Is it Safe to Delete Those Pesky Sims 4 Crash Files?

The short answer is – yes, absolutely! Deleting old Sims 4 crash, exception, and error files is perfectly safe and can actually improve your game performance.

These messy logs pile up over time, contributing to lag, glitches, and pestering "Last Exception" messages. Cleaning them out properly is like dusting off your gaming rig for a turbo speed boost!

As a seasoned Simmer and gamer, I‘ve navigated all kinds of game-breaking bugs. In this guide, let‘s explore how taking out the trash in your Sims 4 files can banish bugs and get your game running buttery smooth.

What Are All Those .crash and .excepton Files Anyway?

Whenever the Sims 4 application encounters an error, whether from a mod conflict, corrupted CC, or some random game glitch, it automatically generates log files to record the problem.

  • .crash files record game crashes
  • .exception files log errors from mods or CC conflicts

These files quickly pile up with everyday gameplay. If you‘re an avid Simmer like myself, you likely have hundreds or even thousands clogging up your game files!

Is It Safe to Delete These Crash Logs?

The game automatically regenerates new logs as needed, so deleting old ones is totally safe!

When I first started modding Sims 4 years ago, I was afraid to touch these files in case I broke my entire game.

But after digging into gaming forums, I discovered that many seasoned Simmers regularly clear out old logs with no issues.

Some however recommend keeping the 5 most recent .exception files for troubleshooting purposes when the game has active technical issues.

Clearing Crash Files – Step-by-Step

Follow these steps to safely clear crash bloat from your Sims 4 folder:

  1. Close Sims 4 through the menu correctly if open
  2. Open File Explorer and navigate to Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4
  3. Sort files by date – this makes it easier to identify the latest logs
  4. Select and delete ALL .crash files
  5. Keep 5-10 of the LATEST .exception files (if you have active issues)
  6. Also remove localthumbcache, leftoever mods, old screenshots and other temporary files

After deleting files, restart your game fully. This clears any glitches and triggers regeneration of new logs.

Pro Tip: I like to clear my crash logs after every major game patch to clean out conflicts! 

When Should You Avoid Deleting Exception Files?

The only time I avoid removing all exception files is when actively troubleshooting a specific issue in-game.

The latest logs can offer clues into what‘s causing random crashes or buggy behavior.

For example, exception files have helped me identify:

  • Outdated custom sliders causing infinite loading screens
  • UI cheats borking after big patches
  • Corrupted default replacements making all toddlers bald!

If you‘re experiencing frequent glitches, I recommend temporarily keeping the past 1-5 exception logs for analysis before mass deletion.

Just Deleting Crash Files Solved My Lag Problems!

I can‘t count how many times sweeping out old crash debris has given my game new life after a major update.

The sheer volume of these files absolutely tanks game performance over time. Less logs = faster load times!

One player reported Sims 4 file bloat consuming a nauseating 100 GB on her SSD – no wonder it turned into a slow, glitchy mess!

Clearing it out pruned the game down to a clean 35 GB, fixing lag and errors. Suffice to say, she deletes old logs religiously now!

Additional Tips to Optimize Sims 4 Performance

While deleting logs offers quick fix, other tweaks can transform lackluster performance long-term:

Tip #1: Update Your Graphics Drivers

Keeping GPU drivers updated ensures buttery frame rates and stability. Do this through GeForce Experience or manually on the manufacturer website.

Tip #2: Merge Custom Content for Faster Loading

The more individual CC files you have, the longer load times. Use Sims 4 Studio to periodically batch merge CC, reducing bloat.

Tip #3: Remove Outdated Mods Causing Conflicts

Check modder sites after each patch to identify broken mods needing removal. Also delete old mods you no longer use.

Tip #4: Adjust In-Game Settings For Performance

Tone down memory usage, disable memories, reduce resolutions, and tweak other settings aligning to your PC power.

Applying these optimization tips helps prevent crashes in the first place – so you have less logs piling up!

Wrap Up

I hope this article gives you confidence to finally clean out languishing crash files bloating up your Sims 4. Go ahead – empty that digital trash bin and marvel at the speed boost!

Just be sure to keep 5-10 of the latest exception logs if actively troubleshooting game issues. They contain valuable clues under the hood of glitchy behavior.

Now get to simming faster than ever before with these performance unlocking tips! Let me know if deleting dead weight logs solved your lag woes.

Happy simming!

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