Is it better to evolve a 3 star Pokémon or higher CP?

When building your Pokémon Go battle teams, you absolutely want higher CP Pokémon to evolve over lower CP ones. However, a Pokémon‘s star rating also affects its potential in combat. Let‘s dive into the appraisal system, IVs, CP gains, and more to see why combination of high CP and 3-4 stars is ideal.

Appraising Stars and Stats

A Pokémon‘s appraisal gives you an indication of its IVs (individual values) – hidden stats that influence battle performance. Each Pokémon has 0-15 IVs in Attack, Defense, and Stamina. Higher IVs mean better underlying base stats.

When you appraise a Pokémon, the team leader will tell you phrases like "Stats exceed my calculations" or "Room for improvement as far as battling goes". Stars displayed show attack IV:

  • 0-1 stars = 0-49% IV (Not likely to make much headway in battle)
  • 2 stars = 50-63% IV (I am certainly impressed by its stats)
  • 3 stars = 64-79% IV (I am blown away by its stats)
  • 4 stars = 80-100% IV (It can accomplish anything)

So higher star Pokémon have better attacking capability, defense, and HP. They‘ll have higher CP ceilings to reach their maximum potential.

CP vs Stars: Which to Prioritize?

Trainers should look for Pokémon with both high CP and high appraisal when selecting ones to evolve. A 4-star Pokémon has greater underlying stats and battle capabilities. But a 2-star Pokémon at higher level may currently have higher CP.

For example, here‘s CP range of Machop based on level and IVs:

Level0% IV CP50% IV CP100% IV CP

So while the 4-star has way higher potential, the level 30 2-star could beat a level 20 perfect Machop.

Once evolved though, the Machamp CP differences are much more drastic:

Level0% IV CP50% IV CP100% IV CP

So in summary:

  • Higher level but lower IV – Good for immediate battling needs
  • Higher IV but lower level – Better long term investment with higher ceiling

My advice is evolve your high IV Pokémon first, before spending on power ups. Since moves randomize on evolution, better IV will provide more bang for your buck.

How IVs, Level, and Base Stats Determine CP

A Pokémon‘s maximum CP is determined by its level, IVs, and base stats for that species:

  • Level: Ranges from 1 to 40 (+5 with Candy XL). Raises CP limit.
  • IVs: Ranges from 0 to 15 for attack, defense, and stamina. Higher = better stats.
  • Base Stats: Set for each Pokémon species. Evolutions have higher base stats.

With higher attack IVs directly influencing CP, evolved forms of 4-star Pokémon can reach much higher max CP.

So don‘t just look at CP alone! Check that appraisal first whenever deciding which Pokémon to evolve.

Stardust/Candy Cost Comparison

Powering up and evolving Pokémon costs precious Stardust and Candy. Evolving first is more efficient:

For example with Machop:

  • Evolve to Machoke (25 Candy)
  • Evolve Machoke to Machamp (100 Candy)
  • Power up Machamp


  • Power up Machop
  • Evolve Machop to Machoke (25 Candy)
  • Evolve/Power up Machoke
  • Evolve Machamp (100 Candy)

Similar candy cost, but more wasted Stardust from powering up pre-evolutions with lower CP ceiling.

Always evolve a Pokémon fully first before spending on power ups. But only invest after checking it has a good post-evolution moveset.

IVs In Relation to Leagues and Cups

Great and Ultra Leagues in Pokémon Go PvP have CP caps. So sometimes you want lower attack IVs to maximize stat product.

And for themed limited Cups, the meta often centers on unevolved Pokémon where high IVs have less impact.

When ranking Pokémon for PvP, add second charge move first. Then use matrix sorting tools to see Stat Product %, league viability, and rankings.

Special Cases

While combination of high CP and stars is ideal, don‘t transfer special Pokémon with low stats:

  • Shadows: Keep for 20% attack boost even if 0-2 stars
  • Megas: Evolve your highest CP one for raid usefulness
  • Shinies: Trophy collector items – show them off!
  • Legacy Move: Unavailable charge moves like Psychic on Mewtwo

Evaluate each Pokémon‘s merits beyond just CP and IVs. Sometimes you want to keep low appraisal Pokémon based on unique factors.


To directly answer – generally evolve higher CP Pokémon, but don‘t ignore 3-4 star appraisals either. Stars influence maximum potential through increased attack, defense, and HP IVs.

Make sure to appraise and check IVs using an online calculator before transferring or powering up. Combination of high CP and perfect or near perfect IVs is the goal.

Hope this guide gives you some new insight on why CP alone doesn‘t tell the whole story! Now get out there and catch those 100% Pokémon!

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