Is it illegal to touch the pyramids?

Yes, it is illegal to climb or touch the pyramids in Egypt. According to Egyptian law, climbing the pyramids can result in up to 3 years of imprisonment and fines from 10,000 to 100,000 Egyptian pounds ($550 to $5,500 USD).

Why is it illegal?

The Egyptian government banned climbing the pyramids in 1951 to protect these historic monuments from damage and wear. The porous limestone of the pyramids suffers erosion from human contact over time. Authorities also aim to protect visitor safety, as climbing the steep, weathered slopes can lead to injuries and fatal falls.

When did the ban take effect?

  • 1951 – Egypt passes law banning climbing on pyramids
  • 1973 – Authorities begin strictly enforcing the no climbing rule
  • Present – Fines and jail time handed out to those who break the law

What are the penalties?

  • Imprisonment: Minimum 1 month up to 3 years
  • Fines:
    • 10,000 to 100,000 Egyptian pounds
    • Approximately $550 to $5,500 USD

Has this stopped pyramid climbers?

Unfortunately, some adventure seekers still attempt to scale the pyramids despite the ban:

  • February 2016 – A German tourist was banned from entering Egypt for life after illegally scaling one of the Giza pyramids.
  • November 2020 – An Egyptian man was arrested for climbing the Great Pyramid of Giza. He removed parts of an antique mast on top before throwing stones at security forces on the ground.

Are there exceptions?

Only sanctioned archaeological research teams allowed may access restricted pyramid sites, but they must obtain special permission from the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities and adhere to strict regulations.

So remember – look but don‘t touch, for your own safety and to preserve these ancient wonders! The view is just as spectacular from the ground.

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