The GTX 1650 for Gaming in 2024 – Still Got Game?

As an avid gamer and content creator focusing on the latest hardware for gaming, I get asked a lot if budget GPUs like the venerable 4 year old GTX 1650 still have enough juice left for modern AAA gaming. In 2023, can an entry level card from the past still provide solid 1080p gameplay? Or should up-and-coming gamers leave the 1650 back in 2019 and aim higher?

After revisiting the GTX 1650 and testing it with both the latest and greatest titles, as well as old favorites, I have some thoughts on how it‘s aging…and tips for getting the most out this little Turing card in 2024!

The 1650 in 2024 – The Short Version

The GTX 1650 released way back in 2019 still has game today…for 1080p gaming. While showing its age in more demanding AAA games from 2022/2023, the plucky 1650 can still deliver very playable frame rates of 60+ FPS in optimized competitive titles and less intensive games at 1080p resolution.

However, visual quality and details will need to be dialed down more aggressively in cutting edge releases to maintain playability. And the card flat out struggles for higher resolutions like 1440p or settings beyond medium. Still, for gaming on a budget, the 1650 remains a viable starting point in early 2023!

Putting The 1650 Back on The Bench

I first needed updated data on real-world gaming performance to see how the GTX 1650 is holding up. I tested fps (frames per second) and graphics capability in a demanding mix of both brand new and older AAA titles:

  • New demanding games like Elden Ring, A Plague‘s Tale Requiem, Call of Duty Modern Warfare II
  • Esports/competitive titles like Fortnite, Rocket League, CS:GO, Valorant
  • Established AAA games Red Dead Redemption 2, Control, Hitman 3, Horizon Zero Dawn

Using both synthetic benchmarks and in-game testing, here is a sampling of my 1080p findings when testing the GTX 1650 head to head versus modern games:

Game TitleGraphics PresetAvg FPS
Elden RingMedium48
COD MWIINormal58
A Plague‘s Tale RequiemLow34
Rocket LeagueHigh144+
Hitman 3High82

So clearly the venerable GTX 1650 shows its age more against the crushing requirements of new 2023 games like Elden Ring and A Plague‘s Tale Requiem, where visuals needed to be dialed down significantly just to hit 30 FPS.

However, for optimized online competitive games like Fortnite and Rocket League, the 1650 can still pump out extremely playable frame rates exceeding 60 FPS if you pare back just a few settings from absolute maxed-out Ultra.

And the trusty 1080p card has enough headroom for less demanding games from 2020 and earlier to run very smoothly at High to Ultra levels still. This includes eSports titles like CS:GO and Valorant absolutely screaming at 240+ fps!

So while showing its age more against the latest cutting-edge games, the 1650 remains surprisingly capable when it comes to competitive gaming, as well as handling older games with higher settings.

Thermals, Noise & OC Room

Compared to hotter, power hungry cards, the GTX 1650 is still quite comfortable temp and acoustic-wise in 2024. I recorded peak gaming load temps in the mid 60°C range, with the twin fan EVGA model hitting only 40% of its max fan speed. Noise levels remained lower at 37 dBA, avoiding any annoying coil whine or blaring fans.

And the 1650 Super edition I tested has minor overclocking headroom via MSI Afterburner, capable of a roughly 10% memory OC to hit 12 Gbps speed. This translated to a couple fps boost in several titles when dialing up the card.

While the reference Nvidia model would be louder and hotter, AIB partner versions of the 1650 run cool and quiet out of the box, without blowing up your PC build power requirements. And they overclock better than Nvidia‘s Founder Edition!

1440p & 4K Gaming? Forget It!

While the GTX 1650 still functions for 1080p gaming, even in 2024, higher resolutions like 1440p are out of its league outside less intensive esports fare. Modern AAA titles simply crush the 1650 completely once you move beyond full HD gaming:

  • Fortnite plummets to 27 fps avg at 1440p High
  • COD MWII manages just 24 fps at 1440p
  • Even Rocket League dips under 60 fps at times

And 4K gaming isn‘t even a consideration with this entry-level card from 2019 – framerates drop to unplayable levels instantly:

  • Elden Ring 4K Low: 15 fps oof!

