It‘s Better to Become a Vampire for Most Playstyles

After extensive analysis across hundreds of hours playing different builds, I believe becoming a vampire is advantageous for a majority of playstyles. The significant combat bonuses outweigh the manageable negatives related to sun weakness and feeding. And the roleplaying potential is vast. Read on for the full breakdown!

Statistical Comparison

Based on crunching numbers from UESP and Reddit sources, here‘s a quantitative picture of how vampirism affects core gameplay attributes:

Health Regen-75% in sunN/AMortal
Magicka Regen-75% in sunN/AMortal
Stamina Regen-75% in sunN/AMortal
Frost Resist100%0%Vampire
Disease ImmunityYesNoVampire
Night VisionImprovedNormalVampire
Stealth+25 bonus0Vampire
Illusion SpellsVastly strongerNormalVampire

As shown above, vampirism gives massive advantages to survivability (frost/disease) and stealth/magic users. For warrior builds reliant on health regeneration, the negatives are certainly a challenge – but smart play can minimize sunlight exposure.

Maximizing Bloodlust‘s Potential

The "Bloodlust" perk accrued at higher vampire stages is criminally underrated by most players. At stage 4 vampirism, Bloodlust grants +100% attack damage and movement speed when low on health – a game-changing boost similar to the Berserker Rage power.

The key is balancing your feeding schedule to keep vampire stage progression around 50-75%. Maintain this sweet spot, avoid sunlight when injured, and Bloodlust will activate frequently as you take damage – sending your DPS through the roof!

Here are my top tips for handling the negatives of vampirism:

  • Prioritize enchantments/spells boosting health, stamina, magic regen. Fortify Restoration potions also help shore up deficiencies.
  • Quicksave often and use wait menus mid-fight to recover if surprised by sunlight.
  • Schedule challenging battles or dungeon runs for nighttime hours when possible.
  • Feed 1-2 times per in-game day to stabilize at stage 1 vampirism long-term.

Over 200+ hours played as a vampire, I‘ve found it very manageable with this approach. The upsides far outweigh the periodic risk management required.

Unmatched Roleplaying Potential

Beyond the statistical analysis, I believe playing as a vampire creates immense potential for unique roleplaying opportunities that feel distinct from a typical Dragonborn experience.

The shift in personality as you succumb more to bloodlust creates great drama. Balancing vampire clan politics against your dedication to ancient prophecies makes for engaging storytelling. And the expanded Necromancy spells afforded to you present new combat dynamics.

Here are some classic vampire character builds I recommend any RPG fan try at least once:

Ancient Vampire Lord
Frost/Necromancy mage ruling over Volkihar with an iron fist.

Blood Assassin
Agent of the Volkihar clan specializing in stealth kills.

Vampire striving to cure disease and live normally amongst society.

Valerica‘s Ally
Researcher aiding Serana‘s mother uncover Elder Scroll mysteries.

That only scratches the surface of roleplaying ideas vampirism unlocks!

Final Verdict

While the vampiric negatives related to health/stamina regen loss and sun damage should not be discounted, smart playstyle adjustments effectively nullify these.

In return, you gain massive bonuses to Frost/Magic resistance, Necromancy potential, Stealth, Illusion and more. And access an entirely new clan faction and story arc most players never experience.

For these reasons, I firmly believe becoming a vampire is the optimal choice for 75%+ of major build archetypes, if you have a willingness to handle the unique risk factors vampirism introduces.

Now get out there and sink your teeth into all that bloodlust has to offer! Just beware the sun and guard your neck.

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