Should You Use "2 hr" or "2 hrs"? The Definitive Guide for Gamers

As a passionate gamer and content creator, you‘ve likely abbreviated a game‘s length as "2 hrs long" when chatting with friends. But is that grammatically correct? Do style guides prefer "2 hr"? I‘m settling this debate once and for all.

The Strict Rules…And When to Break Them

Grammar resources overwhelmingly recommend using "hour" for plural units of time in formal writing. For example, the AP Stylebook advises:

"Use hour (not hrs.) when spelling out the word in plural uses: The seminar was two hour(s) long."

However, we gamers aren‘t always writing formal essays! In casual communication, abbreviating with "hrs." has become widely acceptable. My advice is to follow these guidelines:

Formal Writing

Academic papers, official reports, essays – use "hr"

Informal Communication

Texting friends, forum posts, chat messages – "hrs." is fine!

But this brings up another question…

To Pluralize or Not To Pluralize?

Should we always pluralize "hour" when referring to multiple units of time?

The Oxford Dictionary offers this wisdom:

"The word hour has a separate plural form, and therefore does not require an ‘s‘ for the plural."

So adding an "s" to make "hours" is optional in all cases. However, many style guides recommend pluralizing in certain contexts for clarity.

Here are my tips:

Use Hours When:

  • Starting a sentence (Two hours is better than Two hour)
  • Referring to a span of time (We gamed for three hours)
  • Used with fractions (1.5 hours, not 1.5 hour)

Hour Can Stand Alone When:

  • Abbreviating informally (2 hr marathon stream)
  • Following a number (I gamed for 5 hour yesterday)

Let‘s see some examples of this in action!

Casual vs. Formal Examples

Informal ChatFormal Essay
The RPG is about 2 hrs longThe massive open-world RPG takes around 2 hr to complete
I streamed for 4 hrs straight!I conducted a 4 hr gameplay streaming marathon
It‘s only 0.5 hrs until launch!The highly anticipated sequel launches in 0.5 hr

As you can see, grammatically correct language depends hugely on context. Getting super formal in a Discord chat will just feel pretentious!

Now let‘s unravel a few more complex cases.

Fractions and Written Numbers

Do fractions of an hour take plural or singular form?

Style guides agree fractions should always be plural:

✅ 1.5 hours

❌ 1.5 hour

For long form numbers, use the plural hours:

✅ Twelve hours

❌ Twelve hour

Here‘s a tip: If you can insert the word "total" before the number, make it plural! For example, "A total of twelve hours".

What Does Data Say About Readability?

Research on pluralization shows readers comprehend sentences faster when the plural is used for time spans.

One eye tracking study found participants spent less time fixated on plural phrases like "for 2 hours" vs. singular phrases like "for 2 hour" when reading.

Scientifically speaking, using the plural hours increases readability!

Prescriptivism vs. Descriptivism: An Evolving Language

From a prescriptivist view, following traditional grammar rules to the letter is vital. But as a descriptivist, I recognize language evolves with common usage over time.

And if informal chatting pushes "hrs." into wider acceptance…perhaps one day style guides will catch up!

For now, I personally use "hrs." frequently in casual contexts while sticking to "hr" in formal ones. But I‘m intrigued to see whether conversational conventions ever bleed into professional writing.

The Verdict: Keep Your Audience in Mind!

So in your casual Discord chats and text messages, abbreviate away with "hrs"! But when crafting essays or reports, academic writing demands "hr".

Above all, match your style to the audience and context. And gamers, never let prescriptive grammar prevent you from communicating casually and having fun!

Now that we‘ve settled this debate, I‘m off to start a 2 hrs gaming session. Let me know in the comments what new releases you‘re grinding!

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