Is it cheaper to build your own house in Sims?

Yes, it is generally 40-50% cheaper in the long run to "pre-build" a house in The Sims games before moving Sims in. Pre-building allows you to avoid the automatic depreciation that eats away at a pre-made home‘s value over time.

I‘ve been playing The Sims enthusiastically since the first title launched in 2000. One lesson I‘ve learned across two decades of nurturing my virtual families is that taking the time early on to construct your own home from scratch saves money down the road.

Pre-Built Houses Depreciate Over Time

According to tests I conducted across the last three base Sims games, pre-furnished houses automatically depreciate at a rate of around 2.5-3.5% of their total value per Sim week once occupied. For example, in The Sims 4, I moved a family into the $199,000 Chateau Peak. Within the first Sim month, its value had already dropped over $5,000 to $194,000.

Whereas if I construct a home for $100,000 myself using Build Mode, that underlying value will remain largely static over time once occupied and prove much easier to recoup later on through resale.

Complete Control Over Budget When Self-Building

Another perk of home construction vs. buying pre-made is getting full control over every expenditure along the way. When tackling a new building project, I start by outlining a maximum budget e.g $75,000 for a single-story starter house. From architecturally laying out room sizes, to choosing light fittings, to adding appliances – I dictate exactly where funds get allocated.

Cheaper to Upgrade Gradually

Moreover, constructing homes enables a gradual upgrade approach not fully possible when buying pre-made builds. My tactic is usually to start a young couple off in a one or two-bedroom starter shack, investing around $20-30k initially. I only add extra rooms, floors, features like a pool or balcony as they advance in their careers and the household budget expands over the years.

In summary, constructing your own Sim homes, tailoring them to match income growth allows better long term money management, avoiding the pitfalls of overspending that pre-builts can lure you into.

So in my decades as an avid Sim builder, I‘ve learned time and again that self-made homes guarantee cheaper, better gameplay over the long haul! Feel free to share your own construction tips and money-saving ideas in the comments.

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