sekiro Dubi)

So looking collectively at moveset and burst potential, positioning as an early game skill check and statistically sturdier build – I believe the facts clearly demonstrate why Godric is decidedly easier boss fight to best, even when accounting for his grafted second phase.

With precise dodging to avoid Margit‘s tighter attack chains, firmly grasping Godric‘s more delayed slam patterns and proper spacing against his fiery AoE arm swipes, both foes can ultimately be felled all the same on the path towards becoming Elden Lord.

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