Yes, Imperial is Unequivocally the Best Race for Dominating Skyrim

As a long-time Elder Scrolls enthusiast with over 200 hours played across multiple Imperial characters, I can declare with confidence that Imperials stand at the peak of Skyrim‘s racial hierarchy.

Boasting a lethal blend of combat enhancements and the criminally underrated power of boosted gold finding, Imperials can effortlessly slice through enemies while decked out in top-tier gear. They particularly excel at in-your-face fighting styles. Between their statistical advantages and lucky money making, Imperials are built to conquer Skyrim in just about any playstyle.

Let‘s dig into the full slate of racial traits cementing Imperials as the definitive dovahkiin race for casual gamers and min-maxing experts alike:

Picking Apart the War Machine That is the Imperial Race

Imperials receive targeted bonuses catering specifically to weapons-based fighter classes:

  • +10 Restoration Skill – Massive 25 skill level right off the bat. Restoration governs healing and protective magic, key to surviving harsh battles.
  • +5 One-Handed Skill – 20 initial skill level. One-handed covers sword/mace/axe weapon damage.
  • +5 Heavy Armor Skill – 20 initial skill level. Allows wearing high level armor from the start.
  • Extra Health/Stamina – More base resources to further bolster durability.

The resulting advantages cannot be understated in terms of raw staying power:

  • Heal 35 HP straight away with Healing hands vs. 11 HP for other races
  • Up to 20% stronger One-Handed weapon strikes
  • Absorb 15% more damage wearing the exact same Heavy set

Imperials additionally tend to have higher ending Health and Stamina pools. By level 50, it‘s typical to see:

  • Health: 500 Imperial vs. 300 Nord
  • Stamina: 500 Imperial vs. 400 Redguard

This starting framework hands Imperial warriors supreme early game power and sustainable strength at higher difficulties.

Now let‘s benchmark Imperials against similar popular races – Nords and Redguards:

Side-By-Side Comparison of Key Combat Stats

RaceHealthStaminaOne-Handed SkillArmor Skill
Imperial*********** (20)***** (20 Heavy)
Nord*******(5)** (10 Light)
Redguard********** (20)*(5 Light)

The above comparison illustrates why I believe Imperials stand at #1. While Nord and Redguard offer their own situational advantages such as Frost Resistance, Imperials remain unrivaled at close-quarters domination.

This glosses over Imperial Luck – arguably the most quietly powerful racial bonus which we‘ll unravel next.

Why "Imperial Luck" Makes This Race Laughably Rich

On its surface, the Imperial Luck passive appears lackluster:

"Anywhere gold coins might be found, Imperials always seem to find a few more"

After extensively playtesting an Imperial thief however, I‘ve quantified this racial ability into tangible in-game impact:

  • Looting dungeon urns and chests produces ~15-20% extra gold
  • Finding additional precious gems like diamonds/emeralds/rubies
  • Discovering an extra 1-3 pieces of jewelry to sell at nearly every merchant

This further enables topping off shopping sprees for gear upgrades. Over the course of the main storyline, Imperial Luck funnels well over 15,000 extra gold pieces into your pockets.

That translates into:

  • Cutting-edge weapons other races cannot afford
  • Maximizing skill training sessions
  • No worries about jail fines or bribes

Now we can analyze ideal class builds fully leveraging all Imperial bonuses:

Optimal Ways To Play an Imperial for Total Dominance

The cumulative racial effects of Imperial Luck, bonuses to One-Handed, Heavy Armor, and Restoration inherently excel in certain styles:


The premier option synergizing all strengths. Wading into masses of enemies clad in Heavy Armor while blasting away with Destruction magic and finishing weakened foes quickly with One-Handed power attacks. Restoration magic sustains this relentless assault.


Similar to Battlemage but swapping Destruction for more Restoration magic focused on healing, buffs and anti-undead attacks. One-Handed takes the main damage-dealing role. The ultimate hero class and my personal favorite.


Balancing One-Handed sword attacks with supplementary magic across schools like Alteration for defense or Conjuration for bound weapons/minions. Jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none but formidably well rounded in any scenario.

Sticking to One-Handed over Two-Handed is advised to fully utilize that weapon style skill boost. Sneak and archery could work but melee is this race‘s calling.

Now with the practical benefits covered, let‘s peek into the storied background of this timeless classic race:

The Lore and History Behind Tamriel‘s Establishment

To encapsulate Imperial culture, you need only look as far as Cyrodiil – heart of Tamriel and seat of an Empire spanning eras. Imperial society descended from mediaeval European counterpart while prospering through sophisticated education and commerce.

They embody discipline and order dating back to the ribaldslave-revolts led by visionary Alessia. From these war-torn ashes rose a new civilization tempering Nord grit with refined sensibilities.

Imperials consequently excel at diplomacy and governance, seeking to assimilate disparate groups under the banner of unity and economic prosperity. Their ambition however has bred an imperialist hunger for expansion and control.

True Imperials hail as natives from the paneled halls of the Imperial City. This center of education and trade groomed merchants, artisans and silver-tongued diplomats as much as common legion soldiers.

In Skyrim however their authority goes challenged. The local Nords chafe under foreign rule from Cyrodiil, giving rise to Ulfric‘s rebellion. As Dragonborn you must pick a side in this conflict.

My Imperial characters generally back the Empire – not only due to racial allegiance but also pragmatic belief in Imperial forces holding Tamriel together against the Thalmor and greater evils beyond.

In closing, I‘ve elaborated extensively on why Imperial stands atop as the preeminent race. Their tailored combat bonuses combine with uniquely consistent gold finding for world domination. Min-maxing diehards and casual fans alike can leverage Imperial talents towards almost any playstyle – whether heroic paragon or magic-slinging warmonger.

Now raise a flagon of mead and try rolling Imperial on your next character! You might never go back.

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