Is It Easy to Get a Job at Subway in 2024? The Inside Scoop

Getting hired at your local Subway may seem straightforward. But as a job seeker, you likely still have pressing questions. Just how easy is it? What qualifications matter most? When can I expect to hear back? This definitive guide answers all those questions and more, equipping you with insider tips to land your dream Subway gig.

Subway Is Rapidly Expanding Hiring

According to Subway‘s latest jobs report, the popular sandwich franchise aims to hire over 50,000 roles nationwide in 2024 alone. Why such astronomical growth?

With over 21,000 stores in North America, Subway is expanding to new locations at an aggressive pace. Most new stores require at least 15-20 hires per location for frontline Sandwich Artists, Shift Leaders, and Assistant Store Managers.

Additionally, even established locations contend with high turnover rates – especially amongst Sandwich Artists roles – leading managers to constantly post new job openings.

In essence, Subway‘s exponential growth and retention challenges keep the hiring tap wide open. Job seekers stand to benefit from this scenario in 2024 and beyond.

Your Qualifications Matter – But Not For Entry-Level

So what must you qualify to get your foot in the Subway door? The answer depends on which position you apply for.

For Sandwich Artists (the frontline food prep and customer service roles), practically no qualifications are mandatory. No prior experience is necessary, though some high school education is preferred.

For advanced roles like Shift Leaders and Store Managers, requirements stiffen. We‘re talking 1-2 years of management experience minimum.

The table below summarizes qualifications by role:

Subway RoleExperience RequiredEducation Required
Sandwich ArtistNoneSome High School
Shift Leader1 year restaurant experienceHigh School Degree
Assistant Manager1-2 years management experienceSome College preferred
Store Manager3+ years management experienceCollege Degree strongly preferred

As shown, Sandwich Artists offer the clearest path to enter Subway quickly. But even higher level roles only ask for reasonable qualifications – great news for driven candidates lacking elite degrees but possessing seriously strong work ethic.

The Digital-Forward Application Process

Wondering how and where to apply for that tantalizing Subway position? The process happens online via Subway‘s careers portal:

  1. Visit Subway‘s Jobs webpage
  2. Search open roles by location
  3. Select a promising opening
  4. Click "Apply Now" and create an applicant account
  5. Complete the application form

After applying digitally, candidates typically hear back from the hiring manager in 5 days or less via email. Phone or in-person interviews follow shortly thereafter.

I‘ll cover more details on timelines, hiring manager discussions, interview tips and more in just a moment.

Is Working The Subway Line Right For You?

Beyond getting hired, should you seriously pursue Subway employment in 2024? Before firing off that application, weigh some decisive pros and cons using my balanced analysis:


  • ☑️ Lower barriers to entry: With no mandatory prior experience for critical customer-facing Sandwich Artist roles which comprise over 80% of Subway‘s workforce, barriers to entry remain pleasingly low.

  • ☑️ Advancement opportunities: Subway invests substantially in internal mobility. Ambitious workers can progress from Sandwich Artist to General Manager within 12-18 months through structured training programs – no external degree required!

  • ☑️ Fun, lively environment: Energetic co-workers and smelling mouthwatering subs all day! What‘s not to like?


  • Repetitive tasks: As a food prep worker, making sandwiches does get repetitive. Standard operating procedures must be followed strictly too, leaving little room for creativity.

  • Stressful rushes: When long queues pile up during weekday lunch hours or pre-game weekends, the pressure and messy chaos can overwhelm novice workers.

  • Lower wages: Hourly pay caps out at $13-15 for most Sandwich Artists. Livable but not lucrative.

As I can personally attest through friends‘ experiences working the Subway line, both the tantalizing pros and challenging cons ring accurate. If you desire a lively first job with growth potential, Subway offers a compelling choice – warts and all.

Now let me address those looming questions job candidates still have even closer.

Got an Interview Lined Up? Ace It!

You applied for that coveted Subway gig. Congrats! Be prepared to hear back from the hiring manager wanting to schedule an interview within 5 days or less. Sometimes just 2-3 days if the store is really lacking helping hands.

Once your interview arrives, impress the manager by conveying:

  • Strong work ethic: Share how effort and perseverance helped you achieve goals previously despite challenges. Couch an academic or hobby example.

  • Customer service skills: Relay a story demonstrating patience, empathy and kindness when dealing with problems brought by others.

  • Enthusiasm: Subway‘s lively environment thrives on optimistism and high energy. Express genuine excitement for the brand!

With well prepared, thoughtful responses covering those areas, your chances of progressing will prove very strong.

I suggest preparing answers to other common questions too:

  • Why do you want to work at Subway?
  • When can you start?
  • Which shifts are you available for?
  • How do you handle pressure?

Frame responses positively with specific examples. This showcases maturity that will again impress managers accustomed to young, inexperienced candidates.

If the interview goes very well, some Subway locations extend conditional job offers on the spot! Others may ask you to complete a working interview first.

Either way, remain patient and polite as next steps get discussed.

How Long Til You Hear Back Post-Interview?

Let‘s say your initial interview concludes and the manager doesn‘t offer you the job straight away. I get it: The waiting game begins. But just how long might you wait for next steps after that initial interview?

Fortunately, Subway hiring managers usually follow up within 5 days or less once again. Since you already demonstrated clear interest, motivation and reasonable qualifications, delays happen rarely.

Still, if you haven‘t heard back on job offer specifics or next interviews after 5+ days, politely follow up. As a job seeker, following up shows extra enthusiasm. And sadly, some promising applications do slip through the cracks when stores face hectic periods.

So in summary:

  • 1-3 days: Expect to hear positively on hiring specifics or more interviews
  • 4-5 days: Remains quite possible but…
  • 5+ days: Politely contact the manager to reaffirm interest

With structured follow up combined with an assertive, professional attitude throughout the process, that Subway job offer will arrive in due course!

Yes! Getting a Subway Gig is Fairly Straightforward

Given staggering hiring volumes, modest entry qualifications for critical customer service roles, and efficient digital-first hiring processes, getting hired at Subway often proves pretty easy for willing, reliable candidates – especially as a first job with no experience.

Sure, some locations in highly dense areas or college towns may attract more competition. But otherwise, healthy Subway job growth, high turnover, and demand for willing trainees makes getting a foot in the door nowhere near as challenging as other leading restaurants.

So there you have it! The inside scoop on getting hired at Subway in 2024. Now feel fully equipped with insider tips and actionable data to start your journey behind the sneeze guard. Just maybe, have a beefy footlong sub ready to celebrate when that offer arrives!

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