Should You Use the Level 80 Boost in Guild Wars 2?

As a passionate Guild Wars 2 player with hundreds of hours across multiple character classes, I get asked often – should you use the level 80 boost?

My topline answer is yes, the boost is extremely valuable, but not universally so. New and veteran players alike can benefit, but how much depends on your personal goals and playstyle in GW2.

Below I‘ll analyze the pros, cons, and other considerations that go into deciding if YOU should boost or level manually. My aim is to equip you with the full picture so you can make the best choice.

Let‘s start with an overview of what exactly the level 80 boost provides:

What You Get from the Level 80 Boost

  • Character instantly set to level 80 (max level)
  • Full set of level 80 exotic armor/weapons
  • Access to all level 80 content and elite specializations
  • Approximately 60-100+ hours of leveling time saved

Those rewards are certainly enticing and make the boost super useful for many players. However there are some tradeoffs we need to dig into…

Pros of Using the Level 80 Boost

Jumping into endgame faster – This is the biggest reason to boost. Hitting level 80 nearly instantly unlocks ALL endgame content like:

  • High tier fractals
  • Raids
  • Challenge mode dungeons
  • Epic meta event boss trains
  • Competitive PvP game modes

It can take new players weeks or longer reaching those gameplay options manually. Boosting accelerates you there rapidly.

Catching up with friends/guilds– Playing with friends makes GW2 exponentially more fun. If your buddies are already 80, boosting lets you join them faster for all that juicy endgame.

Saving significant time – How much time? Here‘s a comparison:

Leveling MethodHours to 80

Boosting saves you potentially 100+ hours working through core Tyria. That‘s hugely valuable time for many players with limited schedules.

Unfamiliar classes made easier – Trying a new class can be daunting from level 1. Boosting lets you test drive a 80 before committing, making alts more approachable.

Cons of Boosting

Missing core content – Leveling through natural progression exposes you to more stories, maps, side activities and teaches the basics of your class. Skipping to 80 misses some world building.

Potentially overwhelming – Jumping straight to 80 with limited knowledge of your skills and gear systems can be intimidating at first. Leveling gradually eases that learning curve.

Devalues rewards – Obtaining mounts, elite gear and gold carries more weight combined with the journey to 80. Boosting lessens the sense of accomplishment a bit.

As you can see it‘s a tradeoff – convenience, friends and endgame access versus natural progression and core content. Which brings us to…

When Should YOU Use the Level 80 Boost?

Should you boost your character or level manually? Here is some guidance for a few common scenarios:

Completely New Players

  • Recommendation – Level first character manually, boost alts after.
  • Why – Learn the game properly first, take the journey and appreciate core Tyria before endgame.

Veterans Starting an Alt

  • Recommendation – Yes, absolutely boost alts!
  • Why – You don‘t need to work through the basics again. Quick access to elite specs and endgame.

Returning After Long Absence

  • Recommendation – Case-by-case, consider goals and past experience.
  • Why – Depends how seasoned you were originally and current focus – PvE, WvW, raids, etc.

Group of Friends Buying GW2

  • Recommendation – Boost to play together ASAP!
  • Why – Enabling group play fast is crucial. Catch up then take time with alts later.

As you can see, the value of boosting shifts across common scenarios players fall into. Consider your own goals and style as you decide.

Now let‘s move on to some other insightful considerations around boosting…

Other Key Considerations Around Boosting

Endgame Progression Systems

Here are some vital 80 progression systems to work through even if you boost:

  • Elite specializations – Require hero points to train, similar to core class.
  • Masteries – Various systems to unlock like mounts, raiding tools.
  • Gear – Ascended and legendary equipment for high tier content.

So while boosting accelerates you to 80 quickly, you still have key progress paths ahead of you at endgame.

Gear Sets From Boosting

The boost automatically grants two gear sets:

  • PvE Power DPS – Great start for most PvE content like meta events or dungeons.
  • PvP Celestial amulet – Flexible starter PvP build to tweak further.
Gear SetDetails
PvE Power DPSExotics with Berserker stats (Power, Precision, Ferocity)
PvP CelestialCelestial amulet and accessory pieces

This gear gives you solid level 80 foundations to then perfect further.

Key Bindings

Boosting dumps you into 80 with a potential mountain of new skills and options you aren‘t yet familiar with. Take some time to set up your key bindings and UI closely to how you eventually want to play. This will ease the transition shock and help build essential muscle memory.

Summarizing When to Boost

While the level 80 boost yields huge rewards and convenience, how worthwhile it is depends on your specific goals and style in GW2. Consider the following:

Worth Boosting For

  • Endgame focused players
  • Group players who want to catch up
  • Veteran players with limited time
  • Alts after your first character

Worth Leveling Manually For

  • Newer players still learning
  • Players focused heavily on lore
  • Those who enjoy slower progression
  • Completionist players on first character

Analyze based on your own play patterns and priorities who best fits those archetypes. This will lead to if spending the boost is worthwhile currently.

The key is what enables you to play the game how you most enjoy it NOW. The boost allows that flexibility – take advantage by matching it to your style.

You can always change approaches later and level manually too. GW2 is very alt friendly for trying different avenues.

In Closing

While instantly hitting 80 doesn‘t teach you every system or unlock every mastery, what it DOES do is open up the entire endgame almost immediately. This enables you to play precisely the content you find most fun rather than dragging through hours of leveling first.

Spend the time you saved exploring elite specs, chasing hero points, looting exotic gear, and battling champions. Or hit sPvP and test your mettle against other players.

You can always come back later and experience missed leveling content when you want a change of pace.

So maximize your enjoyment in GW2 by utilizing the boost strategically based on how you prefer to play. Let it accelerate you into your personal endgame so your journey to 80 ultimately feels rewarding either way.

What natural leveling lacks in convenience and speed, it makes up for in completeness and satisfaction over time. Finding the right balance is key.

Now get out there, use your boost judiciously based on this guide, and start carving your legend into Tyria and beyond!

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