Is Halo MCC Multiplayer Free in 2024?

No – unlike Halo Infinite, Halo: The Master Chief Collection still requires an active Xbox Live Gold subscription for multiplayer access as of 2023. MCC provides six classic Halo shooters packed with nostalgic maps and modes, while Infinite continues the journey with free-to-play competitive multiplayer.

The Rumored End of Xbox Live Gold

Back in 2021, news broke that Microsoft was considering discontinuing Xbox Live Gold requirements across its games. This speculation resurfaced in 2022 but has yet to materialize.

If Xbox Live Gold subscriptions fade away as rumors suggest, what would that mean for Halo MCC multiplayer? Potentially the collection could shift to free online play for all in a post-Gold world.

Time will tell if Microsoft takes that next step. For now, Xbox console owners still need to factor in the $60 annual cost for Xbox Live Gold to play multiplayer games like MCC online.

Halo MCC vs Infinite Player Counts Over Time

Halo as a franchise continues to boast a thriving community across multiple titles. But how do MCC and Infinite multiplayer stack up in 2024? I‘ve visualized Steam player data below:

DateMCC PlayersInfinite Players
January 20239,92662,396
December 202212,55545,375

As we can see, Halo Infinite maintains over 6X more concurrent players than MCC on Steam. Much of this comes down to Infinite‘s free-to-play model removing barriers to entry. MCC also has an audience on Xbox consoles not reflected in these PC-only numbers.

Still, Infinite beating out the combined might of 6 classic Halo games shows its strength as the future of the franchise.

Sentiment Around Halo Infinite Post-Launch

I dug into Halo fan reactions across Reddit and found some common themes:


  • Core gameplay praised as best since Halo 3
  • Innovative additions like Grappleshot
  • Return to arena shooter roots


  • Lack of content updates
  • Slow battle pass progression
  • Overly aggressive monetization

Here‘s an excerpt from Reddit user Epsilon2099:

"I feel like I progressed faster in the Halo Reach and Halo 4 battle passes over 10 years ago than I have with Infinite."

Many fans remain hopeful future content like the campaign co-op mode will revitalize the game.

Why I Love Halo MCC Multiplayer

The Master Chief Collection lets me relive cherished memories across three Xbox generations. Feeling that intense last stand on Halo 3‘s The Pit map or pulling off no-scope headshots in Halo 2 Team Slayer sparks nostalgia.

I do wish the menus and UI made finding matches easier. But once in-game, the vintage Halo magic comes flooding back. MCC brings together communities around classic games that may otherwise fade away.

Its variety can‘t be matched – one game I‘m wielding the brutal Gravity Hammer as the Arbiter, the next sneaking up with the sword on Rat‘s Nest.

Halo Infinite Lays the Groundwork

Don‘t get me wrong – as a life-long Halo fan, Infinite‘s multiplayer thrilled me upon release. The grappleshot alone introduces new depths of skill and creativity.

I have high hopes that as seasonal content cadence accelerates, longevity concerns will fade away. The foundation is here for the next 10 years of Halo if nurtured properly.

Get in now while the getting is good! Which brings me to…

Starting Your Halo Multiplayer Journey

For those new to the legendary Halo multiplayer experience, here are my top 5 tips:

  1. Download Halo Infinite – Its free-to-play without barriers makes it the best way to get your feet wet.

  2. Try Arena Slayer – No objectives, no fuss. Just 4v4 competitive weapon-based combat at its finest.

  3. Learn Weapon Spawns – Map control is key. Memorize power weapon timers and locations.

  4. Turn Down Sensitivity – Precise aiming > twitch reflexes. Make sure your settings allow maximum accuracy.

  5. Party Up with Friends – Halo thrives when coordinating attacks and callouts as a squad.

Now you have the intel to dive into Halo multiplayer. See you on Zanzibar, soldiers!

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