Is Hunt: Showdown 4 Players? No – But Here‘s How You Can Play With Friends

As an avid Hunt Showdown player with over 400 hours sunk into this gritty monster hunter shooter, one question I see popping up a lot is "can you have 4 player squads?"

The quick answer is no, the maximum team size in Hunt‘s matches is 3 players. However, there‘s still plenty of options for playing and hunting with friends.

In this post I‘ll cover everything you need to know, including full details on:

  • Hunt‘s game modes and 12 player server limit
  • Player population and match data estimates
  • How to play with cross platform friends
  • Hopes for future updates like 4 player teams

So let‘s dig in fellow hunters!

Hunt‘s Core Game Modes and Team Sizes

The two main multiplayer game modes in Hunt Showdown are:

  • Bounty Hunt – PvPVE mode, compete to kill AI bosses, banish demons, and extract with bounties while fighting off enemy players. Supports up to 12 players per match.
  • Quickplay – PvP focused, race to close rifts then fight to be the last hunter standing. Also 12 player matches.

Within these modes, you can play solo or in teams:

  • Solo – Go lone wolf
  • Duos – Partner up with 1 friend
  • Trios – Form 3 player squads

The limit of 3 for trios enables competitive balance against solo players. Adding a 4th squadmate would give too much of an advantage. Personally I find duos provides the best mix of teamwork, fun banter with a friend, and less chaos than a huge trio team!

There are also solo PvE Trials and Training modes with no multiplayer.

Hunt Showdown Player Counts and Match Data

To estimate the overall player base, let‘s check out some public data.

According to SteamCharts, over the last 30 days Hunt hit a peak of 33,529 concurrent players on Steam alone.

Table: Hunt Showdown Recent Player Retention

Time FrameAvg # PlayersPeak Players
Past 30 Days18,79933,529 players
Past 3 Months19,53433,529 players

Expanding beyond Steam:

  • There are also Xbox and PlayStation hunters
  • Total player base likely reaches 50k+ monthly active players

For a hardcore FPS in a niche genre, these are very healthy numbers! It speaks to Hunt‘s tense and exciting gameplay. Matchmaking times remain quick across different regions and skill ranks. The future looks bright for continued content updates and largish playerbase retention.

Playing and Teaming Up With Friends

If you‘re looking to play with friends, unfortunately Hunt lacks native cross-platform parties or invites. The playerbases are still kept separate.

You can use the public matchmaking with random teammates of course. My advice is to join the official Hunt Discord and use voice chat to find and coordinate with partners there!

To play directly with real life friends, you‘ll need to be on the same gaming platform. But again, Discord is your best bet for planning sessions and staying in voice comms.

I do hope the devs can implement cross-platform invites at some point. Partying up together could help the community grow even larger!

Will We Ever See 4 Player Teams?

This is a common community request, but would take major reworking of game and map design balance. The chaos of 4 hunter squads could be wonderfully fun…or totally broken.

There are technical hurdles too around maxing out the 12 player server cap per match. Overall I expect the triple limitation to hold, but remain hopeful!

Of course if you desperately need a 4th squadmate, there‘s always the trusty pack mule horses 🐴

Let‘s Keep Hunting Together

While 4 player teams remain unlikely for now, I hope this info helps you party up with fellow hunters and friends! Be sure to use Discord and don‘t be shy sending game invites around.

Thanks for reading this 4 player team deep dive. Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments or find me streaming on Twitch as TheBayouLegend.

Happy hunting out there everyone! Give that spider a whack for me.

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