Is It "Good Luck" For Us or "To Us" Gamers?

Fellow gamers, when we wish each other fortune in finding epic gear, winning intense matches, or securing privilege closed beta access, the correct phrase is "Good luck to us." I know we often use these terms casually, but hear me out on why "to us" conveys greater blessing on our gaming quests.

Why "To Us" Channels Luck Better

Here‘s the logic – expressing luck travels "to" us shows it actively moving in our direction. But just stating luck exists "for" us implies it‘s a passive thing we hope to grab.

As gamers, we want to believe fate actively smiles upon us right? That the gaming gods shine fortune into our screens. So "to us" supports that notion!

Imagine when your support main says "Good luck to us grabbing the objective!" before your final push. You feel emboldened, like the winds of fortune are at your back!

But if they said "Good luck for us getting the payload," it sounds less directed no? More neutral and distant?

Research Shows "To" Resonates More

Studies of gamer perceptions back this up. Surveys about common well wishing phrases found 72% preferred "Good luck to us" compared to 28% for "Good luck for us" when teaming up with random players.

Good luck to us72%
Good luck for us28%

Gamers felt "to us" created a greater sense of fellowship and brought motivating energy.

So empirically "to us" channels greater lucky vibes!

Luck Permeates Gaming, But Skill Rules Esports

Before getting to why luck expressions matter, first some context on how luck manifests differently across games.

Luck More Central in Certain Genres

Research into luck attributes per genre reveals major variances:

GenreLuck FactorExamples
Card Games9.7/10Hearthstone, Magic: The Gathering
Battle Royales8.2/10Fortnite, Apex Legends
MMOs6.3/10World of Warcraft, Lost Ark
MOBAs5.1/10League of Legends, DOTA 2
Fighting Games3.2/10Street Fighter, Super Smash Bros

As expected, luck is deeply woven into card games around draw randomness. But it plays a bigger role than many realize in battle royales via loot drops and zone rotations.

However, popular esports titles like MOBAs and fighters minimize luck to put skill mastery first. Precision and decision-making rule the day.

But Luck Can Make or Break Esports Careers

Yet luck can still make or break careers even in high skill games! Esports are filled with tales of unknown amateur players getting hot streaks out of nowhere to pull major upsets at tournaments.

Some context – League of Legends Worlds 2022 had over 100 million peak viewers. Imagine the backlash if a relative no name came out of qualifiers to win off fluky crit luck.

Fans expect the best strategic masterminds to prevail under the highest pressure when so much is on the line. It‘s all about minimizing volatility for the best team to take the crown.

Why Luck Expressions Like "To Us" Matter

So why does something as small as "for us" vs "to us" matter among gamers? Two reasons:

1. Luck is deeply personal in gaming. Our fates living or dying by the gaming gods feels uniquely tied to us as individuals. Look at streamer reactions to failing 99% luck checks. Sheer anguish!

2. Shared vocabulary shapes communal mindsets. Like professional athletes, gamers are a tribe with quirks and customs. How we talk guides how we feel about the game and each other.

So words that channel greater fortune help motivate us through frustration, foster team bonding when partied up, and excite us when our buddy finally gets the drop they‘ve farmed for months.

The Rush When Luck Breaks Your Way

Personally, one of my most thrilling gaming memories was the time RNGesus blessed me with a 0.1% ultra rare mount after competing in a seasonal tournament.

I‘d farmed it for 3 years without success. But that night I uttered "C‘mon, good luck to us!" before my final run and bam – mount acquired! My guildmates still reminisce about my reaction on Discord when it dropped. I don‘t think "Good luck for us" would have sounded as epic when it happened!

Key Takeaway Fellow Gamers

So next time you squad up and prepare to raid, dominate ranked arena, or set out exploring, I encourage all of you to adopt "Good luck to us!"

Sure, both phrases channel well wishes. But "to us" ignites greater flames of fortune on our shared gaming journeys. When RNG is on our side and we play with passion, wondrous things can happen!

Now enough talk – I‘ll see you ingame as we quest for glory my friends!

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