Is it better to choose Roche or Iorveth?

There are compelling arguments on both sides when deciding whether to ally with Vernon Roche or Iorveth in The Witcher video game series. This choice dramatically impacts the course of the story in The Witcher 2, while also having repercussions that echo through to The Witcher 3. Here is an analysis of the key factors to help you determine which path better suits your playstyle and priorities.

Roche‘s Path

Siding with Roche and the human faction known as the Temerian Blue Stripes plunges Geralt deep into political intrigue. This path focuses more on the power struggles between kingdoms like Temeria and Kaedwen.


  • More grounded in political drama and human conflict
  • Geralt aids allies from previous games like Roche and Ves
  • Fights emphasize large-scale combat and sieges


  • Less emphasis on fantasy elements or non-human perspectives
  • Geralt opposes Scoia’tael freedom fighters
  • Iorveth’s side of the story remains mostly unseen

This path appeals most to those looking for a dark, gritty, and mature take on medieval power struggles.

Iorveth‘s Path

Alternatively, teaming up with the elf Iorveth provides a look at the Scoia’tael insurgency. This path focuses more on racism and inequality in fantasy societies.


  • Emphasizes discrimination faced by elves and other races
  • More classic high fantasy adventure feel
  • Opens up new areas and storylines not seen on Roche path


  • Less political intrigue or interaction with major human characters
  • Iorveth still remains a supporting character
  • Thematically darker magics and creatures feature more heavily

This choice suits those looking for a more stylized fantasy tale focused on myths and monsters outside of human kingdoms.

Key Takeaways

Neither path features radically different combat, just shifts in context and scale for the action. And Geralt’s core objective remains taking down the kingslayer no matter who he sides with.

Ultimately, it depends most on whether you prefer the down-to-earth political thriller style of Roche‘s path, or the heightened fantasy adventure leaning into lore and worldbuilding on Iorveth‘s side. Think carefully about which presentation of The Witcher‘s themes around prejudice and morality you find most compelling.

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