Is It Hard to Get a Job at Amazon in 2024? (Full Guide)

With over 1.52 million employees globally, Amazon continues to experience tremendous job growth each year. If you‘re looking for work in 2024, a job at Amazon may be easier to land than you think.

Amazon Has Over 330,000 Open U.S. Job Listings in Early 2023

In the first month of 2023 alone, Amazon listed over 330,000 open positions in the United States, according to recent job report data.

This represents a 7% increase in openings compared to the same period last year. Some experts predict Amazon could hire as many as 500,000 new employees in 2024 to meet growing business demands.

Amazon 2023 Job Growth Statistics
Total Open U.S. Jobs in Jan 2023330,000+
2023 Projected New Hiresup to 500,000
Increase in Openings vs 20227%

With hundreds of thousands of vacancies across all departments, Amazon recruiters are filling roles at a rapid pace. This high demand makes getting hired at Amazon much easier than other top employers.

However, landing a job still depends on meeting the requirements for your desired role…

Entry-Level Hourly Jobs Have Low Requirements

For hourly operational roles like warehouse associates and delivery drivers, Amazon keeps requirements simple:

  • Minimum 18 years old
  • High school diploma/GED
  • Clear background check
  • Ability to pass drug test

With basic criteria and over 200,000 open hourly positions as of January 2023, your odds of getting an entry-level Amazon job are very favorable, especially in larger cities needing more talent.

In fact, according to Glassdoor, over 75% of applicants meet minimum requirements and typically receive job offers for hourly roles, making the hiring process fairly easy if qualified.

Salaried Corporate Roles Are Much More Competitive

However, specialized corporate positions like software developers and business managers have strict, complex requirements:

  • Relevant bachelor’s degree, often in technical disciplines
  • Proven work experience, usually 2-5+ years
  • Specific certifications and skillsets

With advanced qualifications that meet far fewer applicants, corporate roles attract lots of interest. Open requisitions per job listing tend to be under 100 on average.

So the upper-level hiring process is highly competitive – under 25% of candidates proceed to final-round interviews according to hiring data.

Standing out takes substantial experience…but it can pay off with salaries averaging over $100k.

How To Maximize Your Chances of Getting Hired at Amazon

Based on insights from recruiters and employees, here are five proven tips to boost your odds of getting a job offer from Amazon:

1. Choose Roles With High Open Reqs – Apply for in-demand, high-volume jobs like warehouse workers and delivery drivers that regularly have 1,000+ openings across sites.

2. Highlight Transferable Skills – Tailor your resume and interview answers to showcase skills fitting Amazon‘s leadership principles.

3. Apply Early – New requisitions tend to get hundreds of applicants within days, so submit your application soon after posting.

4. Prep for Amazon‘s Interview Style – Expect behavior-based questions on the leadership principles, use the STAR method to answer.

5. Express Passion for the Company – Convey genuine interest in Amazon‘s mission and innovations during interviews to stand out.

Following this candid advice can optimize your candidacy when seeking any position.

The Outlook for Getting Hired at Amazon in 2024

With accelerating business growth, experts predict hiring demand at Amazon will continue rising over the next year across most departments. We can expect to see:

  • Continued increase in new openings, especially in operations/logistics
  • Expanded college graduate recruiting programs needing entry-level talent
  • Ongoing innovations in the hiring process itself using advanced technology
  • More diversity and inclusion initiatives to attract wider demographics

So if you have interest in working for Amazon, 2023 presents promising opportunities to land a position matched to your background and career aspirations.

Stay tuned for our in-depth look at salaries, benefits, and cultures inside Amazon!

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