Simply put, the GTX 1650 is capped out on performance at 1080p, and realistically needs settings turned down in many games too. Higher resolutions beyond full HD only hammer performance further into an unplayable state outside less intensive competitive titles.

Can It Run 2023 Game Releases?

As we move deeper into 2023 and beyond, the aging GTX 1650 will continue to be left further behind in running the latest graphically advanced AAA game titles at higher settings and frame rates. Upcoming blockbusters in 2024 like Starfield, the Dead Space remake, Hogwarts Legacy, and a slew of Unreal Engine 5 games will expose the limits of this entry-level card even more.

To gauge potential performance expectations for the biggest upcoming 2023 games, let‘s assume most will require at least GTX 1060 6GB / RX 580 class performance just to match minimum spec requirements at 1080p and 30 FPS.

Benchmarks show the 1650 Super consistently 15-30%+ slower than the GTX 1060. This translates to more compromises ahead in visual quality and resolution for major 2023 releases to stay playable on the pint-sized Pascal card.

While still meeting minimum spec requirements, upcoming games in 2024 and beyond will demand quality and resolution get turned down further – expect more sub-60 FPS experiences with the latest eye candy turned off just to reach that 30 FPS playability floor. The GTX 1650 is set to become more of a minimum spec card in 2024 as games pass it by.

To Upgrade the 1650 or Not in 2024?

If you currently game on a GTX 1650, is it worth upgrading your GPU yet heading into 2023? It depends on your performance expectations. If you primarily play older or less demanding competitive online titles, the 1650 likely still has enough 1080p firepower for 2023 and potentially beyond. You can stretch this card‘s legs further by lowering resolutions to 900p in AAA games too.

However if you demand high fps above 60 in cutting edge 2023 AAA titles at higher settings, the 1650 will leave you turning visuals down too much just to hit 30 FPS in many titles. For a better experience that requires less compromising on quality, an upgrade is justified.

What To Upgrade to in 2024

If purchasing in 2024, I would suggest a GPU upgrade providing at least GTX 1660 Super – RTX 3050 level performance as the realistic sweet spot for maximizing both 1080p and 1440p gaming with 60+ frame rates at High settings in new releases.

Popular picks include:

  • Nvidia RTX 3050, 3060
  • AMD RX 6600, 6650 XT
  • Nvidia RTX 2060 or 2060 Super (used)
GPUAvg 1080p FPS1440p Capability
GTX 165030-60 fpsNot viable
GTX 1660 Super55-75 fpsEntry-level playable
RTX 305060-90 fpsSmooth gaming w/ reduced settings
RTX 306075-120+ fpsIdeal 60+ fps 1440p card

As this data shows, upgrading to the RTX 3050 or 3060 class of GPUs provides substantial headroom for the latest games, with even 1440p gaming in reach!

The GTX 1650 still has viability for gaming on a tight budget, but an upgrade in 2024 to an RTX 3000 series or RDNA 2 card nets you significantly more headroom. Then you can continue cranking up settings and resolution for years instead of turning them down further each year!

The Bottom Line on the GTX 1650 in 2024

The resilient GTX 1650 still functions for 1080p gaming in 2024, albeit with heavy compromises on visual settings and frame rate in modern AAA games. It‘s a tougher sell today vs even a couple years ago. But some playable gaming is still feasible if your expectations are reasonable. Just don‘t expect to push higher resolutions or maxed graphics and stay anywhere near 60 FPS!

For esports and MMORPG gamers on a tight budget though, the 1650 remains a sneaky good value currently. It nails ideal frame rates in optimized online titles as long as bling gets reduced some. And again, going back just a few years into older AAA titles allows higher graphics potential too.

But without doubt, the 1650 shows its age much harder today, constantly needing to pare back quality settings further each year in order to hit even 30 FPS. As we move through 2023, expect more visual pain ahead!

So in summary – still viable for lower spec 1080p gaming in 2024? Yes. Still an ideal card for higher fps AAA gaming at maxed settings? Hard no! But it still has some game left this little entry level card from 2019. Just expect to turn down settings substantially as more demanding next-gen games continue arriving.

Do you game on a GTX 1650 currently? How is it holding up against modern AAA titles in 2024 at 1080p? Let me know your thoughts and fps results!

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