Should You Play Assassin‘s Creed Origins Before Odyssey?

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the Assassin‘s Creed series, I‘m often asked if it‘s necessary to play 2017‘s Assassin‘s Creed Origins before last year‘s hit Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey. On the surface, the two games share broad strokes: historical open worlds, action RPG gameplay, and the ever-present struggle between Assassins and Templars.

However, Origins and Odyssey differ greatly in setting, characters, style and scope. Odyssey leans further into supernatural elements and player choice narrative. Origins focuses more on establishing the brotherhood of assassins themselves.

So should you play Origins first? Let‘s analyze when each game takes place, how their narratives connect, gameplay differences and more to help you decide.

When Each Game Takes Place

  • Origins is set in Ancient Egypt during the rule of Cleopatra, 49-43 BCE. This places it over 2000 years ago.
  • Odyssey explores Ancient Greece during the Peloponnesian War, 431-404 BCE. Making it over 400 years earlier than Origins.

So right away, we have two completely distinct historical settings separated by centuries. The events and characters in Origins have no direct connection to those seen in ancient Greece centuries prior.

This table summarizes the timeline:

Assassin‘s Creed OdysseyAncient Greece431 BCE – 422 BCE
Assassin‘s Creed OriginsPtolemaic Egypt49 BCE – 43 BCE

Narrative Connections

With vastly different historical backdrops, the standalone stories told in each game contain no overlapping characters or events. Some fans theorize that Odyssey hints at early precursors to the Templar Order, but concrete connections are scarce.

Most narrative links exist in the modern day storyline that bookends each title. However, even then Odyssey and Origins focus on completely distinct present-day characters. Origins wraps up the arc of longtime series regular Layla Hassan, while Odyssey‘s modern segments center on Layla‘s predecessor Abstergo employee Victoria.

So in terms of overarching lore, the connections are loose at best. Origins establishes the foundation of the Assassin Brotherhood itself. Whereas Odyssey takes place centuries earlier and sets up the struggle between order and freedom that eventually gives birth to that struggle.

Comparing Historical Settings

Beyond a focus on major events and figures, the recreations of Ancient Egypt and Greece contain entirely distinct cultures, icons, architecture and landscapes.

Origins brings the sandstone temples and statues of gods like Anubis and Sobek to life. The city of Alexandria serves as an epicenter overflowing with sights and sounds that feel distinctly Egyptian. From palm trees to hippos, pyramids to papyrus, Origins fully immerses players into life during Cleopatra’s reign.

Meanwhile, Odyssey trades deserts for azure seas as the backdrop to an epic Greek saga. Marble statues of gods like Zeus and Athena populate grandiose temples. The natural beauty of islands like Crete, Mykonos and Santorini overflow with olive groves, vineyards and mountainous cliffs. Major cities like Athens, Sparta and Delphi become proxy battlegrounds for the raging Peloponnesian War.

So both titles provide exceptionally thorough, vibrant depictions of their respective eras that stand independently in scope and substance.

Comparing Gameplay Systems

Now that we‘ve compared narratives and settings, let‘s examine gameplay. Origins introduced more RPG mechanics that Odyssey built upon even further. This manifests clearly when looking at core gameplay pillars:


Origins added hitbox-based combat requiring carefully aimed blows. Odyssey retained this system while expanding special abilities and options to support more flexible builds.

Origins Features:

  • Hitbox-based strikes
  • Blocking/parrying
  • Tools like predator bows

Odyssey Enhancements:

  • Ability trees with enhanced skills
  • Burly warrior, stealth and ranged options
  • New weapons like spears and staffs


Both titles contained extensive stealth options, with Odyssey offering more fantastical enhancements by leaning into mythology.

Origins Allowed:

  • Social stealth blendng
  • Distractions and traps
  • AI manipulation

Odyssey Built On:

  • Supernatural invisibility
  • Teleportation
  • Paralyzing poison arrows
  • Taming animals


While Origins introduced stat-based gear, Odyssey enlarged that with bountiful loot and a deeper gear score system.

Origins Had:

  • Upgradable levels
  • Lootable equipment

Odyssey Improved With:

  • Tiered loot quality
  • Engraving stat boosts
  • Mastery levels after cap

Critical Reception and Reviews

Both titles earned strong critical praise, with Odyssey earning slightly higher review scores overall:

Assassin‘s Creed Origins


Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey


Critics praised the strong writing, lush world and revamped gameplay Origins introduced. Odyssey won additional acclaim for going bigger in scope while refining RPG elements further. So from a critical assessment standpoint, Odyssey represents a pinnacle for the series thus far.

Recommendations For New Players

For new players considering which game to play first, here is my recommendation:

Play Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey first for these reasons:

  • Sets up overarching Assassin vs. Order of Ancients lore
  • More refined, exciting RPG systems and progression
  • Rich explorer fantasy brought to life in Greece
  • More consistent, highly-rated experience

Then play Assassin‘s Creed Origins to:

  • See formal origin of the Assassin Brotherhood
  • Learn more on First Civilization lore
  • Experience completely distinct Egyptian setting
  • Meet history-defining figures like Cleopatra

So in summary — no, playing Origins first is not necessary to understand and appreciate the stellar adventure Odyssey provides. While the two games have loose connections narratively and historically, they thrive fully as independent titles respectively set in Ancient Greece and Egypt. Both offer rich historical playgrounds to explore with satisfying action RPG gameplay. But Odyssey represents the pinnacle thus far with its incredible scope, customization and mythical flair.

I hope this thorough analysis helps assess if playing Origins first is right for you. Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments, and happy gaming!

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