Digital PS5 Games Are Usually the Better Option for Most Gamers

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the PS5 platform, I get asked a lot whether gamers should opt for physical disc or digital versions of titles. After researching the pros and cons and combining it with my own PS5 gaming experience, I generally recommend digital PS5 games as the best route for most players. Digital offers more convenience, reliability, and long-term value that delivers a superior overall user experience for the PS5 ecosystem.

Digital Games Provide More Convenience and Flexibility

One of the biggest advantages of digital PS5 games is that you can quickly switch between titles and access new games immediately when they release. You don‘t have to bother swapping out physical discs each time you want to change games, which saves effort and time.

I absolutely love the convenience of being able to pull up my PS5 game library and launch whichever title I want with a simple click. And when hot new releases drop, I don‘t have to make a trip to the store or wait for delivery – I can pre-load and start playing new digital games right at midnight launch (internet connection permitting of course).

This convenience and flexibility extends to DLC and patches too. I never have to insert a disc to download the latest game updates and additional content. As of 2023, 93% of PS5 game sales are digital downloads rather than physical copies according to recent Piplsay survey data. This suggests most gamers prefer the seamless access and user experience digital games enable.

Reliability and Accessibility Issues Favor Digital

Disc-based physical games come with some big downsides in terms of reliability and long-term accessibility. Discs can easily get lost, damaged, or stop working properly over time – putting your ability to play those games at risk. I can‘t tell you how many PS1, PS2, and PS3 games I owned on disc that eventually became too scratched up to play even though I tried to take good care of them.

With digital games, you don‘t have to worry about damage or degradation issues that can render physical games unplayable. As long as you retain access to your PSN account with purchased digital licenses, you can re-download and play your digital PS5 games indefinitely (as internet speeds/networks advance to handle bigger game file sizes).

Sony also confirmed the PS5 will be backwards compatible with digital PS4 games libraries. So I can expect my existing digital PS4 games and saves to carry forward and remain accessible as well. That provides great long-term value.

And with cloud storage becoming increasingly common, backing up save data is much easier and more reliable with digital titles too. So even if something happens to your console, recovering your gaming progress is less prone to issues relative to physical save data.

Ongoing Costs and Sales Can Offer More Value from Digital

When evaluating the potential for cost savings and getting the best deals, digital PS5 games have a strong advantage too in many cases. While buying used physical copies or deeply discounted older titles in the second-hand market can represent big savings, most new major release games are the same MSRP (around $59.99-$69.99 USD) whether you buy physical or digital.

In these cases, digital editions quite often go on sale more frequently and for lower prices compared to physical copies of the same titles. For example, according to PS Deals which tracks PSN pricing history:

Game TitleDigital Best Sale PricePhysical Best Sale Price
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart$29.99$39.99
Horizon Forbidden West$49.69$59.99
Gran Turismo 7$29.99$39.99

These major first party Sony titles have all been cheaper at various sales for digital editions compared to physical copies at their respective low points. While buying used can provide savings, you have to wait about 1-2 years after launch before supply hits the second-hand market to find titles deeply discounted.

Whereas digital sales kick in much sooner, dropping prices by 30-50% off in some cases within the first 6-12 months post-launch. For savvy deal hunters, going digital is the best way to maximize savings in my experience.

And another cost advantage on the digital side – you don‘t have to spring for expedited shipping to get pre-order bonuses or play new releases right away. Pre-loading takes care of that. Between more frequent/cheaper sales and pre-load perks, digital editions end up being less costly over time in most cases.

Downsides and Considerations of Going All-Digital PS5

All that said, I understand digital games and consoles aren‘t necessarily right for every gamer‘s circumstances or preferences. Here are a few downsides to going all-digital on PS5 that are worth considering:

  • Internet connectivity issues – Fast, reliable internet is essential to enjoying a good digital gaming experience. Those with data caps or poor connections may fare better with physical games.
  • Account security concerns – Your PSN account becoming compromised could put access to your entire digital library at risk.
  • Inability to re-sell titles – One of the big advantages of physical games is being able re-coupe some costs by selling titles second-hand once you finish playing them. This isn‘t possible with digital licenses.
  • Hard drive space limitations – As games get bigger and bigger, having to install 30-80 GB games rather than running them off disc does eat up SSD space faster. Players may need to invest in storage expansion sooner.
  • Collectibility factor – Some gamers enjoy displaying and collecting physical games similar to vinyl record enthusiasts. Digital can‘t replicate this tangible sense of ownership.

Ultimately personal gaming habits, connectivity, budgets, and how much players value the collectible nature of physical games determines whether going all-digital makes the best fit. Casual or single-player focused gamers in particular may find physical PS5 games to offer specific advantages over digital in some regards.

The Bottom Line – Go Digital for Convenience and Value

Considering the total balance of advantages I‘ve laid out above – convenience, reliability, accessibility, cost savings, and other perks – I firmly believe digital PS5 games deliver a better overall user experience compared to physical discs for most players.

Unless you have unreliable internet, tight budgets that depend on buying/selling used games to afford new titles, or place high collectible value on physical editions, digital game licenses simply make for an ideal match with the high-speed PS5 console. Quick access, more sales, robust backwards compatibility, and not having to mess with discs outweigh most other factors for the majority of gamers.

At the end of the day, PS5 gaming is fantastic regardless if you opt for an all-digital library or prefer physical media. But for me and most players I know, going all-in on digital games maximizes the next-gen experience while saving money over time. That’s why I recommend digital for the average gamer.

What do you think – are you team digital or physical when it comes to PS5 games? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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