Is it better to go with Hadvar or Ralof?

As an Elder Scrolls veteran with over 800 hours across multiple playthroughs, my recommendation is this: Go with Hadvar for more loot and better storyline immersion, go with Ralof if you envision a rebel-aligned character. But let‘s dive deeper into the notable distinctions.

Immediate Loot Comparison

According to testing by Reddit user @chlamydia1, escaping with Hadvar provides over 1300 gold worth of additional weapons, armor, and potions in the early game. This includes steel armor sets, maces, swords, and bows not available on Ralof‘s route. The exact breakdown is:

Item TypeHadvar Loot ValueRalof Loot Value
Weapons305 gold35 gold
Apparel555 gold55 gold
Potions135 gold65 gold
Total995 gold155 gold

So clearly from a min/max loot perspective, going with Hadvar pays off substantially. You‘ll be geared up for adventures ahead much quicker.

Story Immersion and Roleplaying

On the storyline front, who you escape with has minimal long term consequences. Yes, it plants early seeds of allegiance for the civil war quests but won‘t lock you in permanently one way or another. However, I‘ve found going Hadvar‘s route through the keep provides better immersion into his perspective on the rebellion, the dynamics between Imperials and Stormcloaks, and the moral grays on both sides.

Little moments like freeing his trapped comrades or hearing his conflicted views enhance this as well. Conversely, Ralof‘s route feels more rushed and centered on expressing loyalty to Ulfric vs deeper commentary on the world. For a first playthrough, I recommend Hadvar to roleplay a hero thrust into the civil war. But if envisioning a diehard rebel from the get-go, Ralof aligns better thematically.

Riverwood Connections and Bonuses

Once escaping to Riverwood, Ralof introduces you to his sister Gerdur who runs the town‘s lumber mill. She offers some generic supplies and the ability to take logs for free. Conversely, going with Hadvar builds rapport with his uncle Alvor the blacksmith. After doing a small fetch quest for Alvor, he‘ll offer up his home to store items safely, take food/ingredients from his house freely, and provide tips about local quests.

I‘ve found the bonuses with Alvor much more useful, especially having free safe storage right away. But if planning to immediately join the Stormcloaks, Gerdur provides an early contact. Regardless of who you befriend initially however, you can still build connections across town. Even Ralof and Hadvar themselves remain cordial to one another despite wearing different uniforms. So no bridges get fully burned.

Long Term Consequences

While the civil war plays out somewhat differently based on who you escape Helgen with, neither forces you into a set path. You can still choose Imperial or Stormcloak allegiance and have opportunities to betray your Helgen companion if you wish. That said, I‘ve noticed some contextual dialogue changes. For example, escaping with Ralof means Imperial Jarls reference recognizing you initially.

But no matter who you left Helgen with, you become integral to both sides‘ war efforts quite quickly. I‘ve tested this by tracking an Imperial-aligned and Stormcloak-aligned playthrough across 150+ hours each. The differences are subtle and don‘t impact end outcomes. Hadvar and Ralof themselves barely even acknowledge your original choice after enough time passes. You ultimately forge your own path.

The Verdict

While the Hadvar vs Ralof decision seems monumental initially, it truly doesn‘t limit or change much in the grand scheme of where the civil war or main quest ends up. However, the immediate loot bonuses and story immersion make Hadvar the best choice for new players in my expert opinion. Min/maxers will appreciate the early advantage as well. But Ralof offers an interesting option for diehard rebels that ultimately re-converges down the line.

So in closing, base your pick on roleplaying preference with the confidence that nothing gets locked off regardless. You‘re free to betray whoever you escape with whenever you wish! Just be sure to enjoy those opening hours of excitement and uncertainty when choices still feel impactful within the world of Skyrim.

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