Is Hex Worth It In Pokémon?

As an avid Pokémon fan and content creator, I‘m here to definitively say that the move Hex offers tremendous value in competitive battles and should be strongly considered on any eligible Pokémon. But why exactly makes Hex so good? Let‘s analyze the facts.

Extreme Damage Output When Conditions Are Met

Hex packs a solid 50 base power on its own, but its true value comes from its conditional doubling to 100 base power whenever the target has a major status affliction like burn, poison, paralysis, etc. This essentially gives you a 100 base power STAB move for free on the right Pokémon, which enables some incredible KO potential.

For example, according to usage statistics on Pokémon Showdown, the Ghost/Dragon sweeper Dragapult currently ranks #4 in usage for good reason – it can launch blisteringly powerful Hex attacks. Let‘s examine some damage calculations:

PokémonNo Status HexStatus Hex
Mimikyu25.7% – 30.4%51.3% – 60.7%
Rotom Heat24.8% – 29.3%49.5% – 58.5%

As you can see, with the doubled power against statused targets, Dragapult can cleanly 2HKO or even OHKO threats it would normally struggle with. And Dragapult is just one example – other Ghost and Psychic-types also become absolute nukes!

Team Support and Synergy Maximizes Hex Damage

Of course, to enable Hex‘s dream crushing strength, you need teammates that can spread status conditions. Some great options include:

  • Thunder Wave Users – Magneton, Tapu Koko
  • Will-O-Wisp Users – Chandelure, Centiskorch
  • Toxic Spikers – Toxapex, Garbodor

Having one or more of those Pokémon to inflict paralysis, burns, poison, or all three can make Hex impossible to switch into. And the combination presents more team synergy too – your walls gain more turns to chip, while your Hex user cleans house in the end game. It‘s a potent combo!

Utility Benefits Like Bypassing Substitutes

An additional perk of Hex is its ability to nail opposing Pokémon even if they are hiding behind a Substitute for protection. This makes it a great answer against slower balanced teams relying on Substitute + Protect or Leftovers to stall out games. Now they can‘t wall you out so easily!

Top Pokémon That Abuse Hex

While many Ghost and Psychic-types enjoy access to Hex, these species truly abuse it the most in the current metagame:

  • Dragapult – Fast and powerful special sweeper
  • Gengar – Classic special attacker with plenty of setup opportunities
  • Aegislash – Terrifying setup sweeper under shields

With STAB and their great offensive presence, these Pokémon will make your opponents rage quit after their Hex decimations!

In closing, from both a utility and sheer damage perspective, every competitive player should strive to fit Hex onto eligible Pokémon. It really punishes sloppy teambuilding that neglects status conditions while enabling sweepers to overwhelm unprepared defenses. If you aren‘t already using Hex, try it out on Showdown – I guarantee you‘ll be shocked by its power!

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