Is it Worth Buying Gwent Cards in Witcher 3? An Expert Gamers‘ Perspective

As a hardcore Witcher 3 player with over 200 hours invested, I can definitively say yes – absolutely buy every Gwent card you come across! Collecting the strongest cards enhances gameplay exponentially and unlocks must-see content for any fan. Equipping yourself with deadly decks should be a top priority.

My History with Gwent

I ignored Gwent during my first playthrough, focused solely on monster hunting and the main quest. But I realized I missed out on a deeply strategic and rewarding minigame with its own quests and rare loot.

On my NG+ playthrough, I became obsessed with collecting all Gwent cards and testing factions. Northern Realms has become my go-to for its Hero bond synergies, but I enjoy experimenting with various builds. Mastering Gwent has given me just as much satisfaction as defeating difficult bosses like Detlaff or the Toad Prince.

Now with over 100 hours spent on Gwent matches alone, I‘m confident my expertise can help guide new players on optimizing their card collecting strategy.

Key Reasons Collecting Gwent Cards is Essential

1. Unlocks New, Engaging Content

Successfully progressing in the Gwent side quests by defeating opponents unlocks some amazing content that should not be missed. For example, besting Tybalt, the dwarven Gwent master in Novigrad, grants you an invitation to the elite High Stakes Gwent tournament. This tournament features unique characters, special rules, and excellent rewards.

Many of the toughest opponents have special cards that can only be won by beating them. Defeating the Owner of the Kingfisher Inn gets you the powerful neutral card Geralt of Rivia.

2. Allows You to Build Meta Decks & Strategies

The wider your card collection, the more tactical options you have for crafting competitive decks fine-tuned to dominate the field.

For example, mustering a "Spy Deck" centers around using your opponent‘s spies against them while reusing your own spies with medic cards. A weather-focused deck applies biting frost, torrential rain, or scorching sun to devastate armies.

But these strategies need the right cards to work. The more Gwent cards you buy and win, the deadlier combinations you can unleash!

3. Essential for the Collect ‘Em All Quest

This epic side quest tasks you with collecting every Gwent card available in the Northern Realms. Completing it bestows bragging rights and a new legendary card. But achieving it requires buying up every card merchant you encounter and winning ones from playing innkeepers, blacksmiths, and quest givers. Optimize your route to visit every vendor possible and don‘t pass up a single card!

Best Places to Buy Gwent Cards

I‘ve painstakingly tracked down all the vendors and characters who sell cards or provide them as quest rewards. Refer to this list when seeking to expand your collection:

Merchant LocationNotes
White Orchard InnkeeperSells 3 cards. Stock refreshes occasionally.
Innkeeper at Seven Cats InnSells 4 random cards.
Midcopse MerchantSells 3 random cards. Also check his treasure hunt quest.
Claywich MerchantMust clear bandits first. Sells 2 cards.
Lindenvale Merchant2 cards for sale.
Crow‘s Perch Quartermaster3 cards for sale.
Inn at the Crossroads Innkeeper1 card for sale, 1 card for winning Gwent

This table shows the top vendors but exclude characters you play against. Be sure to challenge every merchant, blacksmith, and quest giver to matches since victory earns you a card!

I also created an in-depth Gwent card location guide showing every possible card across Velen and Novigrad.

Crafting Meta Northern Realms Decks

Collecting cards enables you to experiment with various deck builds. I‘d like to showcase my favorite, the Hero-Bond Northern Realms build that utilizes muster abilities and tight synergy:

Blue Stripes Commando36Bond with other copies. Gain strength when bonded.
Blue Stripes Scout24Bond with other copies. Summons all copies.
Kaedweni Cavalry35Gain strength with inclement weather.
Priscilla15Heal an ally, reuse a card from discard pile.
Geralt115Scorch highest enemy if you win round.
Commander‘s Horn2N/ADouble all your allies on a row.

This deck packs excellent synergy with units bonding and supporting each other. Muster abilities put multiple copies of units out quickly. Geralt and Commander‘s Horn provide essential finishing power.

Against monster or Nilfgaard decks, consider swapping in biting frost weather cards to counter the swarm tactics.

But hundreds of combinations are possible by tailoring your build to counter enemies!

Key Tactics

  • Use leader ability frequently to draw 2 extra cards
  • Make sure Blue Stripes Commandos are next to each other to enable bonding
  • Save Decoy cards to reuse your hero cards like Geralt
  • Drop Commander‘s Horn on stacked rows for massive power spikes!

Final Verdict – Buy Every Gwent Card!

Hopefully my years of experience have showcased why collecting cards is hugely worthwhile for progressing in Gwent and accessing special story content. The mini game presents an engrossing challenge that enhances the entire Witcher 3 experience.

I highly suggest every player buy all cards they see from merchants to build impressive decks that crush any opponent! Carefully test out next-level strategies by utilizing weather, spies, medics, and muster abilities in combination with hero cards like Geralt and Ciri.

Dominating the field with tailored decks you‘ve crafted through collecting cards delivers gaming euphoria. Trust me, devote yourself to becoming the ultimate Gwent champion!

Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m always seeking to discuss Gwent tips and tactics with fellow fans.

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