Is Hunt Bryce‘s "True Mate"? Examining the Evidence

Greetings, fellow fans and gaming enthusiasts! Today we dive deep into Crescent City lore to answer one burning question: is bad boy fallen angel Hunt destined to be fierce warrior-angel Bryce‘s "true mate"?

Defining True Mates

First, let‘s explore what even constitutes a fated mating bond in Crescent City and Sarah J. Maas universe…

Table: Traits of "True Mates" in SJM lore

Transcendent connectionSoul-deep bond, often metaphysical/magical
Exclusive pairingFated to ONLY be with this one mate
PermanentEternal bond that cannot be broken
ReciprocatedMutual/consensual on both ends
DestinedPredetermined by universe, gods, cosmic forces beyond couple‘s control

Notable true mate couples from the SJM mythos who exhibit the above traits include Feyre/Rhysand, Elain/Lucien, and arguably Lyria/Jesiba from CC.

Let‘s see how Hunt and Bryce‘s connection stacks up…

Table: Comparing Hunt/Bryce‘s Bond to True Mate Expectations

True Mate TraitHunt/Bryce‘s Bond
Transcendent connection✅ Glowing star pupil bond
Exclusive pairing❓ Unclear currently
Permanent❓ Evolving depth suggests potential
Reciprocated✅ Yes, mutual/consensual
Destined❓ Hint of destiny but still ambiguous

As we can see, Hunt and Bryce exhibit some traits of true mates, but lack definitive proof around exclusivity, permanence, and destiny. Next, we‘ll dive deeper into the evidence around their bond.

Evidence of a Destined Bond

Here are notable moments from the books suggesting Hunt and Bryce share an unusually profound connection:

✨ Bryce‘s star glowing brightly in Hunt‘s presence on multiple occasions

✨ Shared life essence to rescue each other from death‘s door

✨Able to sense each others‘ life forces across vast differences

✨ Risking themselves recklessly to save the other

✨The UnSeelie King calling Hunt "Bryce Quinlan‘s true mate" even if facetiously

These hints indicate a bond edging closer to "true mate" territory rather than casual romance. However, without confirmation from the author or new canon books, ambiguity remains.

Speculation: Influencing Factors Behind Their Bond

If Bryce and Hunt‘s mating bond deepens into permanent true mate status, what potential cosmic forces could influence that?

❇️ Interference from the Asteri trying to engineer sacred true mate bonds to their advantage

❇️ Princely magic rituals bringing predestined mates together

❇️ Midgard player intervention via Bryce‘s Starborn powers

❇️ Hunt‘s forgotten history as fallen royalty holding secrets about his past and powers

Here too though, we have limited info to do more than speculate for now…

Gaming‘s Famed Destined Couples

How does Hunt and Bryce‘s connection compare to destined gaming duos like these:

️‍♂️ Cloud Strife & Aerith Gainsborough – Somehow still bound beyond death itself

️‍♂️ Link & Princess Zelda – Reincarnating through endless generations as soul pair

️‍♂️ Tidus & Yuna – Transcending their very reality to be together

While we can‘t say for certain YET if Bryce and Hunt reach similar soul pair intensity, the hints are there…

Conclusion: Strong Bond But True Mate Status Still Unconfirmed

Given the evidence, Hunt/Bryce exhibit a connection well BEYOND the average couple…one that suggests soul-deep intensity and star-crossed chemistry.

However, without explicit confirmation from the author or canon lore, dubbing them "true mates" remains presumptive for now. Still, the mystic glows suggest their stars are harmonizing more with each chapter…

What do you think? Can mortal vocabulary truly capture the intrigue of Hunt and Bryce‘s cosmic bond? Or must we await our empress Sarah J Maas to provide further insight? Sound off below!

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