Should You Turn Sebastian In or Not in Hogwarts Legacy?

Deciding whether to turn Sebastian in for practicing illegal dark magic puts players in a tricky moral quandary. On the one hand, it meets the ethical standards for doing the right thing expected of Hogwarts students. But on the other, you permanently lose access to rare gameplay content that incentivizes rule-breaking for players interested in full progression. There are compelling reasons either way, so let‘s dive deeper…

Factors Supporting Turning Sebastian In

Handing Sebastian over to the authorities might frustrate completionist players. But for ethically-minded fans, it‘s the only real option. According to early player polls, over 60% see it as maintain the moral integrity of their character and Hogwarts itself. As a prefect, it falls in line with your duties.

While definitive data remains limited weeks after launch, players anecdotally report minimal long term content losses. You miss out learning two high-end Dark Arts abilities from Sebastian after the main questline ends.

But turning him in also unlocks exclusive side missions focused on tracking down illegal curses to confiscate dangerous texts from students. This explores deeper moral themes around policing wizard ethics. Fans eager for more "DMLE detective work" find satisfaction here.

It also avoids the dubious continued presence of a murderous dark wizard freely attending classes with little realistic consequence. Leaving Sebastian enrolled requires significant suspension of disbelief. Turning him in supports coherent worldbuilding for players valuing immersive continuity.

So for fans prioritizing roleplaying heroic personalities or valuing narrative integrity, it‘s a small price to pay. The game offers alternative means to earn most high-tier powers Sebastian alone provides. We must consider motivations behind each playstyle to understand their perspective.

Factors Supporting Not Turning Sebastian In

However, many hardcore players insist keeping Sebastian around remains optimal for power progression. Unlocking the Killing Curse supercharges combat capabilities for high-difficulty encounters. And Imperius Curse enables unique environmental puzzles during free roam.

For those chasing game breaking spell combinations, the trade-off clearly favors more talent options. Restricting the most potent dark magic tools fundamentally limits creative theorycrafting. Turning Sebastian in cuts this short even 30+ hours deep into the endgame grind.

The narrative justification for selective lawbreaking also caters to popular Slytherin roleplaying. Embracing moral grey areas offers tantalizing taboo appeal after decades confined to rigid "golden boy" Potter stories. Being complicit has novelty value for veteran franchise fans.

And while little permanent narrative change occurs across the main storyline, subtle interactions with Sebastian reinforce personality nuance. Keeping damning secrets opens insight into unhealthy coping mechanisms born of trauma that humanize his wrongdoings. Players connecting to this emotional subtext find added depth their schools years.

In most gameplay aspects, either choice remains viable long-term. But for those chasing exclusive power or indulging sly rebel fantasies, the trade-offs still incentivize tolerating (not endorsing) Sebastian’s activities. Conceptually pricing integrity against progression highlights where players sit across this divide.

Navigating the Dilemma – Making Your Choice

Weighing up truth versus power draws striking parallels to Potter’s own hero journey. And where players land likely mirrors their real-world views on civil obedience, vigilantism, and necessary evils.

Perhaps franchise nostalgia skews tolerance higher for cunning rulebreakers. We recall the thrilling seeds hinting Dumbledore’s dark past. Or Marauders era mischief glamorized for bold rebellion during bleaker eras. Fantasy tropes romanticize taming dark hearts.

But context matters, especially regarding impressionable children. We cannot ignore Rowling repeatedly warned against the corrosive effects of dark magic. Or how secrecy enabled rising genocidal regimes historically. Integrity versus ambition make uncomfortable bedfellows in reality.

With such loaded subtext, structuring clear guideposts becomes precarious. Every fan filters gaming priorities through unique lenses – power, completion, roleplaying, escapism. Discouraging any misses opportunities to discuss why we make certain choices. Open discourse enables progress.

Perhaps the solution lies in adjusting endgame systems prolonging relevance for both paths. Satisfy rule enforcers with recurring Ministry side cases. Reward renegade collectors unlocking artifacts via gray market channels. Elucidating motive allows understanding – the foundation for growth.

For now, reflect on what principles hold meaning to you during these pivotal years. Judge not lest ye be judged. And make the choice that lets you sleep at night knowing who stares back in the mirror. The real question remains…what future legacy awaits?

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