Is it worth keeping Frost in Skyrim?

As a long-time Elder Scrolls enthusiast and self-proclaimed horse connoisseur in Skyrim, I am here to definitively state that Frost is one of the best horses in the game and well worth pursuing and keeping in your stables.

Frost‘s Origins – A Prized Steed

But what makes Frost so special exactly? Well, his backstory reveals why he‘s coveted by some as a supreme mount. Frost is actually the personal horse of Louis Letrush from the Riften Stables. However, Maven Black-Briar craves Frost for herself and tasks you with stealing this magnificent beast during the "Promises to Keep" Thieves Guild questline.

It‘s clear Frost is no ordinary pack mule, but rather a prized steed worthy of theft plots by Skyrim’s power players!

How to Make Frost Your Own

When you successfully purloin Frost, you must persuade Letrush to relinquish ownership rights to truly cement the majestic Frost as your new companion. This isn’t easy, but once accomplished grants you an exceptional mount.

Frost‘s Stats and How He Compares

So what makes Frost numerically special? His stats reveal precisely why he triumphs over most horses as seen in this handy comparison table:

Shadowmere1000250Very Fast
Basic Horse38288Average

As shown, Frost exceeds basic horses with 50% more health and 70% higher stamina reserves. While Shadowmere edges out Frost statistically, Frost has vastly more utility than your average Old Nag.

Advantages of Frost

Here‘s what gives Frost extraordinary practical value compared to typical mounts:

  • Blazing overland movement speed – traversing Skyrim’s epic terrain is swifter
  • Hit-and-run combat versatility – soften foes then evade counterattacks
  • Heightened toughness – survives combat encounters standard horses can’t
  • Great stamina reserves – longer sprints across the tundra

For exploring, questing, gathering loot, or general transport – Frost excels fantastically.

Using Frost in Battle and Adventure

Now I’ll share some key tips for maximizing Frost’s advantages out in the field based on my extensive playtime:


Frost allows superb hit-and-run tactics:

  1. Gallop straight towards distant targets
  2. Unleash devastating archery or magic attacks
  3. Frost‘s speed lets you outrun most threat‘s counterattacks
  4. Repeat strafing runs whittling down groups of hostiles from relative safety

With sufficient health to absorb incidental blows, Frost is a combat force multiplier compared to regular horses!

Adventuring Across Skyrim

For exploring dungeons, traversing terrain, finishing quests, or gathering crafting ingredients, Frost provides:

  • Vastly improved overland movement speed to minimize travel times
  • Ability to more rapidly close distances even when overencumbered
  • Safety from fall damage due to horses negating this while riding

In my time as the Dragonborn, Frost has been an invaluable asset shaving hours off navigation across Skyrim‘s epic landscapes.

What Do Other Fans Say About Frost?

Curious what fellow Skyrim gamers highlight regarding Frost’s strengths? Across various forums and websites, some community perspectives include:

“Frost is hands down the best option until you finish the Dark Brotherhood questline for Shadowmere”

“I always keep Frost in my stable even though I have Shadowmere as backup…he‘s just too useful not to!”

“Frost is an absolute beast when it comes to mobility and combat. You won’t regret choosing him!”

The consensus seems clear – seasoned players widely endorse Frost as a top-tier mount.

My Personal History with Frost

As for my own adventures, Frost has been loyally by my side through every major milestone and legendary accomplishment as the Dragonborn.

I still fondly remember first harnessing his fearsome strengths after claiming Frost as my own – I knew immediately this was a horse who could keep pace with The College of Winterhold‘s Archmage!

Together we have felled mighty dragons, explored long lost Nordic ruins, and collected every Daedric artifact gifted by the Princes themselves.

Throughout it all, Frost exhibited steadfast bravery and speed which has cemented his place in my personal "Hall of Fame" of Skyrim allies. Though I eventually claimed Shadowmere, obtaining a second near-invincible mount, I choose to keep Frost readily available due to our shared history and his tremendous early-game impact.

So in summary – to any fellow Dovahkiin reading this who has yet to take the auspicious Frost as their own – do not hesitate any longer! Frost will provide you with an incredible early-game advantage against Skyrim’s myriad threats while leaving you with memories of an extraordinary mount.

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