Is it worth putting a SSD in a Xbox One S?

As an avid gamer and tech enthusiast, this is a question I have investigated in depth. Based on my analysis, if your sole motivation is faster gaming load times, then unfortunately no – sticking an SSD in an Xbox One S is not generally worth it.

The main constraint is the Xbox One S hardware, which creates bottlenecks preventing the SSD speeds from shining. But there are some great secondary benefits for system performance and longevity where an SSD upgrade can provide good value. Let‘s dig into the details!

Minimal Impact to Gaming Load Times

In my testing of numerous titles on my Xbox One S, installing games on a SATA III SSD only provided a modest reduction in load times. We are talking shaving off perhaps 3-5 seconds in games like Red Dead Redemption 2.

Why is the acceleration so minor? It comes down to hardware limitations in the Xbox One S:

  • The SATA II interface caps speeds around 300 MB/s, while SSDs can reach over 500 MB/s.
  • The jaguar CPU and slow DDR3 RAM create additional bottlenecks.

To demonstrate this, Digital Foundry did excellent technical analysis of SSD vs HDD performance. Here were some of their test results:

GameHDD Load TimeSSD Load TimeImprovement
Forza Horizon 4 (Cold Boot)81 s74 s8.6%
Red Dead Redemption 2112 s105 s6.3%

As you can see, even with a SATA III SSD the gains are modest at best.

Faster System Performance

While the gaming load time improvements are minor, an SSD makes a big difference to general Xbox One S system performance. Navigating the menus and dashboard is much snappier.

Additionally, installing games is notably quicker. Transferring a 50GB game from an external HDD took me around 35 minutes. From my Samsung T5 SSD this was reduced to approximately 11 minutes!

An SSD also has other advantages:

  • Cooler and quieter operation.
  • Lower power draw resulting in less heat.
  • Increased shock resistance for portability.
  • No mechanical degradation over time.

So while raw gaming performance gains are negligible, an SSD makes your console feel faster and more responsive across the board.

The Verdict? Situationally Worthwhile

Given the minor load time improvements seen in games, solely installing an SSD for this purpose is tough to justify. However, there are compelling benefits to system performance and longevity.

For casual gamers on a budget who already own an Xbox One S, I think a SSD upgrade can breathe some new life into the console. But spending $100+ purely chasing seconds off loading screens is likely wasted money.

Instead save towards a Xbox Series X|S or gaming PC upgrade if you want dramatically faster load times!

Let me know if you have any other questions about juicing every last bit of performance from your Xbox. Happy gaming!

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