Is Indoril Nerevar a God? Unpacking the Mysteries of Morrowind‘s Legendary Hero

Indoril NerevarThe Nerevarine
EraLate Merethic Era – First EraThird Era
RaceChimerIncarnated soul of Nerevar, race depends on player
StatusRevered mortal hero and saintLegendary immortal hero
Divine Powers?No innate powersRemarkable abilities, touch of the divine
Literally a god?NoNo

No, the legendary Chimer leader Indoril Nerevar is not considered a literal god in the Elder Scrolls pantheon. But the mysteries and prophecies surrounding this revered figure and his reincarnation known as the Nerevarine remain fascinations for ES lore buffs. Let‘s analyze Nerevar‘s deeds and why he occupies such a semi-divine status.

The Mortal Legend of Saint Nerevar

Indoril Nerevar was the First Council leader who united the disparate Chimer people as their general and diplomat. Alongside his trusted advisors – Dumac King of the Dwemer, Vivec, Almalexia and Sotha Sil – he led the combined Chimer-Dwemer army against the Nords of Skyrim. The legendary "Peacemaker" mediated tensions between his wizard counselor Voryn Dagoth (later Dagoth Ur) and the future Tribunal members.

But following the Dwemer‘s disastrous tapping of the Heart of Lorkhan, the Battle of Red Mountain and subsequent disappearance, the details around Nerevar‘s death remain shrouded. The official Tribunal Temple teaching says he perished from wounds sustaining fighting House Dagoth and the Dwemer. But Ashlander Nerevarine cult accounts accuse Vivec, Almalexia and Sotha Sil of betraying and murdering him when they transformed themselves into gods.

Regardless, Nerevar‘s extraordinary deeds and untimely end cemented his status as a saintly, Christ-like figure among the Dunmer people:

"Nerevar was our last hope, our sorrow, and our hero. When he died, we Swallowed our anger and pride, for he died that Resdaynia might live." – Nerevar at Red Mountain

Unlike the Tribunal who hijacked godlike powers and immortality, Nerevar remains revered as a mortal champion.

The Prophecies of the Incarnate Nerevarine

Azura‘s prophecies foretold Nerevar would return to punish the Tribunal for their profane betrayal and false divinity, stating:

"From the bonds of the earth I free thee; Go forth, and fulfil thy destiny!" – Azura‘s spirit-message to the Nerevarine

This messenger of vengeance and redemption manifested in the form of the Nerevarine. Unlike his mortal life, the incarnate Nerevarine possesses incredible powers beyond mere mortals:

  • Divine immunity to Corprus disease and blight storms
  • Remarkable strength, speed, agility and combat prowess
  • Mastery of Spear skills and prerequisite Nerevarine "marks"
  • Powerful mastery of the Thu‘um dragon shouts
  • Fate and ability to defeat two mad immortal gods (Dagoth Ur & Almalexia)

So while not literally one of the Divines or Tribunal deities, the Nerevarine exhibits abilities associated with godhood. This could stem from prophecy, sorcery, dragon blood fusion or metaphysical properties of being a heavily prophesized incarnate soul.

Regardless, the Nerevarine‘s deeds in defeating Dagoth Ur, severing the Heart of Lorkhan and exposing the Tribunal‘s false divinity forever cements their legend.

Mad Gods and Mortal Champions

Other figures in ES lore also exhibit this duality of remarkable power yet mortality. The Champion of Cyrodiil mantled the Daedric Prince Sheogorath, yet remained technically mortal. Tiber Septim as Talos ascended to godhood upon death, having conquered Tamriel as a mortal man. The Dovahkiin in Skyrim possesses the immortal soul power of dragons, yet remains mortal.

So Nerevar and the Nerevarine join these storied ranks of mortal champions whose deeds and/or powers elevate them to revered status. They carry out divine mandates, yet remain anchored to the mortal realm in ways the Daedra and Divines do not. As stated in Varieties of Faith:

"Nerevar is the most important hero-god of the Dunmer…but Temple doctrine claims he was an heroic Dunmer general and First Councilor…Nerevar did not become a god."

So in summary, while Indoril Nerevar and his incarnation the Nerevarine exhibit touches of the divine and villain-vanquishing destinies, neither are considered literal gods. Their wondrous powers stem from prophecy, sorcery and metaphysics rather than innate divine godhood. But their legendary deeds and cult reverence puts them firmly in the pantheon of semi-divine heroes the Dunmer people hold dear.

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