Yes, You Can Definitely Become King of Vlandia in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Based on my extensive research of successful playthroughs and guides from many passionate Bannerlord players across various gaming sites and communities, I can definitively state that it is completely possible to start as an upstart mercenary and eventually achieve becoming the crowned monarch ruling the Kingdom of Vlandia.

However, this immense accomplishment does require substantial time, effort and strategy across potentially hundreds of in-game days and real gameplay hours. You must methodically build up your forces, resources, reputation and political allies throughout early, mid and end game.

Minimum Requirements

Before the Vlandian clans will even consider you, key metrics need to hit certain thresholds:

Clan Tier: Must reach Clan Tier 4 or higher

Renown: 1,000+

Wealth: 1 million+ gold

Army: 150+ elite Vlandian troops

Fiefs: Own and manage 3+ castles and towns

Relations: +70 or higher with 5+ major clans

By benchmarking these targets and actively pursuing missions, battles and decisions that help you progress (covered later), you can systematically work towards qualifying for ruler. But exactly how long does achieving this take for most gamers attempting the Vlandian crown?

Typical Preparation Timeline

Becoming King is certainly not a rapid process. Based on community data analysis below, it realistically takes 80-100+ hours:

PhaseIn-Game TimeReal Hours
Early Game1-300 days10-30 hours
Mid Game300-700 days30-50 hours
End Game700-900+ days40-60+ hours

As you can see, the long road of gathering loyal vassals, conquering enemies, governing lands and completing the main story arcs to unlock all mechanics can span potentially 1000 or more in-game days.

Top players recommend being patient, not rushing the checklist, and organically growing your strength across multiple playthrough years. This builds immersion and sets you up for sustained success if selected as king.

Now let’s explore tips across early, mid and endgame…

Early Game (Days 1-300)

Focus: Raise funds, build elite party, complete quests for relations

Early on as a lowly mercenary, you have very little sway. Use this time to carefully amass resources, train up combat skills, invest perks in leadership, and help Vlandian notables with requests.

  • Develop hero skills & perks: Starting focus should be maxing Endurance, Bow, Riding, Scouting. Then work towards perks like Leader, Tactics, Steward.
  • Build 50-60 mixed troops: Train elite swordsman, sharpshooters, cavalry based on funds. Avoid going over party size limits hurting speed.
  • Do quests from notables: Prioritize issues from nobles and notables clustered near Tyal castle as a centralized base.
  • Loot bandits: Defeat forest bandit parties and sell equipment for early gold. Manual battles let you minimize casualties while getting gear.
  • Trade goods: Buy cheap grain, fish, beer from villages and sell at Vlandian towns for profit margins of 30-50% or more. This adds up quickly to ensure sufficient funds to support party’s wages.
  • Own workshops: Saving up 15k to purchase profitable workshops in towns generating 400-500 gold per day will greatly aid finances.
  • Keep at peace: Avoid declaring independent wars attacking Vlandia itself early on giving big relations penalties. Remain mercenary.
  • Court claimants: Help Vlandian lord claimants as allies against foreign enemies to gain relation boosts with their allied clans.
  • Win tournaments: Fighting in and winning tournaments raises relations with notables in bestowed towns and gives other prizes. Can do this early.

If done right, within first 100-300 days you can raise over 100k wealth, outfit a deadly party, and befriend key Vlandian clans through favors earning +20 or more positive attitudes.

Mid Game (Days 300-700)

Focus: Take lands, become vassal, manage estates

Around 300 days in, you are ready to carve out your own landed estate within Vlandia. This mid game phase is all about expanding influence.

  • Lead armies: Offer to lead Vlandian marshal armies in wars vs other factions. Earns renown and relations.
  • Take first castle: Ideally siege an undefended enemy border castle awarded by king. Own castle lets you become nobility.
  • Become vassal: Swearing oath to King Derthert gains big relation boosts with all clans. Needed for long-term prospects.
  • Capture territory: Use combined ally armies and sound tactics to claim more castles/towns from enemies during wars.
  • Develop estates: Improve militia, markets, production in your growing fiefs for increased prosperity. Manage hearths.
  • Show generosity: Donate troops to bolster friendly lord garrisons. Fund feasts in owned towns to gain local bonds. Assign good governors to handle day-to-day oversight.
  • Marry carefully: Wedding notable Vlandian ladies like Liena provides influence and political connections. She’s exceptional as party leader too.
  • Collect elite knights/sharpshooters: Expand personal party to 100-150 with top Vlandian banner knight cavalry and Fian champion archers earned through dedicated questlines.

If executing this expansion wisely, within 400 days you can hold the fealty of multiple fortified settlements, command armies of deadly warriors sworn to you, and make ready a power base for further ascension.

End Game (Days 700-900+)

Focus: Claim throne after king dies

By end game phase when you’ve became a Clan Tier 6 ruling multiple towns/castles and leading thousands with over 1,500 total renown, fate will soon call…

  • Wait for succession: Once King Derthert perishes from old age or battlefield, contigency options unlock.
  • Request election: Declare intentions and initiate voting process to clans. Leverage your vast influence through tributes to sway undecided nobles.
  • Secure alliances: Attempt to negotiate supports from the 3-4 most powerful clans by promising fiefs, payments, etc.
  • Defeat opposition: Rival claimant pretenders may arise seeking throne. Combine allied lords to overwhelm and capture these threats via battles or sieges to avoid divided empire.
  • Celebrate coronation: If clan diplomacy and battlefield victories succeed, enjoy the crowning ceremony with cheering Vlandian masses!

While brief summary makes this political shuffling sound simple, reality proves far more chaotic. Be prepared to rapidly react to events, constantly negotiate to keep nobles aligned, and fight wars on multiple fronts spawned by your unprecedented power moves.

But persevering through the subterfuge and bloodshed can earn you the ultimate validation as Monarch of all Vlandia! Rule with tact, honor and vision – but also ruthlessness when needed.

Final Tips for Prospective Kings

While guides can help set expectations of effort required, ultimately no two playthroughs prove identical. Each presents emergent challenges and opportunities. Based on collective veteran wisdom, I offer this consolidated advice:

  • Savior early funds to support lavish end game diplomacy gifts and tributes buying votes
  • Avoid major decisions alienating key factions until crowned as king
  • Develop high steward skills for managing vast estates and lordly politics
  • Master horse archery to lead armies with personal lethal skills
  • Capture enemy notables at start then release later for relation boosts
  • Build elite retinues of knights and Fians capable of swaying pivotal battles
  • Own Varcheg castle before becoming king as central capital
  • Wed Liena early for exceptional governance assistance
  • Install governors boosting militia growth rates in owned fiefs
  • Seize trade hub towns gifting you daily profits funding wars
  • Create strictly Vlandian armies by releasing foreign prisoners

In closing, through long, arduous effort across potentially over 1,000 Bannerlord days spent forging your warrior clan into an unstoppable force with vast holdings and loyal vassals…the crown of Vlandia can be seized! Rule justly and usher in an era of prosperity and conquest. Glory awaits, future king!

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