Is it OK to EV train from Level 1?

The short answer is yes, you can absolutely start EV (Effort Value) training your Pokémon from level 1 with no issues. While the stat boosts from EVs are more visible at level 100, you can shape your Pokémon‘s stats right from the start. As a fellow gamer and content creator, I‘m here to walk you through everything you need to know about early EV training.

What are EVs?

For newcomers, EVs are hidden values that boost your Pokémon‘s stats like HP, Attack, and Speed. Each Pokémon you defeat gives EVs that accumulate, boosting stats later on. Properly training EVs is key to having battle-ready competitive Pokémon.

How Do EVs Work?

Every 4 EVs you obtain in a stat equals 1 extra point for that base stat at level 100. So with proper EV training, you can add 63 extra points to a stat from EVs alone!

Here‘s a quick rundown:

Total EVsStat Boost
4 EVs+1
8 EVs+2
252 EVs+63

So in summary, more EVs = more stats for your Pokémon!

When is the Ideal Time to Start EV Training?

Ideally, as early as possible! Starting from level 1 gives you maximum control over your Pokémon‘s stats as they grow. Effort Values affect all Pokémon equally regardless of what stage of evolution there are at.

Popular competitive Pokémon website Smogon recommends:

EV training begins at birth. If you want perfect control over your Pokémon‘s EVs, you‘ll want to start from the minute they‘re born.

I stand by this as well from my years of breeding and training. Shape your Pokémon‘s EVs from the start for the best results!

Do EVs Reset After Evolution?

Nope! Many new Trainers worry that evolving will undo their hard EV training work. I‘m happy to report your EVs remain completely unchanged throughout all evolutions.

According to expert site Serebii:

any EP‘s on a pre-EVO = ant EP‘s on an EVO.

So feel free to EV train your Pokémon as early as their first stage without worrying about EVs resetting later on.

Useful Tools and Tips for Early EV Training

EV training items like Power Weights and Macho Brace are hugely helpful for fast tracking EVs pre-level 100. I highly recommend using:

  • Power Items – Boost EV gain from battles
  • Pokerus – Doubles EV gains
  • Reset Bags – Fix EV mistakes

Here are some pro-tips:

  • Focus on one or two stats, don‘t spread yourself thin
  • Max out EVs as soon as possible
  • Reset EVs and retrain if unhappy later on

Follow this advice early on and you‘ll have battle-ready Pokémon in no time!

Do EVs Matter After Level 100?

While you can accumulate EVs indefinitely, they stop affecting stats after level 100. So what‘s the advantage of heavy early EV training?

A Pokemon EV trained at level 1 will have identical stats once it reaches level 100 to the same Pokemon trained for the same EVs at level 100.

Essentially, you sacrifice nothing by maxing EVs early according to expert site Pokémon DB. So take advantage of molding your Pokémon‘s stats from the start!

Wrapping Up

I hope I‘ve convinced you as a fellow gamer that early EV training is100% viable. Let me leave you with some final thoughts:

  • Start EV training as soon as possible! Level 1 allows maximum control.
  • Don‘t worry about EVs resetting after evolution.
  • Max out the focused EVs as quickly as you can.
  • Take advantage of useful EV boosting items/tips.

EV train wisely and you‘ll quickly build powerful competitive Pokémon! Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions. Happy training!

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