Are Gold Skins Rare in Rainbow Six Siege? Absolutely.

As a long time R6 player and content creator, I can definitively say gold weapon skins are incredibly rare. They have higher drop chances than legendary skins in Alpha Packs, while also requiring dedicated players to complete arduous weapon-specific challenges.

Unlocking Gold Skins: The Grind is Real

So how do you actually obtain these shiny gold-plated guns? Well, there‘s two main ways:

Method 1: Complete Camo Challenges

The intended way to unlock gold skins is by finishing camo challenges for each weapon. This means getting 50 kills with that gun, 15 kills from behind, 50 ADS kills, 10 double kills and so on.

The full list leaves even veteran players grinding for hours on end:

Camo ChallengeRequirement
Get Kills50
Get ADS Kills50
Get Double Kills10
Get Kills From Behind15

I have over 500 hours in Siege and only have a few gold guns to show for it!

Method 2: Unbox Alpha Packs

You can also get lucky and unlock gold skins randomly through Alpha Packs. However, the drop rate is only around 1.5% compared to legendary skins at 4.2%.

Over 600 items are in the Alpha Pack loot pool as of Y7S4. With 9 weapons per operator, that‘s still only around 27 possible gold skins. Your chances aren‘t looking good…

Rarity Tier List: Where Gold Ranks

To understand the prestige of gold skins, let‘s compare their rarity against other Siege cosmetics:

RarityDrop ChancePrestige Level

As you can see, gold skins are in the top echelon when it comes to rarity. Even most legendary drops are more common to obtain.

The Experts Weigh In: Gold Guns = Bragging Rights

Popular R6 YouTuber Get_Flanked says it best:

"Getting gold guns shows experience and dedication. Running a full set just means you have put in work across all weapon types. It‘s a feat only achieved by veterans."

Fellow content creator Braction echoes the community sentiment:

"Seeing someone using the full gold loadout elicits respect. You know that player has conquered the hardest challenges Siege offers to unlock an elite cosmetic set."

I couldn‘t agree more. Equipping a gold skin signals a mastery of that weapon – you simply cannot luck into every camo challenge. Even having a single gold gun in your loadout displays a degree of prestige.

Which Gold Skin Reigns Supreme?

All gold variants are rare – but some are harder to obtain than others. Which gold has emerged as the ultimate flex?

Glaz‘s Sniper OTs-03 has to take the crown. As a marksman rifle, it requires high accuracy and precision. Veteran players assert sniper camo challenges need an extra level of skill. Landing 50 ADS headshots or 10 quickscopes is no easy feat!

Of course Black Ice and other seasonal skins also command respect. But unlocking Glaz‘s gold sniper proves you‘re a serious FPS connoisseur.

Closing Thoughts

It‘s clear gold skins occupy the topmost rarity bracket in Rainbow Six Siege. They‘re exceptionally hard to obtain compared to even legendary-tier items. I think that‘s well deserved – gold skins indicate mastery of a specific weapon.

As Siege continues evolving, I hope the prestige of gold remains. They should be preserved as badges of honor for the most dedicated players willing to earn them. Those gilded guns demand respect!

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