Total Number of Quests

As a Fallout: New Vegas diehard with over 500 hours logged rebuilding the Mojave Wasteland, I‘m often asked:

"Is it really possible to complete every single quest in Fallout: New Vegas?"

The answer is yes – but it requires dedication across multiple playthroughs.

Based on analysis from and my own experience, here is a comprehensive guide to conquering all of New Vegas‘ sprawling chains of quests:

Across the main game and DLCs, there are about 150 quests available in Fallout: New Vegas.

This includes:

  • 16 main quests
  • 75 side quests
  • 59 unmarked side quests/exploration activities

With all the factions warring over the Mojave Wasteland, completionists have their work cut out for them!

Quest TypeNumber
Main Quests16
Side Quests75
Unmarked Quests59

The maximum number of quests confirmed to be completable in one playthrough is 95.

So experiencing every single quest requires no less than two focused playthroughs.

Why is 100% in one play impossible? Despite some alignment flexibility, certain major faction questlines directly conflict if pursued simultaneously – most notably the NCR and Caesar‘s Legion.

However, by utilizing some key faction pardons and carefully sequencing quest milestones, you can still tackle almost everything in one thorough playthrough before mopping up stragglers in a second.

Completing all quests and fully exploring the Mojave will require a serious time investment.

Based on data aggregated from, we can estimate:

Playthrough FocusHours
Main + All Side Quests135 hours
100% Completion200+ hours

So clearing everything in two playthroughs could occupy 400+ hours for the most diligent wanderers.

While quests for factions like the Followers of the Apocalypse can generally be completed no matter who you align with, the Major Factions with deeper ties to the Hoover Dam conflict require more finesse:

FactionPlaythrough 1 Approach Playthrough 2 Approach
NCRAlly FullyOppose/Sabotage
LegionOpposeAlly Fully
Mr. HouseSupport GoalsBetray/Kill
Yes ManLeave Independent Option OpenFinish Independent Questline

This setup allows you to experience the meat of each faction‘s quests before switching adversaries on the second playthrough.

The key is securing those NCR/Legion pardons after confronting Benny early on so they excuse initial hostilities against them.

Beyond the major factions, Fallout: New Vegas hides some supremely obscure side quests in its farthest corners.

Here are a few of my favorites to uncover for bonus objectives:

  • Birds of a Feather: Help a prospector investigate her missing husband‘s fate, with a shocking twist ending. Easily missed early quest all the way down in Searchlight.
  • Come Fly With Me: Aid some zany ghouls with their totally sane rocketship dreams. Highly amusing and rewards the MIRV weapon.
  • Dealing with Contreras: Expose or conspire with a quartermaster selling supplies illegally. High Speech checks make this especially rewarding.

Completing literally every quest in Fallout: New Vegas is a monumental undertaking reserved only for the Passionate Few.

With hundreds of hours of playtime, deeply complex faction alignments, and missable unmarked objectives, it will test your patience.

But fighting through the frustration to cement your place in Mojave history is an unmatched gamer high.

Will you embrace the challenge to stand above all other Couriers? I know I won‘t rest until I‘ve unified the whole Mojave under my lone wandering flag!

Now let‘s load up this save file and make history. For glory!

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