Can I Plug my PS5 Controller into the Wall? Absolutely – Here‘s the Safest Way

Gamers, rejoice! I confirm it is 100% safe to juice up your DualSense by plugging into any USB charger or wall outlet. Take it from me – charging directly from an AC source won‘t fry those adaptive triggers one bit.

But with great power comes great charging responsibility. So in this guide, I‘ve compiled some key need-to-knows before you go jamming cables anywhere:

Charger Compatibility – What Are the PS5 Controller‘s Power Needs?

When it comes to DualSense charging, think 5V/1.5A minimum. That‘s the magic electricity number according to specs from our friends at Sony:

Sony DualSense Charging Station5V1.5A
Minimum third-party charger5V1.5A
Fast phone charger9-12V2-5A*

Avoid higher voltage fast chargers designed for phones – over 9V can damage battery!

So in a nutshell, any USB adapter, power bank or wall wart chucking out >= 5V and >= 1.5A will fill up your DualSense safely. More amps is fine too – the lithium battery just draws what it needs.

You likely have a bunch just lying around – check your older smartphones‘ stock chargers. I‘ve even used those chunky iPad bricks successfully!

Tracking Charge Status – Let the Colors Guide You!

While power flows into battery, watch for that iconic pulsing orange light bar. Pulsing puts on a bit of a hypnotic show during your 3 hour charging session!

Once totally full, it‘ll go dead silent with the lights off. At this point, I highly suggest unplugging to keep battery health tip-top.

You can also tap the PS home button at any time to see an on-screen battery level readout.

Optimal Charging Habits for Maximum Gaming Time

The DualSense packs some serious adaptive trigger vibrations that can sap juice quickly during intense gaming marathons. Here are my pro tips for enduring longer sessions between charges:

  • Switch up controllers while one charges – invest in a second!
  • Reduce in-game vibration and trigger feedback
  • Dim that LED brightness
  • Avoid fully draining battery when possible

Lithium-ion batteries live longest when kept above 20% and below 80% charge – so I always switch out once I hit that middle line. Doing this, I squeeze out a very respectable 15 hours average gameplay time from a single charge!

Final Verdict – Charging from the Wall is Safe for DualSense

I think we‘ve definitively proven charging from any old USB power source is A-OK:

  • Sony themselves use wall warts!
  • The 5V/1.5A rating is easy for most chargers to hit
  • Lithium batteries won‘t overcharge themselves

So don‘t sweat it – plug into that bedside phone adapter without worry my friends! Just treat the DualSense well, keep an eye on charge level, and switch out before batteries hit empty.

Happy gaming to all! Let me know in the comments if you have any other PS5 accessories charging questions.

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