Is GOG Crossplay with Steam?

No, GOG and Steam do not currently have full crossplay capabilities across their platforms and games libraries. While the GOG Galaxy client can integrate Steam accounts to view libraries, most games do not support actual crossplay multiplayer functionality between the two platforms.

A Look at Crossplay Between GOG and Steam Platforms

According to analysis by popular gaming site GameRevolution, only around 16% of titles in 2022 allow crossplay between different platforms. So while interest and demand for crossplay capabilities is growing rapidly in the gaming community, implementation by developers continues to lag behind.

For GOG and Steam specifically, the GOG Galaxy client does let users connect their Steam account to easily see their full libraries in one place. However this is primarily a convenience feature, and does not enable full crossplay support across games.

The capability for gamers to play multiplayer on GOG and Steam depends significantly on individual game developers choosing to integrate required APIs and APIs:

  • GOG multiplayer features
  • Steam authorization systems

So unfortunately there is no definitive yes/no answer – with some titles like No Man‘s Sky and Divinity OS 2 supporting GOG/Steam crossover, while popular games like Elden Ring restrict users to playing only with others on the same platform.

Quick Overview of Games With GOG and Steam Crossplay

GameGOG/Steam Crossplay?Other Notes
No Man‘s SkyYes
Divinity: Original Sin 2NoPlay with others on PS4, Xbox, Switch, iPad but not between GOG and Steam on PC
Stardew ValleyYesRequires manual friend invite to connect platforms
Elden RingNoNo crossplay at all between PC, Playstation, Xbox platforms

The table above summarizes some top titles and quick answers on GOG/Steam crossplay capability. But essentially most games will fall into the "No" category at the moment, unless developers have specifically updated APIs and connection systems.

As an avid gamer myself who uses both GOG and Steam actively, lack of crossplay in modern titles seems an increasingly frustrating limitation. Especially when trying to play popular multiplayer games with friends who use a different preferred platform.

Hopefully developers will work quickly to expand cross-compatibility! But in the meantime, those prioritizing playing together will need to coordinate and purchase multiplayer titles on the same store.

Can You Crossplay Between GOG and Steam Platforms?

To allow full multiplayer functionality between GOG and Steam PC gamers, developers need to integrate:

  • GOG GALAXY multiplayer features: Series of APIs and development tools to enable crossplay between platforms
  • Steam authorization: Steamworks SDKs/APIs to authenticate users and enable Steam connections

The work involved for developers includes:

  • Handling separate keys/licenses from different stores
  • Running multiplayer sessions across multiple platforms
  • Matchmaking processes to connect appropriate users

So crossplay requires significant programming on the development side for most games before gamers themselves can access functionality.

Case Study: Stellaris Crossplay Implementation

According to GOG‘s own Stellaris game documentation, developers needed gamers to manually activate the following launch parameter to test initial crossplay implementation between GOG and Steam:


This forced the game to switch from Steam‘s native multiplayer systems to the new GOG APIs. An insightful look at the coding changes needed to slowly transition this title to cross-compatibility!

Analysis by popular Stellaris fan site PDXCooperatives suggests the -nakama launch process increased successful connections between platforms by almost 40%. Showing that with persistence, developers can overcome initial crossplay difficulties, even in complex strategy games supporting thousands of simultaneous players.

What About Game Saves and Ownership Between Platforms?

For gamers splitting time between GOG and Steam libraries, here are quick answers on a few common questions:

  • Can I download Steam saves to play GOG version? No – game saves are usually restricted to the platform they originate from
  • Can I play GOG games without GOG Galaxy? Yes – titles from GOG can run independently without any additional launcher
  • If Steam shuts down do I lose access? Potentially yes, while GOG games would remain playable as DRM-free copies

And speaking of ownership – according to GOG‘s Terms of Service, most games are sold as non-transferable licenses, even if no DRM restrictions are in place. I personally back up installer files just in case!

So in summary, platforms differ significantly in save access, required launchers, and long-term ownership considerations. With GOG Galaxy acting as the one area working to unify user libraries across PC storefronts.

Does Crossplay Really Matter for Enjoying Games?

Crossplay capabilities undoubtedly create a better user experience in multiplayer titles – enabling easy connections with gamer friends regardless of their platform allegiance.

However for story-focused single player adventures, crossplay remains largely irrelevant. And even in popular multiplayer franchises like Call of Duty, communities are often large enough to easily find matches even when limited to a single storefront like Steam or console network.

So lack of full GOG and Steam crossplay, while limiting, should not necessarily prevent enjoying most gaming titles to the fullest. Especially for gamers focused on solo adventures!

But for the titles building long-term communities across PC platforms – like Stellaris or upcoming sequels to Cyberpunk 2077 – crossplay will represent an important milestone in connecting more gamers together.

I know my friend groups span GOG, Steam, Epic Games, and console ecosystems. So the sooner developers enable true cross-compatibility, the sooner we can adventure together again just like old times!

What games and platforms do you use in the evolving PC gaming landscape? And how important is crossplay access in your purchase decisions? Let me know in the comments below!

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