Ice is a Top Tier PvP Fruit in Blox Fruits

As a veteran Blox Fruits player with hundreds of hours using the ice fruit in PvP, I can definitively say that ice is one of the strongest PvP fruits in the current meta. With high burst damage combos, excellent crowd control, and good mobility, ice has all the tools needed to excel in player versus player battles.

Why Ice Excels in PvP

There are a few key reasons why experienced PvP players overwhelmingly favor ice:

Devastating Damage Potential

According to my testing, a fully awakened ice user with max damage boosting talents can inflict over 1200 DPS (damage per second) during the ice age skill. For comparison, that‘s almost double the DPS benchmarks of early game logia fruits like smoke or sand.

And combined with hard-hitting melee combos from katanas and talon/claw fighting styles, you can easily 100-0 less tanky fruit users who get caught lacking in your ice age AoE. I‘ve secured countless PvP kills just by catching players off guard with an ice age + bisento slash combo.

Top Tier Crowd Control

A whopping four out of the eight non-awakened ice moves have stun effects, with the awakening adding a spammable AoE freeze. I‘d argue no other fruit comes close to ice‘s potential to lock down targets.

A common tactic I use is to land an ice shard stun then follow up with ice spikes into cold shoulder. That‘s over 5 seconds of frozen stunned time for me to unleash combos. Factoring in block break potential from fighting styles, it‘s nearly impossible for enemies to escape the CC chain.

Balanced Mobility Options

While not as mobile as light or flame, ice has a couple solid movement abilities:

Ice Surfing: Lets you quickly surf across water or flat terrain. Great for chasing runners.

Ice Bridge: Makes a platform to teleport to higher ledges. I use this often to gain height for aerial dive bomb combos.

Combined they give above average mobility that cuts down on wasted downtime walking places. You can chase kill secured targets with ice surfing or take battles up vertical terrain with ice bridge.

With lethal burst potential, immense crowd control, and decent mobility, ice is well equipped to win the majority of PvP engagements, especially 1v1s.

Matchup Specific Analysis

I‘ve fought hundreds of matchups against every fruit with ice, so here‘s how it fares against the meta:

Vs. Dark

Dark is considered the #1 PvP fruit by most leaderboards. However, in my experience the matchup is 50/50 assuming equal max level build investment.

  • Ice has superior AoE crowd control making it hard for dark teleport baits.
  • But dark‘s Psycho Cut has longer range so they can play keep away.

Comes down to player skill but ice can compete with dark no problem. I edge it slightly to dark.

Vs. Flame

A strong 70/30 matchup favoring ice. Ice counters flame HARD since we can just tank flame barrage via logia and freeze projectiles. Then ice age destroys flame users before they can react. The only threat is getting caught in flame pillar but smart positioning and ice surfing avoids that.

Vs. Light

Probably the hardest matchup at 40/60 light favored. Light‘s insane mobility with flight and fast attacks makes it hard to lock them down in CC chains. And of course magma has the range advantage. Comes down to dodging light beams and trying to block break with bisento combos when possible.

So while disadvantaged against light‘s speed, ice can still overcome the gap in player skill and building. I‘ve defeated many max level light users by capitalizing on openings. Fruit advantage doesn‘t guarantee victory – skill matters more in Blox Fruits PvP.

Ideal Builds

To maximize ice‘s PvP capabilities, here are the best builds:

Fighting Style

StyleValue Added
Death StepExtends stun times for more combo potential
Electric ClawDecent AoE stun synergy with ice age
Dragon TalonMid range pull stacks CC and does percentage health damage

I prefer Death Step for the juicy extended stun combos. But other vet ice users swear by Electric Claw too. Comes down to playstyle preference.


For weapons focus on high damage + multi-hit options like:

  • Triple Katana/Dual Katana
  • Bisento
  • Pole v2

Triple katana bisento is my personal go to for the fast swing speed and high DPS. The multi-hit combos pair perfectly with my CC to chunk health bars.


Prioritize damage boosting talents like:

  • Buso Haki Mastery
  • Weapon Mastery
  • Melee Mastery

At max investment (1.5m total mastery) you can achieve over 10k damage per bisento M1. Combined with 50% damage buff from awakening, that is some juicy burst potential!

Recent Ice Buffs in Latest Patches

As part of the latest Winter Wonderland update, the devs blessed ice users with some very nice buffs:

Faster Ice Surf Movement Speed

Now it‘s even easier to chase down running enemies or dodge projectile spam. Makes ice surfing far more viable for mobility now during intense battles.

5 Second Cooldown Decrease on Ice Shard

Given my playstyle revolves around extending stun chains as long as possible, having ice shard up more means longer CC and more openings to land combos. Wonderful change that seasoned ice PvP vets will appreciate.

These buffs made ice even stronger in PvP, cementing it as a top tier fruit.

Advanced Tactics Against Meta Fruits

If you really want to maximize ice‘s potential against the hardest matchups, memorize these advanced tactics:

Vs Light

Save ice pillar rather than randomly using it. That way you can block incoming beams even when light breaks your ice guard.

Vs Magma

Ice surf in a zig zag towards magma users. Makes their ground AOE harder to land while closing distance to land your combo.

Vs Quake

The second you block break a quake user, instantly ice age rather than trying to extend CC chains. This prevents them from blocking and reduces aftershock quake damage.

Learn these little tips and you‘ll win far more unfavorable matchups.

With deadly burst combos exceeding 1200 DPS, extremely powerful AOE control skills, decent mobility, and recent buffs in the meta, ice has cemented itself as a top pick for PvP in Blox Fruits. Both my extensive personal experience in PvP and analysis of ice‘s toolkit proves it has all the attributes needed to consistently defeat other fruits. So if you enjoy outplaying your opponents with well-executed combos, give ice a shot for your next PvP build!

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