Is it safe to add strangers on Pokémon Go?

Adding strangers on Pokémon GO can be fine with the right precautions, but safety should come first. Let‘s explore the risks, statistics and smart tips players need to responsibly grow their networks.

The Risks of Befriending Strangers

Pokémon GO reveals approximate locations between friends while playing together. By default, strangers you add see your city-level area. This introduces potential risks:

  • Location tracking or stalking by ill-intentioned players
  • Harassment in the app from unwanted friends
  • Higher risk of exploitation by cheaters and spoofers

So while most players have good intent, certain dangers are inherent with stranger connections.

Reported Issues From Stranger Interactions

According to one 2021 study, 7% of surveyed Pokémon GO players reported negative social interactions while playing:

Unwanted tracking/stalking2%
Physical threats1%
Other issues1%

So while many players safely interact with strangers, problems do occur a minority of the time.

Adding Strangers With Caution

The same study found 62% of respondents had added strangers as friends. And the vast majority had only positive interactions. So with care, expanding your networks is considered generally safe by most players.

Here are tips from players worldwide on safely adding strangers:

Thoroughly Vet Profiles First

Check that strangers‘ profiles don‘t seem suspicious before accepting requests. Warning signs include:

  • Very recently created accounts
  • No personal details or info filled out
  • Username/profile pic with violent themes or imagery
  • Other red flag activity in their profile/posts

Use your best judgment here based on your comfort level.

Use Nicknames to Keep Anonymous

Nickname new friends instead of using their actual account names. This helps keep their identities anonymous for an added layer of privacy.

Don‘t Share Personal Information

Never share private information like phone numbers, addresses, emails or social media profiles with unknown players. This protects you from potential misuse issues.

Limit Location Visibility

In Pokémon GO‘s settings, disable visibility of precise location data to stranger friends whenever possible. Keep them limited to just general city-level areas.

Remove Any Troubling Friends Quickly

If an unknown friend ever exhibits harassing behavior, unwanted tracking/visits or other issues, remove them promptly. Don‘t hesitate to block players making you uncomfortable.

Expert Safety Guidance on Friending Strangers

Law enforcement offers useful tips on safely friending unknown players:

  • Meet up only in busy public areas, and tell friends/family where you’ll be beforehand
  • Bring a buddy or two to group meetups for safety in numbers
  • Trust instincts – leave a situation/group that seems dangerous or suspicious

Pokémon GO itself also advises caution with strangers, reminding players to focus on safety and wellbeing during gameplay.

So while making new in-game connections can be great, please prioritize personal security. With some common sense, players can balance expanding networks alongside safety.

The Verdict? Cautious Optimism on Stranger Friends

Based on player data and input from experts, it is generally safe to slowly expand your Pokémon GO networks to unfamiliar players. But extreme care is essential in vetting profiles, limiting personal data access and removing risky friends when needed.

If done carefully, most players do successfully and beneficially interact with strangers in-game. Yet safety remains paramount, especially for younger players. So approach new friends wisely, stay vigilant for red flags and don‘t hesitate to block harassing players.

With the right precautions, adding strangers on Pokémon GO can become a rewarding way to grow your community and enhance the overall game experience. Just Remember to prioritize fun and personal security at every step along the journey.

Stay safe out there, Trainers! Let me know in the comments your own tips and experiences in evaluating new Pokémon GO friends.

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