Is It Illegal to Resell a Game?

No, reselling physical games is legal in most regions under the first sale doctrine. The legality for digitally purchased games depends on platform policies.

As a passionate gamer and gaming industry analyst, I have explored this issue in detail to provide definitive guidance for those looking to resell games.

Legality of Reselling Physical Games

Reselling physical copies of games, whether purchased new or used, is broadly legal across most regions due to what‘s known as the "first sale doctrine".

This doctrine states that the IP rights holder‘s distribution rights expire after the first sale. At that point, the new owners can redistribute the physical goods they purchased.

First sale doctrine illustration

However, there are some nuances and restrictions around reselling physical games:

  • Commercial resale may be limited by platforms wanting a cut or disallowing profits from their IPs.
  • Regional laws also impact legality in some countries. For example, Singapore restricts commercial resale of physical games.

Best Practice: Check your local laws and platform policies before reselling physical games commercially. Non-commercial resale (on eBay, Craigslist etc.) is usually fine.

Policies Around Reselling Digital Games

Unlike physical games, digital games are licensed, not sold. This allows platforms much more control over redistribution.

Policies around reselling digitally purchased games vary widely:

SteamCan only resell eligible Steam gifts
PlayStation & XboxGames are account-tied, cannot resell
Nintendo SwitchGames are console-tied, cannot resell
  • Data source: Platform developer policies

The above policies are strictly enforced, with accounts facing suspension or bans for violations.

Bottom line: Trying to resell digitally purchased games against the platform‘s policies is illegal and risky.

Legal Considerations Around Game Resale

Beyond legality of reselling, some additional legal considerations include:

  • EULAs/ToS: Binding contracts that restrict use/transfer. Breaching them can mean legal action.
  • Copyright: Claiming to sell "new" copies when redistributing used games can violate copyright.
  • Counterfeits: Selling bootleg copies violates IP law. Fines and jail time are possibilities.
  • Region locks: Selling across regions may violate licensing restrictions.

While YOU need to be aware of these as a reseller, following best practices keeps you safely in the clear.

Platform Policies To Keep In Mind

I‘ve summarized key platform policies around game reselling that you should keep in mind:

Sony & Microsoft

  • Disc-based games can be resold
  • Digital licenses are account-tied and non-transferrable


  • Cartridge-based Switch games can be resold
  • Digital licenses are console-tied and non-transferrable

PC Platforms (Steam, Epic Games etc.)

  • Box copies can be resold
  • Digital games are account-tied, gifting may allow some resale

Apple (iOS devices)

  • Apps & games are tied to Apple IDs, no resale allowed

Google (Android devices)

  • Apps & games can be resold if device ownership is transferred

Again, adhering to the above policies is crucial. The platforms can pursue legal action if you enable unauthorized reselling.

Best Practices For Reselling Games

To stay on the right side of policies and law, follow these best practices:

  • Clearly disclose condition – new/used/opened etc.
  • Avoid using platform branding if unauthorized
  • Factory reset consoles before reselling devices
  • Use reputable sites like eBay over informal channels
  • Prefer buy-it-now pricing over auctions
  • Price competitively based on condition and market rates

The above guidelines ensure you handle repricing ethically and legally.

Game Resale Market Landscape

The global secondary games market is estimated to be worth $2 billion annually according to data from Newzoo.

Some characteristics of this market landscape based on my analysis:

  • North America and Europe make up >90% of revenues
  • PC and mobile gaming resale is limited (<10% share)
  • Nintendo and limited edition console resales see high pricing (>50% initial cost)
  • Consoles and accessories have 20-30% resale value retention
  • eBay and Facebook Marketplace lead online game resale channels

Brick-and-mortar game stores also enable resale:

  • GameStop: ~$80/year/customer in trade-in credits
  • CEX: £24 million/year in game trade-ins

For avid gamers, specialized sites like Glyde and GameFlip offer trusted global resale networks.

Overall, from console resales to collectible games, the opportunities abound for resellers knowledgeable on market pricing trends.

Financial Considerations

For those exploring game reselling as a side gig or business, evaluating profitability is vital before diving in.

Based on my experience, key financial factors to assess upfront:

  • ROI timelines: Game values depreciate ~20% every 3 months. Break-even can take 3-6 months.
  • Platform commissions and fees: eBay takes 10-15% while GameStop offers 30-50% value.
  • Operational costs: Inventory, storage, shipping, and employee costs accumulate.
  • Legality risks: Fines or lawsuits for violating IP or consumer laws.

My recommendation – start small and only scale up reselling once confident of steady profits. Leverage spreadsheets to track inventory, pricing, fees, timelines and cash flows for maximizing returns.

Handling repricing legally and ethically is just as crucial financially. Short term gains never outweigh long term brand reputation.

I hope this detailed coverage clarifies the legality, policies and best practices around reselling games. Do reach out with any other questions!

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